What People Are Commenting
God’s Anger & Santa Maria in Portico
Good Attack against Abortion
Dear TIA,
In this video Senator James Lankford makes an eloquent defense of life and attacks abortion. It is worthwhile watching it
In Maria,
In this video Senator James Lankford makes an eloquent defense of life and attacks abortion. It is worthwhile watching it
In Maria,
Santa Maria in Portico
Dear Friends in Tradition in Action,
Thank you for all your teachings, etc. etc. on your website.
I have a Roman Missal first published in 1949 second impression 1957. In the supplement for England, Scotland and Wales, on 17th July, is the Apparition of the Sacred Image of Our Lady 'In Porticu.'
Would you have any information on this apparition?
God Bless,
K.B., Ireland
TIA responds:
Dear K.B.,
According to tradition, the Santa Maria in Portico appeared miraculously in a vision in 524 in Rome to St. Galla when she was distributing food to the poor in the porch (porticus) of her house. Below, you can see a picture of the Icon of Holy Mary in Portico enshrined in the main altar.
Under the icon are these words: Hic est illa piae Genitricis Imago Mariae quae discubenti Gallae patuit metuenti (Here is the image of Mary Mother of God as revealed to Galla, humble and fearful, while serving the poor). The liturgical feast of Santa Maria in Portico is celebrated every year on July 17 in memory of the miraculous apparition
Since the days of the exiled James III, the Old Pretender to the Throne of England, prayers have been offered weekly for the conversion of England and Wales in the Church of Santa Maria in Campitelli in Rome.
This explains why this feast found its way into diocesan missal supplements for two Welsh Dioceses (Cardiff and Menevia) and forms part of the 1962 Missal for those places.
You can find more about the Church of Santa Maria here.
TIA correspondence desk
Thank you for all your teachings, etc. etc. on your website.
I have a Roman Missal first published in 1949 second impression 1957. In the supplement for England, Scotland and Wales, on 17th July, is the Apparition of the Sacred Image of Our Lady 'In Porticu.'
Would you have any information on this apparition?
God Bless,
K.B., Ireland
TIA responds:
Dear K.B.,
According to tradition, the Santa Maria in Portico appeared miraculously in a vision in 524 in Rome to St. Galla when she was distributing food to the poor in the porch (porticus) of her house. Below, you can see a picture of the Icon of Holy Mary in Portico enshrined in the main altar.
Under the icon are these words: Hic est illa piae Genitricis Imago Mariae quae discubenti Gallae patuit metuenti (Here is the image of Mary Mother of God as revealed to Galla, humble and fearful, while serving the poor). The liturgical feast of Santa Maria in Portico is celebrated every year on July 17 in memory of the miraculous apparition
Since the days of the exiled James III, the Old Pretender to the Throne of England, prayers have been offered weekly for the conversion of England and Wales in the Church of Santa Maria in Campitelli in Rome.
This explains why this feast found its way into diocesan missal supplements for two Welsh Dioceses (Cardiff and Menevia) and forms part of the 1962 Missal for those places.
You can find more about the Church of Santa Maria here.
TIA correspondence desk

