What People Are Commenting
New Age Nuns, Hermeneutics & Cordileone
Carving Egg Shells
Dear TIA,
I am a daily follower of your site and I can well magine the great effort you make to post daily updates with new material on such serious matters.
Here is my contribution to give you a little rest. Why don't you and your readers watch this powerpoint showing the amazing art work and stupendous patience of these almost unkonwn artists? They carve egg shells and make veritable jewels.of them
See for yourselves - and enjoy.
In Christ and Mary,
I am a daily follower of your site and I can well magine the great effort you make to post daily updates with new material on such serious matters.
Here is my contribution to give you a little rest. Why don't you and your readers watch this powerpoint showing the amazing art work and stupendous patience of these almost unkonwn artists? They carve egg shells and make veritable jewels.of them
See for yourselves - and enjoy.
In Christ and Mary,
The 'Conservative' Cordileone
“Pope Benedict XVI Names Viciously Anti-Gay Priest as Archbishop of San Francisco” - Reading headlines like this one on the appointment of Salvatore Cordileone as new Archbishop of San Francisco, you get the impression here is a strong uncompromising priest on the homosexual issue.
Not so. A quick check on the TIA search showed three pieces by Lyle Arnold that reveal Cordileone as having paid his dues to the progressivist agenda, even on the homosexual issue.
[First piece] Most shocking, he contributed a positive introduction to the blatantly pro-homosexual book Setting the Table: Preparing Catholic Parishes to Welcome Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and Their Families by James A. Schexnayder.
[Second piece] Next we see him participating in the cover-up for Cardinal Ratzinger in his cover-up for sex offender priest Fr. Kiesle. Perhaps now is pay-back time…
Third we see him mandating receiving communion standing, calling kneeling for communion “inappropriate.”
So much for our “conservative” new Archbishop. Relatively speaking, he is better than his predecessor. Absolutely speaking, he is a progressivist. I believe the Church used to speak in absolutes.
Viva Cristo Rey!
“Pope Benedict XVI Names Viciously Anti-Gay Priest as Archbishop of San Francisco” - Reading headlines like this one on the appointment of Salvatore Cordileone as new Archbishop of San Francisco, you get the impression here is a strong uncompromising priest on the homosexual issue.
Not so. A quick check on the TIA search showed three pieces by Lyle Arnold that reveal Cordileone as having paid his dues to the progressivist agenda, even on the homosexual issue.
[First piece] Most shocking, he contributed a positive introduction to the blatantly pro-homosexual book Setting the Table: Preparing Catholic Parishes to Welcome Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and Their Families by James A. Schexnayder.
[Second piece] Next we see him participating in the cover-up for Cardinal Ratzinger in his cover-up for sex offender priest Fr. Kiesle. Perhaps now is pay-back time…
Third we see him mandating receiving communion standing, calling kneeling for communion “inappropriate.”
So much for our “conservative” new Archbishop. Relatively speaking, he is better than his predecessor. Absolutely speaking, he is a progressivist. I believe the Church used to speak in absolutes.
Viva Cristo Rey!
Hermeneutics Series
Dear Atila,
I have just found the Hermeneutics series on the website. What a wonderful and valuable series! We are laying the plans for a study group to start in the fall. Several have read the Our Lady of Good Success book and seen the movie and were amazed and enthused.
This is just a short note to thank you for this series. It’s just what we need. We are excited about the articles.
I have just found the Hermeneutics series on the website. What a wonderful and valuable series! We are laying the plans for a study group to start in the fall. Several have read the Our Lady of Good Success book and seen the movie and were amazed and enthused.
This is just a short note to thank you for this series. It’s just what we need. We are excited about the articles.
Hermeneutics of Rupture
Dear Atila,
Thank you for your continued analysis of Vatican II. I especially appreciated your comments at the end of this article - the last in the series.
With many prayers for your continued good health, courage and abilities.
Thank you for your continued analysis of Vatican II. I especially appreciated your comments at the end of this article - the last in the series.
With many prayers for your continued good health, courage and abilities.
A Pope with Devilish Eyes
"Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him. But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil."
Who said this quote as I have never read of it. Lucy? What is the rest of the vision?
TIA responds:
This quote comes from a supposed Third Secret of Fátima, which came to public attention in April 2010. It is a letter that has many of the characteristics of the real secret, as described by those witnesses who saw the document from a distance.
