What People Are Commenting
Revolution in the Church, Fatima Shock & NFP
Fatima Shock
Dear Tradition in Action,,
Have you heard of a new book written in 2012 about Fatima called Fatima Shock, written by Dr. Robert Thiel? I haven’t purchase the book but have seen some of the information on the internet. It is definitely Anti-Fatima and one thing the author points out to discredit our Blessed Virgin is that She appeared in a short dress!! In fact the author has some youtube videos pointing this out and how this information is supported by priests and Jacinta herself. One of his sources for this book is entitled Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Incident written by two Portuguese authors.
I think it would be good to alert your readers about this book and point out some of its many errors, especially the short dress of the Blessed Virgin, that the author uses to discredit Fatima.
TIA responds:
Dear R.C.K.,
We thank you for the warning. We did not know about this book.
TIA correspondent desk
Have you heard of a new book written in 2012 about Fatima called Fatima Shock, written by Dr. Robert Thiel? I haven’t purchase the book but have seen some of the information on the internet. It is definitely Anti-Fatima and one thing the author points out to discredit our Blessed Virgin is that She appeared in a short dress!! In fact the author has some youtube videos pointing this out and how this information is supported by priests and Jacinta herself. One of his sources for this book is entitled Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Incident written by two Portuguese authors.
I think it would be good to alert your readers about this book and point out some of its many errors, especially the short dress of the Blessed Virgin, that the author uses to discredit Fatima.
TIA responds:
Dear R.C.K.,
We thank you for the warning. We did not know about this book.
TIA correspondent desk
Halloween & the Devil
Dear Brother in Christ,
I grew up Catholic and celebrating Halloween. I heard Evangelicals preach against Halloween when I was in my early 20s and thought they were exaggerating. Eventually, I had a deeper conversion, and read much of what I read on your site (here, here & here) on an Italian Catholic site, where they said trick or treat was linked to child sacrifice.
I praise God for giving me the wisdom to perceive the evil that is Halloween, as it seems He is mercifully allowing us to see how desperate our situation has become. The Halloween decorations is my office started today, three weeks before the holiday: it's almost like an advent season, and many people have parties weeks before Halloween as with Christmas!
Clearly, the Devil is getting more and more brazen, wanting deeper depravity and despair from a more and more godless society. I think this fits within God's will to call up saints to fight for His kingdom and get rid of all lukewarmness in the faithful.
I really like your site, thank you for such a clear and profound representation of our faith, and telling so many beautiful stories which people have forgotten.
In Christ,
I grew up Catholic and celebrating Halloween. I heard Evangelicals preach against Halloween when I was in my early 20s and thought they were exaggerating. Eventually, I had a deeper conversion, and read much of what I read on your site (here, here & here) on an Italian Catholic site, where they said trick or treat was linked to child sacrifice.
I praise God for giving me the wisdom to perceive the evil that is Halloween, as it seems He is mercifully allowing us to see how desperate our situation has become. The Halloween decorations is my office started today, three weeks before the holiday: it's almost like an advent season, and many people have parties weeks before Halloween as with Christmas!
Clearly, the Devil is getting more and more brazen, wanting deeper depravity and despair from a more and more godless society. I think this fits within God's will to call up saints to fight for His kingdom and get rid of all lukewarmness in the faithful.
I really like your site, thank you for such a clear and profound representation of our faith, and telling so many beautiful stories which people have forgotten.
In Christ,
Procession of Nobles
Dear TIA,
I thought you may enjoy this performance of Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Procession of the Nobles' by the Wisconsin-Madison University Band conducted by Brian Hughes.
The student musicians are all non-majors of music; a meager band of non-professionals. The auditorium appears all but empty save for the some off-camera applause at the end (this could be the sound of proud parents).
What is so striking about this little film is the manner in which the conductor & performers present themselves in less than grand circumstances. Hughes' apparel & bearing is of great formality & command.
It seems to matter not if he is conducting in a school gym or at Albert Hall. The students are each dressed & groomed in a most refined and pleasing way. That good conduct follows discipline in appearance is a fair bet.
Perfect execution of the piece? Perhaps, not. But, there is splendor in any case. The splendor of well-governed lives.
I thought you may enjoy this performance of Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Procession of the Nobles' by the Wisconsin-Madison University Band conducted by Brian Hughes.
The student musicians are all non-majors of music; a meager band of non-professionals. The auditorium appears all but empty save for the some off-camera applause at the end (this could be the sound of proud parents).
What is so striking about this little film is the manner in which the conductor & performers present themselves in less than grand circumstances. Hughes' apparel & bearing is of great formality & command.
It seems to matter not if he is conducting in a school gym or at Albert Hall. The students are each dressed & groomed in a most refined and pleasing way. That good conduct follows discipline in appearance is a fair bet.
Perfect execution of the piece? Perhaps, not. But, there is splendor in any case. The splendor of well-governed lives.
Bad Moral Effects of NFP
Dear TIA,
I wanted to respond to the article on NFP. Having been raised in the "New Church" and subsequently married in it roughly 25 years ago, my husband and I discussed family planning prior to our marriage. I think it's important to point out that we both had been brainwashed by family that having "all those kids" was both irresponsible and undisciplined.
In addition, I recall my parents making many comments about the only family I knew as a child who didn't practice any kind of birth control. They had no success in having children until they adopted two boys. Several years later, the children came nonstop -- they were fortunate enough to have seven children in about 8 years (the first 5 came in 4 years, as there was a set of twins in there). After visiting them (they were family relatives) several times during my childhood, my parents felt the family was repugnant because their home was always filthy, smelly, and the children were typically unkempt and somewhat disgusting because no one ever seemed able to attend to their noses. You get the picture.
What I saw was yes, a dirty home, but how kind and loving those children were, especially to one another! The older ones absolutely adored their little siblings and I don't think there was a bit of sibling rivalry -- they were all so close in age.
Anyway, as was required by the Diocese, we wend to our "pre-marriage" weekend, where we were introduced to NFP. My fiancé and I had never heard about it before, but when we inquired our "teaching couple" about whether they knew any couples who were practicing NFP, they both got one of those devilish looks on their faces and said, " … only if they're trying to get pregnant." I assumed, and believed them to insinuate that most everyone else was using artificial contraceptives.
Having the brainwashing we did, and not one person ever say to us that the greatest thing we could bring home from our honeymoon would be a child in my womb (i.e., both my mother and a physician in the family told me we should take "the pill"), and the importance of allowing God's hand to form our family, we did what we thought was the "right thing". We looked to the Church to guide us. No one said anything about the Church's position about a "we limit our family size" mindset, and tragically, I will say, we practiced NFP. I don't recall anyone ever telling us that the reasons for using NFP should be very grave; I don't think my story is unconventional. I cannot blame anyone, necessarily, because I never looked into matters on my own. I have really no one to blame but myself.
About two and one-half years ago, I had an awakening to the problems in the church and within myself - my own sinfulness, selfishness and stupidity, but at what a cost! My pride in having lived as I thought was supposed to was brought into unbelievable clarity. I had been living by the lies of so many who I had looked to for guidance and the Truth.
What a nightmare that doesn't stop! If I could have more children, I would, but I believe it is probably too late for us to have any more. I cannot tell you how many tears I have cried and the indescribable pain I have felt for not being more open to a larger family. While I am very thankful for the four children we have, even though our oldest has special needs and I had my last at age 42, I loved and nurtured them as much as I knew how, and believed I should. How I have hoped and prayed for another child! I have been angry at others, but mostly myself for being too stupid to recognize the immense value of a large family. How blind I have been, despite the fact that I was the resident babysitter for many years during high school and college. I always loved children, and still do.
I share this not because I seek sympathy (but I would take some prayers for another child)… but only to cast further light on the lies being perpetuated on so many unassuming and trusting souls.
