Progressivism in the Church
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Photo of the Week
John Paul II blesses the UN
The old dream of the Babel Tower - to establish the unity of mankind without God - has been a dream of Freemasonry for centuries. In 1919, after World War I, Masonry established the League of Nations in order to foster a federation of all the countries of the world under its control. Notwithstanding, from 1923 on, it started to fall apart, and its demise was a consummate fact by the beginning of World War II.
In 1945, after WWII, the United Nations was founded to achieve the same goal of its precursor - the establishment of a Universal Republic without God. In 1948 it adopted as its ideal the Declaration of the Rights of Man from the French Revolution. The UN is an organization with an Agnostic philosophy, a Masonic inspiration and a practical disregard of God. It should never receive the support of the Catholic Church, the true Church of God.
However, the Conciliar Popes changed the previous policy of the Church regarding such an organization. Paul VI visited it in 1965 during the second session of Vatican II, and John Paul II visited it twice: once in 1979 and a second time in 1995 on the 50th anniversary of the UN.
In his 1979 speech, JPII praised the UN objective: "to promote respect for human rights ... without distinction of race, sex, language or religion." Most definitely an inter-confessional approach, condemned by the previous Magisterium. Then he affirmed that "Popes John XXIII and Paul VI had confidence in this important institution as an eloquent and promising sign of our times. And the one who speaks to you now, since the first months of his pontificate, has often expressed the same confidence and conviction nurtured by my predecessors."
In 1995 JPII returned to the UN headquarters in New York to lend it his prestige. Indeed, he stated: "My words, which I desire to be a sign of the esteem and regard of the Apostolic See for this institution, join willingly with the voices of all who see in the UN the hope for a better future for the society of men."
Above, two photos of JPII's speech in 1995. Below first row, he is received by UN secretary general Boutros Ghali; second row, he waits to be called to speak before the assembly; third row, a general view of the audience during his speech.
Photos from the UN website
Posted March 30, 2008

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