The publication of it on our website generated much talk. You may follow the entire controversy checking the items in this list.
TIA correspondence desk
"Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him. But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil."
Who said this quote as I have never read of it. Lucy? What is the rest of the vision?
TIA responds:
This quote comes from a supposed Third Secret of Fátima, which came to public attention in April 2010. It is a letter that has many of the characteristics of the real secret, as described by those witnesses who saw the document from a distance.
The publication of it on our website generated much talk. You may follow the entire controversy checking the items in this list.
TIA correspondence desk
Gay Agenda in America
When do you plan to update your website on the gay agenda? I found the information very useful but some of the references are no longer valid. The read is very interesting and the gay mission statement should be updated as well.
TIA responds:
Hello K.L.,
You are welcome to send us more recent data on the homosexual agenda. As far as we know, however, our website is one of the more updated and encompassing places with statistics on homosexuality. You may check them here.
TIA correspondent desk
When do you plan to update your website on the gay agenda? I found the information very useful but some of the references are no longer valid. The read is very interesting and the gay mission statement should be updated as well.
TIA responds:
Hello K.L.,
You are welcome to send us more recent data on the homosexual agenda. As far as we know, however, our website is one of the more updated and encompassing places with statistics on homosexuality. You may check them here.
TIA correspondent desk
Lastest from China’s Persecution
Jul. 27, 2012 - CNS - HARBIN, China - Chinese government officials have forced seven priests in Heilongjiang province who resisted the illicit episcopal ordination of Father Joseph Yue Fusheng of Harbin to leave their parishes, local Catholic Church sources said.
The action was taken, the sources said, to force the priests to "repent for their wrongdoing," reported the Asian church news agency UCA News.
The priests are either staying with parishioners, returned to their hometowns or have fled to other provinces, according to the sources.
Prior to the July 6 ordination, religious officials within the Chinese government warned that disobedient priests would face dire consequences. In recent weeks, they ordered priests with "dissatisfactory performances" to take three months of leave for self-examination, sources said.
The seven priests were either absent from the ordination or openly expressed their opposition to Father Yue, who did not receive a papal mandate and is seen as being too close to the government.
The Vatican declared that Father Yue incurred automatic excommunication for participating in the illicit ceremony. Despite the action, he continues to celebrate Mass in bishop's garb.
The action was taken, the sources said, to force the priests to "repent for their wrongdoing," reported the Asian church news agency UCA News.
The priests are either staying with parishioners, returned to their hometowns or have fled to other provinces, according to the sources.
Prior to the July 6 ordination, religious officials within the Chinese government warned that disobedient priests would face dire consequences. In recent weeks, they ordered priests with "dissatisfactory performances" to take three months of leave for self-examination, sources said.
The seven priests were either absent from the ordination or openly expressed their opposition to Father Yue, who did not receive a papal mandate and is seen as being too close to the government.
The Vatican declared that Father Yue incurred automatic excommunication for participating in the illicit ceremony. Despite the action, he continues to celebrate Mass in bishop's garb.

Posted August 2, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Once again we see the rather sad spectacle of the LCWR "New Age Nuns" (here & here), highlighted by Barbara Maczek.
I understand the Vatican officials are holding an inquiry into the activities of some of these orders. They are wasting their time! The Vatican should instead take the robust action required. These "Sisters" should be given one month to don the traditional habit and veil of their orders. They should be required to sign a promise that they will, once again, live by their traditional Rule and agree to present themselves for a one year "re-novitiate," under the authority of traditional novice mistresses.
The Vatican should appoint sound traditional Priests to act as spiritual directors for these Sisters. After this one year period, I believe it would be appropriate for the newly re-trained Sisters to spend a period of six months making reparation and doing penance for their errors. After that time, they could take up the traditional roles of their orders. I would further suggest that all such Sisters remain on "probation" for a period of ten years. This would solve the problem. "Sisters" who refused this plan of moral and spiritual re-training should be dismissed from their order for breach of contract; a "contract" they made with Almighty God.
There is of course, no chance of this happening, unless by Divine Intervention. We should not be too worried, however. These orders have, it seems, no attraction for the growing numbers of conservative young ladies in the United States wishing to enter religious life. In the next two decades, most of these orders will have ceased to exist as they simply have no "new blood" entering. It is rather sad, in particular, when one considers the sacrifices and idealism of their foundresses.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland