What People Are Commenting
Culottes, Eye-Tooth Ratio & Color of Mantles
Culottes & ‘Skorts’ for Women
Re: Are Culottes Revolutionary?
Dr. Horvat,
Excellent commentary and advice! The inclusion of graphics and photos is a really good way to present the facts, too.
I would think that the same would apply to "skorts?" -- there is a modest apparel website that sells those. They are an actual skirt with permanently attached pants or shorts underneath that can't be seen so it's a "skirt" in all outward appearances but still a woman wearing pants while pretending to be wearing a skirt.
Thank you!
Dr. Horvat,
Excellent commentary and advice! The inclusion of graphics and photos is a really good way to present the facts, too.
I would think that the same would apply to "skorts?" -- there is a modest apparel website that sells those. They are an actual skirt with permanently attached pants or shorts underneath that can't be seen so it's a "skirt" in all outward appearances but still a woman wearing pants while pretending to be wearing a skirt.
Thank you!
The Eye-Tooth Ratio Method
Dear TIA,
Perhaps this eye-tooth ratio method could help your conjecture over the two Sr. Lucy’s:
Zak, who put out that video, says he thinks you can do this yourself with photoshop.
Perhaps this eye-tooth ratio method could help your conjecture over the two Sr. Lucy’s:
Zak, who put out that video, says he thinks you can do this yourself with photoshop.
Reason for Red and Blue Mantles
Thank you for your website and all that you share about Our Lady of Good Success. Can you please share with me why I find images of Our Lady of Good Success in both a red and a blue mantle?
I do very much hope to receive a reply, as this is not a general inquiry or a random curiosity, but a deeply personal one. I very much look forward to an answer.
God's Blessings,
Dr. Horvat responds:
As you can see from this article, it is a long established Spanish custom to dress statues of Our Lady in real gowns and jewels. Often, when a favor is granted to a person or family or to celebrate a special anniversary, a family - or even a whole city - will have a new magnificent garment made for her and the Christ Child.
This is what happens with Our Lady of Good Success. Sometimes the good families of Quito would even donate a particularly beautiful christening gown used for their child/children for the Christ Child to wear first; it was considered a great honor to have a child christened in a gown that the Infant Christ had worn.
Even here in the United States we have several dressed statues. One is the oldest statue in our country, La Conquistadora in Santa Fé, New Mexico. You can see some of her many beautiful costumes donated by devotees here.
There is no rule for the colors of the dresses given by the faithful. Then, the contemplative nuns of the Convent choose among the various dresses ones that they consider more appropriate for Our Lady to wear on different occasions. I don’t know whether their choices try to correspond to the colors of the liturgical year or are chosen entirely at random.
Marian Horvat, Ph.D.
Thank you for your website and all that you share about Our Lady of Good Success. Can you please share with me why I find images of Our Lady of Good Success in both a red and a blue mantle?
I do very much hope to receive a reply, as this is not a general inquiry or a random curiosity, but a deeply personal one. I very much look forward to an answer.
God's Blessings,
Dr. Horvat responds:
As you can see from this article, it is a long established Spanish custom to dress statues of Our Lady in real gowns and jewels. Often, when a favor is granted to a person or family or to celebrate a special anniversary, a family - or even a whole city - will have a new magnificent garment made for her and the Christ Child.
This is what happens with Our Lady of Good Success. Sometimes the good families of Quito would even donate a particularly beautiful christening gown used for their child/children for the Christ Child to wear first; it was considered a great honor to have a child christened in a gown that the Infant Christ had worn.
Even here in the United States we have several dressed statues. One is the oldest statue in our country, La Conquistadora in Santa Fé, New Mexico. You can see some of her many beautiful costumes donated by devotees here.
There is no rule for the colors of the dresses given by the faithful. Then, the contemplative nuns of the Convent choose among the various dresses ones that they consider more appropriate for Our Lady to wear on different occasions. I don’t know whether their choices try to correspond to the colors of the liturgical year or are chosen entirely at random.
