NEWS: June 29, 2012
Bird’s Eye View of the News
Atila Sinke Guimarães
THE OFFICIAL HERMENEUTICS OF RUPTURE - IV - The moment has arrived to end this series by listing some main initiatives of the conciliar Popes and official Vatican stances that have completely changed the face of the Catholic Church.
I believe that such list, added to the three previous articles with statements of Popes, Prelates and theologians saying that they wanted to revolutionize the Church [parts one, two and three], can convince Catholics that Benedict XVI’s “hermeneutics of continuity” is not a valid way to interpret Vatican II. “Hermeneutics of continuity,” as the reader may recall, is an attempt to present the Council as an organic transition from the traditional past of the Church – and not as the revolution that it really was.
Here is a summary of significant changes made by Vatican II or in its wake that differ significantly from the previous positions of the Church:
1. The dogma of the Holy Trinity has been shelved to foster the sophism that Catholics and Muslims adore the same God.
/bv148_JewMusl.jpg) To please Jews and Muslims the conciliar Popes have hidden Catholic Doctrine |
2. The dogma that Our Lord Jesus Christ is God has been stifled to accommodate dialogue with Jews, who do not admit it.
3. The dogma of God as a Transcendent Being distinct from the universe has been substituted with a God immanent in the evolutionist process, history and man.
4. The dogma of original sin and the account of the Genesis on the origin of man have been frontally denied to fit the theory of the universal evolution of the species.
5. The dogma of the Redemption of mankind by Our Lord has lost its meaning, since without original sin there is no need to be redeemed.
6. The dogma of the Ascension has been openly denied by Benedict XVI as a misinterpretation of the words of the Gospel.
7. The dogma of the Resurrection was reinterpreted as being part of evolution: Christ was the first man to become God, and now all mankind is getting ready to follow Him in that step.
8. The concept of Revelation radically changed: Instead of being what God revealed in the Old and New Testaments, now it is what each one can discern of “divine revelation” inside his soul, society or history.
9. The objectivity of the books and letters of the New Testament has been denied to accommodate various Protestant schools of criticism.
10. The dogma that grace is a created gift has been denied to present grace as an essential immanence of God in man to transform him into a new species.
11. The Catholic concept of Sacrament has been abandoned as “superstitious” and “magic,” replaced by new interpretations based on “evolution,” “communion” or “social” themes.
12. Accordingly, the Holy Eucharist has also assumed new interpretations and is no longer considered as the true Body of Christ.
/bv148_Luther.jpg) A smiling Benedict XVI receives a prayer written by Luther, but is terse with Mariology |
13. The Marian dogmas have been downplayed, and Mariology has been put aside to favor ecumenism with Protestants.
14. In particular, the dogma of the virginity of the Most Blessed Mary has been frontally denied.
15. Heaven, Hell and Purgatory have been continuously denied in the last 30 years by John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
16. The dogma extra Ecclesia nulla salus has been frontally denied by the common conciliar teaching that universal salvation exists for all who have good will.
17. The modernist doctrine of the evolution of dogma has been fostered by the conciliar Popes, thus making relative all the dogmatic formulations of the past.
The Church
18. It has been broadly spread that Jesus Christ did not want to institute the Church; rather, this was done by churchmen unduly imitating the Roman Empire.
19. The Church’s institution that developed after the catacombs - the Constantinian Church - has been presented as a sinning Church. Therefore, she must return to her origins when she was poor and powerless.
/bv148_Pius12.jpg) The magnificent external glorification of the Papacy is now considered a sin |
20. Reinforcing this idea that the Church is a sinner, Paul VI, John Paul and Benedict XVI haveasked forgiveness for her past “errors” on many occasions.
21. From Vatican II on, the Church has been presented as in need of a continuous reform, a notion inspired by Luther.
22. The Church has been presented as a pilgrim Church that should abandon the dogmas, moral norms, traditions, liturgies, rules, customs and institutions that give her stability.
23. According to Benedict XVI, the Church must give up her grand ceremonies and buildings to gather her faithful in small groups in private places.
24. The Church has ceased to present herself as the Church Militant, instead has called herself Church Sacrament of Salvation, turned toward uniting mankind independent of its different faiths.
25. The Church has ceased to present herself as monarchical, and instead has taken on the concept Church People of God. Pope and Bishops have been no longer considered first as representatives of Christ, but as servants of the people of God.
