Can You Show Your Sources on Dances? We Doubt Them TIA gives more sources condemning dances & ballet
Are Shorts ever Appropriate for Men? TIA presents a short history of shorts for men & answers 'No'
Is It Mortal Sin for a Woman to Wear Immodest Clothing? Yes, it is, according to the Traditional Magisterium of the Church
 | Does Dressing Well Go against America & Favor Pride? No; casual dress is uncivilized & was once considered abnormal in the U.S.
Are Bare Legs for Women Revolutionary? The entrenched trend is immodest, casual and inelegant
 | How Can Spouses Practice Modesty at Home? Find orientation in Chapter 3 of our book
Courtesy Calls Again
 | How Can Spouses Practice Modesty at Home? Find orientation in Chapter 3 of our book
Courtesy Calls Again
 | Are All Dances Bad? Folkloric & children dances are habitually good; others normally are immodest
 | David Danced For God. Why, then, Is Dancing Forbidden to Bishops? David was a layman, not a Bishop; Bishops don't dance
 | Is It Wrong to Promote Drinking Songs? Not necessarily; some are in honor of Our Lady or Saints
For Introductions, Who Takes the First Step, Man or Woman? Follow the old rules & avoid the egalitarian dating game
 | How Should Traditionalists Dress? Not in an ugly Puritanical way, but according to decorum & aesthetics
 | What Do You Think about Truman's Hawaiian Shirt? A ‘tropical climate’ is no excuse for bad styles of dress.
 | Since Women Worldwide Use Trousers, Are They Now Acceptable? No; women should dress like women
 | Since Customs Have Changed, Can Women Now Wear Trousers? No, this custom was an artifice of revolutionary couturiers
 | Are You Uncharitable to Criticize the Dress of Pro-Life Demonstrators? Their clothing was revolutionary: Good ideas go with good customs
 | Why Do You Criticize World Youth Days? WYD favors Situation Ethics; Catholic morals is not subjective
 | Don't You Think Your Cultural Beliefs Are Utopian? No; our behavior and ambiences should conform to God
and the Church
 | Are You Being Worldy by Praising Fine Food and 'Fancy' Customs? No, grandeur & refinement are part of sacrality; the opposite is Calvinism
 | Have You Written Books on Traditional Behavior between Spouses? Our book Courtesy Calls Again might answer some of your questions
 | What Do You Think about Weddings in Ecumenical Chapels? It is quite inconvenient and should be avoided
 | How Do I Make a Traditional Catholic Wedding Reception? We have two articles you can read on this subject
 | Do You Have Information about Courtship? Read here and
 | Were Adult Baptisms Originally Done Nude? No; there is no evidence to substantiate this absurd claim
 | Where Should Catholics Be Buried? In a Catholic cemetery; if unable, a public one with the grave blessed by a priest
 | Is There a Way to Ensure My Body Is Not Embalmed after I Die? Specify this in your will; in most states, embalming is not required by law
 | What Were the Burial Customs of the Middle Ages? They varied from place-to-place & the social status of the deceased
 | Where Can I Find CD's 6 and 7 of the Formation of Children Series? Unfortunately, Dr. Horvat has not yet had the leisure to record these tapes
 | Can You Recommend a Catechism for Homeschoolers? Yes; St. John Neumann's Catechism
 | Why Do So Few European Women Wear Veils To Mass? Women stopped wearing veils because the priests stopped requiring it
 | Should I Give the Sign of Peace to Women in Mass? It shouldn't be given at all, because it creates a Protestant ambience
 | Is It Disrespectful to Hang a Rosary on a Rear-View Mirror? Not necessarily; it can be for spiritual protection
 | Are Benedictines Allowed to Eat Meat? The Rule says no; however, eating practices differ in various provinces
 | Is Ms. a Feminist Term? Yes, it is; avoid it & use Miss or Mrs.
 | What Is a Good Way to Begin Cultivating Refinement? You can start by reading our
Catholic Manual of Civility, a good refresher
 | When Should I Be Courteous to Others & When Should I Shun Them? Know these levels of treatment - urbanity, cordiality, courtesy, familiarity
 | How do I Deal with an Overbearing Friend? Guideline on dealing with strongly opinionated friends
 | How Do I Respond When I Am Introduced to Someone's 'Partner'? Say hello, be civil, but do no socialize with the 'couple'
 | Should Men Still Be Courteous to Women Wearing Trousers? Yes, they should
 | How Do I Manage When a Person Interrupts My Conversation? Simply ignore the interruption and the intruder
 | When Kissing a Lady's Hand, Should My Lips Actually Touch Her Skin? There are two schools, read here about the pros and cons
 | Should Hats Be Removed in Protestant Temples? Yes, in the few cases when a Catholic can be inside a Protestant temple
 | Isn't It More Practical to Carry Tissues instead of a Handkerchief? Not necessarily; a handkerchief is simple & handy for the day-to-day
 | What Should I Do if I Take a Too-Tough-to-Swallow Bite? Cover your mouth with your hand & bring it back to your plate with the fork
 | Who Should Learn Etiquette First: The Parents or the Children? Parents should be the models, children will immitate them
 | Should I Suppose that My Children Are also Invited to Social Events? If the children are not named in the invitation, they are not invited
 | Do You Have Articles on How to Form Gentlemen in Good Manners? See our Cultural Page; we also recommend our series on the necktie
 | How Do I Write & Address My Christmas Cards? Here is a guide based on Emily Post & American Catholic Etiquette
 | What Are the Rules of Rhetoric? Be clear, use elevated language & be amiable
 | Do You Sell The Small Manual of Civility in English? Yes, click here for more
 | How Should We Address the Clergy? Normal invitations require reciprocation; rules for clergy can be found here
 | Is There a Rule of Etiquette for Priests? Not a specific a manual, but general counsels by St. Pius X
 | How Should I Address a Jesuit in a Letter? The envelope, salutation & body have certain rules, click here for more
 | How Should I Sign My E-mails to a Priest? There are several different formulae, click here for some suggestions
 | How Should Deacons Be Addressed? Check here on Deacons & Prelates