What People Are Commenting
Children of Homosexual Couples
We received from Mrs. Randy Engel a copy for dissemination of the following letter she sent to the administrator of Most Holy Redeemer Church in San Francisco, a rallying point for 'Catholic homosexuals.' Mrs. Engel is the author of the devastating book The Rite of Sodomy.
Dear Mr. Rosel,
As part of an on-going dialogue, I was looking at your Church Bulletin dated September 16, 2007, and I noticed the following announcement:
"Congratulations to parishioners J.D. and J.A. on the birth of twins, whom we look forward to baptizing soon during our Sunday Liturgy."
A web-search on these two men shows that J.A. & J.D., were "married" during Wedstock from February 12 - March 11, 2004, in San Francisco.
A picture of J.A. appears in the San Francisco Chronicle of June 23,2007 titled "Volunteers construct pink triangle for Gay Pride weekend" indicating Joel is a "gay" activist.
Since both are male, I must presume that neither gave "birth" to the twins. This would mean that the twins were produced by IVF or by the impregnation of a female by either J.A. or J.D., neither of whom were married to said female. These actions are condemned by God's law and that condemnation is reflected in Church law.
Can you tell me why congratulations are in order? And how it is possible that a public baptism of two infants housed with two "gay" homosexuals can take place at MHR Parish?
Randy Engel
cc. Archbishop George H. Niederauer and Cardinal William J. Levada
The Lucy of the Novus Ordo
Dr. Horvat,
I have read with much interest your study of the possibility of 2 Sister Lucy's. I would like to say that when I watched part of the beatification ceremony of Jacinta and Francisco, I was quite surprised when Sister Lucy appeared. She was not what I had expected. She was very smiley. She was talking amicably with those around her after she took her seat. She reminded me of someone who was awaiting some sort of entertainment.
I remember thinking how much she must have been changed by the less serious New Order now in place within the mainstream Church.
It all makes sense if one considers that the person we thought was Sister Lucy might not have been the REAL Sister Lucy.
As If She Were Attending a Concert
Dear TIA,
I am very glad to read Dr. Horvat's article comparing the two Sister Lucys.
Years ago in witnessing the false sister Lucy at the beatification ceremony of her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta, waving to the crowd and bouncing around near the sanctuary as if she were attending a concert, I knew right then and there and declared openly "That's not Sr. Lucy!" and at that time, I had little knowledge of what was going on in the Church.
If I had taken my own words seriously, I could have reached my conclusion much faster than I did.
Thank you, Marian Horvat, for this very enlightening comparison.
May God have mercy on us!
DNA Test
Hello TIA,
I have been reading the theory of two Sister Lucy's and I agree. Sr. Lucy 1 looks like my grandmother who is Portuguese and Sr. Lucy 2 looks like my grandmother who is English-German.
I also read that Sr. Lucy 1 had a niece in the convent with her up until 1978 when the niece moved to a convent in Braga. The niece's name is Sr. Maria Ines da Eucaristia. I have tried to find out if she is still alive, with no success. Her nephew, Fr. Jose Valinho, is still alive I think. Are there any pre-1960 articles of Sr. Lucy 1 available to do DNA on? Just a thought.
Thank you for your website. I am glad to see that I am not alone with this feeling of betrayal by the hierarchy of the post Vatican II.
R. F.
Non-Catholic Applause
I am not a Catholic, but I applaud your efforts! If I were a Catholic (and maybe it is in my future) I certainly would be a Traditionalist. Your Church has indeed been overrun by evil forces, probably Masonic.
As a Christian, exiting Protestantism, but not yet ready to truly accept doctrines and practices of the Orthodox/Catholic Churches, I can surely say that we are in strange and evil times, even the End Times.
TIA responds:
Mr. A.H.,
Thank you for your honest testimony. It means a lot to us.
We pray that Our Lady Seat of Wisdom shed light on your soul and bring you to the Catholic Church, as pure and holy as she always is, no matter what different masks the enemies plot to fix to her face.
TIA correspondence desk
A Disturbing Distributism
Dear Editor,
I have just come across a letter to you from a correspondent in Sweden ("U.N.") mentioning about the spread of Distributism in Malmo. I, too, am greatly perturbed by this development within Catholic Tradition, and was wondering if you would think it helpful to send your correspondent the following link to a recent article which thoroughly debunks Distributism.
It can be found here. (Note from TIA: A functioning link to a similar article can be found here)
With best wishes,
The Editor responds:
Dear A.T.H.,
I am posting your information for our readers who can benefit from it, among whom I believe is U.N. you mention from Sweden,
You may find more material exposing the errors of Distributism here.
I compliment you for your insight and for writing to TIA.
A.S. Guimarães
You Should Show the Whole Picture
Dear Tradition in Action,
I read your interesting piece on the inquisition. I don't know to what extent Protestants exaggerate the inquisition. But I do think that you should show the entire painting of the Inquisition at the bottom of the page, which in its true form, shows two poor souls being executed in a disgusting way.

Statues of Our Lady of Good Success
Dear Sirs,
We would be very interested in knowing if it is possible to purchase a statue of Our Lady of Good Success? Any help you could give us in obtaining one would be gratefully appreciated. We would want it to be like the original one as much as possible.
God reward you for your help and wonderful work for God and His Church.
In Jesus and Mary,
Mother M.D.
TIA responds:
Dear Mother M.D.,
We carry some pictures of Our Lady of Good Success, but not statues.
You may find them at
The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success
913 N Lake Road,
Oconomowoc, WI, 53066-2832.
Phone: 262-567-0920.
TIA correspondence desk

Animals according to St. Basil
While it is right to oppose the views of the eco-terrorists and similar nihilistic types on animals, it is also possible to swing in the opposite direction and become unbalanced. When the deicidal Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, their goons tried to systematically annihilate all of the "non-laboring" pets in Russia to overcome "bourgeois" sentimentality.
The Catholic view on animals is eminently balanced, and repudiates the eco-terrorist divinization of animals just as it repudiates the creation-hating Bolshevik attitude of unnecessary cruelty. In the Catholic ascetic-mystical tradition, animals are known as "Adam's friends." St. Basil the Great's words illuminate the authentic Catholic attitude toward animals:
"O God, enlarge within us the sense of fellowship with all living things, our little brothers to whom Thou hast given this earth as their home in common with us. May we realize that they live not for us alone, but for themselves and for Thee, and that they love the sweetness of life even as we, and serve Thee better in their place than we in ours."
Recall also St. Francis' charitable, angelic treatment of animals. This is not to say all of us need to be vegetarians (as certain high-aspiring ascetic orders in Catholicism used to be), but it is to say that in the authentic Catholic worldview even animals have their God-given place, we must be fatherly-minded stewards of creation instead of heartless exploiters, and any disproportionate suffering we create in their lives is sinful.
Thank you for time. Please post this on the site.
Yours in Christ,

Phallic Symbol in a Hollywood Church
Dear TIA,
At TIA's 'What People Are Commenting' (to) Movie Reviews, (then) Blasphemy in India, there are pictures of the symbol of the false god, Shiva.
If anyone cares to go to the Roman Catholic Church, St. Victors, in West Hollywood, California (the gay capitol of South California), you will see that their tabernacle is startlingly similar to the Shiva symbol (and all that it represents).
Posted October 16, 2007

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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