26. The Church has ceased to present herself as the one and only Ark of Salvation; instead, Vatican II and the conciliar Popes have fostered the notion that she is only the first of many “churches” that also lead to salvation.
The Papacy
Regarding the power to govern, the conciliar Popes have surrendered their monarchic power to gradually assume the air of constitutional monarchs. A “collegial” form of government has been installed, which includes:
27. More frequent calls by the conciliar Popes to the College of Cardinals to meet in the Consistory to discuss every extraordinary problem of the Church, as if this College were a high chamber of lords or senators.
/bv148_Synod.jpg) Established by Paul VI, the Synod of Bishop is meant to foster democracy in the Church
/bv148_Synod2.jpg) |
28. The establishment of a permanent Synod of Bishops in Rome, which gathers regularly to discuss general problems of the Church, acting as a low chamber of representatives. Although this body still does not have a deliberative power, on some occasions the Popes have suggested it should.
29. At each Synod the issuing of an apostolic exhortation – a compilation of the Bishops’ speeches – that is merely signed by the Pope without any substantial changes, sending the message that he acts as a constitutional monarch.
30. The power of the Pope and the Roman Congregations has greatly diminished by the establishment of a Conference of Bishops in each country or region of the world, which acts as a de facto supreme democratic body to decide what the Catholic Church will do in that country or region.
31. The frequent travels of the conciliar Popes and their participation in spectacular public appearances, which offers evidence that little time is left for them to seriously govern the Catholic Church.
32. The establishment of a new Code of Canon Law in which the fundamental emphasis changed from protecting the rights of God and His Church to protecting the rights of each individual in the Church.
33. A radical decentralization of the Roman Curia that offers growing liberty to the “local churches,” favoring their breaking away from papal control.
Regarding the power to teach the Faith, the conciliar Popes have given up their coercive power to curb and correct error by means of many measures, which include:
34. Changing the name of the Supreme Congregation of the Holy Office - also recognized by its former name of the Inquisition against the Perfidy and Contumacy of Heretics - to Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
35. Abolishing the Index of Forbidden Books.
36. Establishing a de facto liberty of thought, speech and press inside the Church, rarely issuing censures against erroneous opinions held by Catholic theologians, institutions and journals or magazines.
/bv148_Assisi.jpg) At Assisi Benedict XVI welcomes all false sects disregarding the glory of God; below, venerating Jewish books at the New York synagogue
/bv148_Synagogue.jpg) |
37. Overlooking errors, heresies and blasphemies against God, the Most Holy Virgin Mary and His Saints, as well as past and present crimes against the Church and Catholics committed by Schismatic, heretic, Jewish and pagan sects.
38. Warmly receiving those same sects with open arms as if they were well-intentioned and had the same aims as the Catholic Church.
39. Joining with them in efforts to build a Godless Pan-religion coincident with the Masonic utopia (here, here, here & here).
40. Visiting Protestant temples (here & here) and associations, synagogues (here & here) and mosques (here & here) and praising such false religions in these places.
41. Effectively eradicating the role of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, which before Vatican II was the most powerful Congregation of the Church, since conversions are no longer the goal of the Conciliar Church.
42. Instead, giving greater importance to the three new Pontifical Councils for the Union of Christians, of Non-Christians & of Non-Believers.
43. Signing doctrinal agreements with various branches of the Protestant heresy wherein many points of the Catholic Faith are either denied or set aside.
44. Replacing the Catechism of Trent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in which all the basic Catholic doctrines are presented under a progressivist light.
45. Radically changing the diplomacy of the Holy See with States: instead of defending the rights of the Catholic Faith, the Apostolic Nuncios call for “religious liberty” for all religions, a practical denial of the oneness of the Catholic Faith.
Regarding the power to teach Morals, the conciliar Popes have been changing Catholic Morals to adapt it to the revolutionary customs of modern man by means of many measures, which include:
46. Allowing confessors to change the notion of sin, no longer considered as what offends God and transgresses His Commandments, but rather actions inspired by “egoism.” In such case, an act against chastity made “to help the partner fulfill her/his personality” and not by “egoism” is no longer considered a sin.