Santa Maria in Portico
SSPX Approves Mass in Vernacular & Facing the People
I am sending to you a correspondence I received from a friend about the compromises of SSPX.
It refers to the approval Fr. Rocque gives to priests to say the Tridentine Mass in the vernacular and facing the people. I am also sending you the photocopy of the French original, with an English translation.
N.C., India
Fr. de la Rocque SSPX: the Tridentine Mass may be celebrated in the vernacular and facing the people
Before 2012 there were very abnormal things in the SSPX. In December 2006, the Fraternity made a DVD to teach Novus Ordo priests to celebrate the Traditional Mass. The DVD mentioned was accompanied by the following letter from Father de la Rocque, director at the time of the letter to our brother priests:
Per your request, please find enclosed a copy of the DVD that allows learning the Tridentine rite of Mass. It will propose a repetition, then a celebration of the Mass according to the rite. To help you follow this film, a booklet is enclolsed with the DVD containing the ordinary of the Missal of St. Pius V with his rubrics. Everything is presented in both French and Latin.
It is important to know that although this DVD proposes learning Latin, the Tridentine Mass can also be celebrated in the vernacular. In 1965, an edition of the Roman Missal proposed a French translation Likewise, the servandus ritus introduced in the 1962 edition, provides for the Mass facing the people if need be. If Benedict XVI comes to liberalize the rite, it seems possible to progressively introduce it in parishes, without suddenly upsetting the habits of your parishioners.
Finally, from a practical standpoint, I thank those who have made payment for this DVD, or helped to disseminate it. I also thank those who, receiving this film, made the payment. Recovering the funds allow us to proceed to a second project, this time no longer to learn the gestures and rites, but to give their symbolic and liturgical explanations.
Hoping that this new film can be made this year, I present all my good wishes for 2007 and I assure you of my priestly devotion at the service of the Church our Mother.
Fr. P. de la Rocque.
Who is Father de la Rocque?
Father Patrick de la Rocque was ordained in Ecône in 1992. In 1996, Msgr. Fellay named him to train candidates for the priesthood in the seminary of Flavigny. In 2002, the Superior General made him Prior of Toulouse and, since 2008, of Nantes. He was director of the publicationLetter to our brother priests, intended to produce ties with the French modernist clergy, and since 2006 had been responsible for spreading the DVD for learning the traditional Mass for the official clergy.
A confidante of Msgr. Fellay, he was appointed a member of the Theological Commission of the SSPX to be in conversations with Rome, and in 2013 was put in charge of Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet (the center of the apostolate of the SSPX with the highest number of faithful worldwide) ...
I am sending to you a correspondence I received from a friend about the compromises of SSPX.
It refers to the approval Fr. Rocque gives to priests to say the Tridentine Mass in the vernacular and facing the people. I am also sending you the photocopy of the French original, with an English translation.
N.C., India
Before 2012 there were very abnormal things in the SSPX. In December 2006, the Fraternity made a DVD to teach Novus Ordo priests to celebrate the Traditional Mass. The DVD mentioned was accompanied by the following letter from Father de la Rocque, director at the time of the letter to our brother priests:

French original of letter authorizing Masses in vernacular and facing the people
Per your request, please find enclosed a copy of the DVD that allows learning the Tridentine rite of Mass. It will propose a repetition, then a celebration of the Mass according to the rite. To help you follow this film, a booklet is enclolsed with the DVD containing the ordinary of the Missal of St. Pius V with his rubrics. Everything is presented in both French and Latin.
It is important to know that although this DVD proposes learning Latin, the Tridentine Mass can also be celebrated in the vernacular. In 1965, an edition of the Roman Missal proposed a French translation Likewise, the servandus ritus introduced in the 1962 edition, provides for the Mass facing the people if need be. If Benedict XVI comes to liberalize the rite, it seems possible to progressively introduce it in parishes, without suddenly upsetting the habits of your parishioners.
Finally, from a practical standpoint, I thank those who have made payment for this DVD, or helped to disseminate it. I also thank those who, receiving this film, made the payment. Recovering the funds allow us to proceed to a second project, this time no longer to learn the gestures and rites, but to give their symbolic and liturgical explanations.
Hoping that this new film can be made this year, I present all my good wishes for 2007 and I assure you of my priestly devotion at the service of the Church our Mother.
Fr. P. de la Rocque.
Who is Father de la Rocque?
Father Patrick de la Rocque was ordained in Ecône in 1992. In 1996, Msgr. Fellay named him to train candidates for the priesthood in the seminary of Flavigny. In 2002, the Superior General made him Prior of Toulouse and, since 2008, of Nantes. He was director of the publicationLetter to our brother priests, intended to produce ties with the French modernist clergy, and since 2006 had been responsible for spreading the DVD for learning the traditional Mass for the official clergy.
A confidante of Msgr. Fellay, he was appointed a member of the Theological Commission of the SSPX to be in conversations with Rome, and in 2013 was put in charge of Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet (the center of the apostolate of the SSPX with the highest number of faithful worldwide) ...

Posted July 28, 2015
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Here is a self-explanatory text of St. John Eudes. It applies to our situation after Vatican II where priests, bishops, cardinals and popes are all officially following the criteria of the world with the policy of “adaptation of the Church to the modern world.”
"The most evident mark of God's anger, and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world, is manifest when He permits His people to fall into the hands of a clergy who are more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds.
"They abandon the things of God to devote themselves to the things of the world and, in their saintly calling of holiness, they spend their time in profane and worldly pursuits. When God permits such things, it is a very positive proof that He is thoroughly angry with His people and is visiting His most dreadful wrath upon them." - Saint John Eudes