Marian Horvat, Ph.D.
Going… Going…
Dear TIA,
Bishop Fellay has been very vocal these last 20 days. He granted interviews to a Spanish magazine and a French TV. In them he gives the clear impression that an agreement with Francis is around the corner.
After being very violent against the conservatives of the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculata, it seems that an agreement with SSPX can be the way Francis has to not appear as a fanatic progressivist.
Let us see.
Anyway, below you have the statements of Msgr. Guido Pozzo of the Ecclesia Dei Commission in charge of dealing with traditionalists.
Keep up the good work.
In Jesus through Mary,
Vatican City, Feb 3, 2017 (CNA/EWTN News).- While divisions between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X still exist, representatives from both sides have said the proposal of a personal prelature appears to be the best option for manifesting unity, and steps are already being taken to study it.
The SSPX believes “that the Roman authorities consider the personal prelature to be the canonical structure which best reflects our real situation,” Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the Society, said in an interview with Spanish magazine Vida Nueva published Feb. 3. And when it comes to the Society themselves, he said, “we also think that the personal prelature is the most appropriate regimen for the Society in the current circumstances.”
A personal prelature, which is a Church jurisdiction without geographical boundaries designed to carry out particular pastoral initiatives, has been on the table for the SSPX for years. At present, the only personal prelature in the Church is Opus Dei, so should they take the offer, they would become the second entity to embrace such a structure. Despite past hesitancy to accept the prelature in the past, Bishop Fellay seems to imply that the Society’s opinion on the matter is changing.
In an interview with Vida Nueva released simultaneously with that of Bishop Fellay, Archbishop Guido Pozzo, head of Ecclesia Dei – the Vatican office responsible for doctrinal discussions with the SSPX – said a “profound examination” is being made of the legal text. Once this is done a draft of the constitutions will then be presented to the Holy Father, he said, but stressed that on the Vatican side, “the necessary condition for the canonical recognition is adherence to the contents of the Doctrinal Statement that the Holy See presented to the SSPX.”
In his interview, Archbishop Pozzo said that when it comes to the question of Vatican II, “it’s a false problem to ask if a Catholic can accept the Council or not.” “A good Catholic cannot reject it,” he said, “because it is a universal assembly of bishops gathered around the Pope.” The real problem, then, is with the interpretation of conciliar documents. Pointing to an idea that came from Benedict XVI, Archbishop Pozzo said the correct interpretation is that the documents be read “one in the line of renewal in continuity with tradition.”
“Vatican II must be understood and read in the context of the tradition of the Church and of her constant magisterium,” he said, but stressed that “the magisterial authority of the Church cannot stop in 1962.” “Neither is the magisterium above the Word, written or transmitted, nor progress, in the best understanding of the mysteries of faith,” he said, adding that teachings of the Vatican II “have a different degree of authority, which corresponds to a different degree of adherence.”
Once full reconciliation between the Vatican and the SSPX is reached, further discussion could take place on certain issues “that are not proper to the matter of the faith, but of themes that refer to the pastoral application of conciliar orientations and teachings,” he said, pointing to the relation between Church and state, ecumenism, interreligious dialogue and liturgical reform as examples.
“A deeper discussion of these themes could be useful for greater precision and clarification, in order to avoid misunderstandings or ambiguities which, unfortunately, are widespread,” he said, explaining that it’s important to “avoid being rigid” or stuck on “maximum positions” while claiming to be open to discussion. However, he said that ongoing dialogue with the SSPX “can increasingly help to specify the correct interpretation, to avoid misunderstandings, errors or ambiguities that are present in a certain way of understanding and interpreting some conciliar teachings.”
Archbishop Pozzo said he is “confident” in the path the Vatican is taking with the SSPX, explaining that “I am not an optimist nor a pessimist, but a realist (and) I have confidence we are going in the right direction.”
Original here.