/bv148_Bardot.jpg) JPII receiving Brigitte Bardot, the first woman to appear naked in a non-pornographic movie |
47. Overlooking scandalous situations in which couples live together without being married.
48. Implicitly supporting such situations in the World Youth Days where countless unmarried couples travel together, camp in the same tents and make ostensive shows of tenderness
here &
49. Allowing Cardinals of the Roman Curia and Bishops Conferences to publicly declare themselves favorable to the use of contraceptives in particular cases.
50. Issuing equivocal papal declarations that the use of the condom may be “the first step toward morality” for prostitutes.
51. Transferring the decision-making process for marriage annulments from the Roman Rota to local diocesan tribunals, which annul marriages with such ease that it is tantamount to establishing divorce.
52. Allowing many Bishops’ Conferences to approve that Communion be given to divorced and re-married Catholics.
53. Issuing ambiguous censures of homosexuality in which non-active homosexuals are assured the right to be received everywhere, even in seminaries.
54. Receiving in papal audiences movie stars or pop artists of scandalous lives, implicitly admitting them as models to be imitated, and permitting the Vatican L’Osservatore Romano to praise pop singers and movie stars (here,
here & here).
55. Receiving in papal audiences in Rome or on papal trips women who are bare-breasted, bare-legged or in immodest circus apparel (here,here andhere).
56. Receiving in papal audience male gymnasts with bare torsos.
Regarding the power to teach social doctrine, the conciliar Popes have been changing the approach of the Church on many social issues and movements, which include:
57. Abandoning the fight against Communism by forbidding mention of its name in the Vatican II documents.
58. The inauguration and development of Vatican Ostpolitik - maintaining good relations with Communist States (here, here, here & here) and living under their rule without criticizing Communism or teaching Catholic doctrine on private property.
59. Taking an extreme left position on social issues by writing the papal encyclicals Mater & Magistra, Pacem in terram, Populorum progressio, Octogesima adveniens, Laborem excersens, Centesimus annus and Caritas in veritate.
60. Promoting the policy of “liberation theology” and the “preferential option for the poor” in Medellin (1968) and in Puebla (1979), which led the Latin American Bishops into the social struggle against private property and Capitalism and the regimes that supported them.
61. Increasing the support of the Church for socialist regimes, laws and initiatives that directly or indirectly attack the principle of private property.
62. Supporting failing Communist regimes in many countries, for example, Poland (here & here), Russia (here & here) and Cuba (here & here).
/bv148_Gorbac.jpg) When Gorbachev's stability faltered, JPII rushed to help by receiving him at the Vatican; when Communism threatened to fall in Cuba, Benedict rushed to reinforce the old tyrants
/bv148_Fidel.jpg) |
63. Approving the principles of the French Revolution - liberty, equality, fraternity - under the pretext that they can have a Christian interpretation.
64. Inserting in the papal agenda the defense of human rights according to the Declaration of the Rights of Man made by the French Revolution.
65. Supporting and visiting the United Nations (here, here & here), the organ for the Universal Republic, representative of Freemasonry and opposed to the Catholic ideal of Christendom.
66. Defending that democracy be installed throughout the world and virtually denying the legitimacy of any other regime (monarchy and aristocracy).
67. Adhering to the Marxist motto that any economic difference among men, social classes, regions or countries is necessarily unjust.
I stop here at number 67 of my list, because this article has already passed 2,000 words - double the normal length of this column. Should I go on, it would run the risk of not being read.
Notwithstanding, I could continue for some time listing the changes promoted by the new Popes in the Liturgy, the rites of the Sacraments, Piety, Asceticism, Canonizations, Indulgences and Religious Orders. The winds of Vatican II blown by the recent Popes have also changed the Architecture of the churches as well as the Sacred Art inside them, destroying most of the traditional altars, pulpits, Communion rails, statues and paintings to please the Protestants, and fostering modern Music to please the Revolution.
I am leaving aside as well the strong stimulus given by those Popes to Feminism, Pentecostalism, Eastern spiritualities and a curious Jewish Messianism that is gradually taking over the Conciliar Church.
All the points of this list were different before Vatican II. So, how is it possible for any sane person to pretend that all these changes were just organic developments of the past? They most certainly were not. They are destroying the Church. There is no need for a hermeneutic of continuity to understand Vatican II. It is crystal clear when it is seen in its true light, the hermeneutics of rupture.

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