Pius XI Refutes
Vatican II’s ‘Sinning Church’
Continuing with the texts that show the flagrant contradiction between the past papal Magisterium and the present Vatican progressivist orientation, we spotlight the text with which Pope Pius XI closed his Encyclical Mortalium animos. In it he prohibited ecumenism with heretics and schismatics and refuted the thesis of Ecclesia semper reformanda and the “Sinning Church,” defended today by the conciliar Popes.
Pope Pius XI
Thus, Venerable Brethren, it is clear why this Apostolic See has never allowed its subjects to take part in the assemblies of non-Catholics. There is but one way in which the unity of Christians may be fostered, and that is by furthering the return to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from her; for from that one true Church they have in the past fallen away. The one Church of Christ is visible to all, and will remain, according to the will of her Author, exactly the same as He instituted her.
The mystical Spouse of Christ has never in the course of centuries been contaminated, nor in the future can she ever be, as Cyprian bears witness: ‘The Bride of Christ cannot become false to her Spouse, she is inviolate and pure. She knows but one dwelling and chastely and modestly she guards the sanctity of the nuptial chamber.’ (De Catholicae Ecclesiae unitate, 6).
The same holy martyr marveled that anyone could believe that ‘this unity [of the Church], fruit of divine stability and consolidated by the heavenly Sacraments, could ever be broken by the shock of discordant wills’. For since the Mystical Body of Christ, like His physical body, is one (1 Cor. 12:12), compacted, and fitly joined together (Eph 4:16), it is foolish to say that the Mystical Body is composed of disjointed and scattered members. Whosoever, therefore, is not united with the body is no member thereof, neither is he in communion with Christ her Head.
(Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium animos, of January 6, 1928
Paris: Bonne Presse, 1928, vol. 4, p.. 77-79)
Posted on April 14, 2012

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