Bishop Fellay has been very vocal these last 20 days. He granted interviews to a Spanish magazine and a French TV. In them he gives the clear impression that an agreement with Francis is around the corner.
After being very violent against the conservatives of the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of the Immaculata, it seems that an agreement with SSPX can be the way Francis has to not appear as a fanatic progressivist.
Let us see.
Anyway, below you have the statements of Msgr. Guido Pozzo of the Ecclesia Dei Commission in charge of dealing with traditionalists.
Keep up the good work.
In Jesus through Mary,
Vatican City, Feb 3, 2017 (CNA/EWTN News).- While divisions between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X still exist, representatives from both sides have said the proposal of a personal prelature appears to be the best option for manifesting unity, and steps are already being taken to study it.
The SSPX believes “that the Roman authorities consider the personal prelature to be the canonical structure which best reflects our real situation,” Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the Society, said in an interview with Spanish magazine Vida Nueva published Feb. 3. And when it comes to the Society themselves, he said, “we also think that the personal prelature is the most appropriate regimen for the Society in the current circumstances.”
A personal prelature, which is a Church jurisdiction without geographical boundaries designed to carry out particular pastoral initiatives, has been on the table for the SSPX for years. At present, the only personal prelature in the Church is Opus Dei, so should they take the offer, they would become the second entity to embrace such a structure. Despite past hesitancy to accept the prelature in the past, Bishop Fellay seems to imply that the Society’s opinion on the matter is changing.
In an interview with Vida Nueva released simultaneously with that of Bishop Fellay, Archbishop Guido Pozzo, head of Ecclesia Dei – the Vatican office responsible for doctrinal discussions with the SSPX – said a “profound examination” is being made of the legal text. Once this is done a draft of the constitutions will then be presented to the Holy Father, he said, but stressed that on the Vatican side, “the necessary condition for the canonical recognition is adherence to the contents of the Doctrinal Statement that the Holy See presented to the SSPX.”
In his interview, Archbishop Pozzo said that when it comes to the question of Vatican II, “it’s a false problem to ask if a Catholic can accept the Council or not.” “A good Catholic cannot reject it,” he said, “because it is a universal assembly of bishops gathered around the Pope.” The real problem, then, is with the interpretation of conciliar documents. Pointing to an idea that came from Benedict XVI, Archbishop Pozzo said the correct interpretation is that the documents be read “one in the line of renewal in continuity with tradition.”
“Vatican II must be understood and read in the context of the tradition of the Church and of her constant magisterium,” he said, but stressed that “the magisterial authority of the Church cannot stop in 1962.” “Neither is the magisterium above the Word, written or transmitted, nor progress, in the best understanding of the mysteries of faith,” he said, adding that teachings of the Vatican II “have a different degree of authority, which corresponds to a different degree of adherence.”
Once full reconciliation between the Vatican and the SSPX is reached, further discussion could take place on certain issues “that are not proper to the matter of the faith, but of themes that refer to the pastoral application of conciliar orientations and teachings,” he said, pointing to the relation between Church and state, ecumenism, interreligious dialogue and liturgical reform as examples.
“A deeper discussion of these themes could be useful for greater precision and clarification, in order to avoid misunderstandings or ambiguities which, unfortunately, are widespread,” he said, explaining that it’s important to “avoid being rigid” or stuck on “maximum positions” while claiming to be open to discussion. However, he said that ongoing dialogue with the SSPX “can increasingly help to specify the correct interpretation, to avoid misunderstandings, errors or ambiguities that are present in a certain way of understanding and interpreting some conciliar teachings.”
Archbishop Pozzo said he is “confident” in the path the Vatican is taking with the SSPX, explaining that “I am not an optimist nor a pessimist, but a realist (and) I have confidence we are going in the right direction.”
Original here.

Posted February 9, 2017
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Thank you so much for posting my query [about whether Tradition in Action has dealt with the SSPX compromise] and answering it in detail on your TIA website.
The last thing I would want is to be offensive in any way to you or TIA.
I most willingly retract my accusation.