Please continue to illuminate the darkness that surrounds so many and continue to shine the light on the path only our Faith knows.
Trust that you remain in our family prayers each day.
I wanted to respond to the article on NFP. Having been raised in the "New Church" and subsequently married in it roughly 25 years ago, my husband and I discussed family planning prior to our marriage. I think it's important to point out that we both had been brainwashed by family that having "all those kids" was both irresponsible and undisciplined.
In addition, I recall my parents making many comments about the only family I knew as a child who didn't practice any kind of birth control. They had no success in having children until they adopted two boys. Several years later, the children came nonstop -- they were fortunate enough to have seven children in about 8 years (the first 5 came in 4 years, as there was a set of twins in there). After visiting them (they were family relatives) several times during my childhood, my parents felt the family was repugnant because their home was always filthy, smelly, and the children were typically unkempt and somewhat disgusting because no one ever seemed able to attend to their noses. You get the picture.
What I saw was yes, a dirty home, but how kind and loving those children were, especially to one another! The older ones absolutely adored their little siblings and I don't think there was a bit of sibling rivalry -- they were all so close in age.
Anyway, as was required by the Diocese, we wend to our "pre-marriage" weekend, where we were introduced to NFP. My fiancé and I had never heard about it before, but when we inquired our "teaching couple" about whether they knew any couples who were practicing NFP, they both got one of those devilish looks on their faces and said, " … only if they're trying to get pregnant." I assumed, and believed them to insinuate that most everyone else was using artificial contraceptives.
Having the brainwashing we did, and not one person ever say to us that the greatest thing we could bring home from our honeymoon would be a child in my womb (i.e., both my mother and a physician in the family told me we should take "the pill"), and the importance of allowing God's hand to form our family, we did what we thought was the "right thing". We looked to the Church to guide us. No one said anything about the Church's position about a "we limit our family size" mindset, and tragically, I will say, we practiced NFP. I don't recall anyone ever telling us that the reasons for using NFP should be very grave; I don't think my story is unconventional. I cannot blame anyone, necessarily, because I never looked into matters on my own. I have really no one to blame but myself.
About two and one-half years ago, I had an awakening to the problems in the church and within myself - my own sinfulness, selfishness and stupidity, but at what a cost! My pride in having lived as I thought was supposed to was brought into unbelievable clarity. I had been living by the lies of so many who I had looked to for guidance and the Truth.
What a nightmare that doesn't stop! If I could have more children, I would, but I believe it is probably too late for us to have any more. I cannot tell you how many tears I have cried and the indescribable pain I have felt for not being more open to a larger family. While I am very thankful for the four children we have, even though our oldest has special needs and I had my last at age 42, I loved and nurtured them as much as I knew how, and believed I should. How I have hoped and prayed for another child! I have been angry at others, but mostly myself for being too stupid to recognize the immense value of a large family. How blind I have been, despite the fact that I was the resident babysitter for many years during high school and college. I always loved children, and still do.
I share this not because I seek sympathy (but I would take some prayers for another child)… but only to cast further light on the lies being perpetuated on so many unassuming and trusting souls.
Please continue to illuminate the darkness that surrounds so many and continue to shine the light on the path only our Faith knows.
Trust that you remain in our family prayers each day.

Posted October 16, 2012
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Conciliar documents are a compass to guide the ship of the Church
The Vat II council was said, at that time, to not be dogmatic nor to define any dogmas… in other words really not an infallible council. Yet today Rome’s leaders are making it just that.
In partnership with the canonization of the Vat II popes (here, here, here & here) we have a communist revolution coming full circle… the cutting us off from the past and true Catholic doctrine.
How long will the good Lord allow this to go on!? I remember reading that the abomination will last until the consummation of the earth, and Our Lord did say, “Think you when the son of man returns, will he find faith on earth?”
It is becoming more difficult with each passing day to maintain sanity and keep your children in the true faith. May Our Lord and Lady give us the strength!
May Our Blessed Lady cradle you in her loving arms,