Dear TIA:
I want to thank you for the excellent work you do to defend the Faith. We certainly live in extraordinarily difficult times. I am hoping that you may be able to shed some light on an issue.
Although it is well-known that Pope Benedict XVI continues to embrace the errors of false ecumenism, it seems he is now openly advocating something else. Recently, he gave a talk to 7,000 university students after mass at St. Peter's Basilica. According to Catholic World News, he encouraged the students to explore a "new humanism" in order to "restore a proper relationship between faith and culture." (CWN, 12/15/05) The article said the Holy Father "spoke of a 'new humanism' that should repair the artificial divide between faith and reason, and return religious belief to its proper central role in culture" (ibid.).
Not being familiar with "new humanism," I conducted some research and was horrified at what I found. "New Humanism" apparently is social, economic and philosophical movement that promotes a radical form of Liberalism. It is overtly opposed to dogmatic religion, which includes Catholicism. The movement parades as peace-loving, but its principles reek of Socialism and Freemasonry.
One website explains that Humanism promotes "the continuous development of knowledge beyond what is accepted as the absolute truth." The same site says one of the goals of New Humanism is to establish a "Universal Human Nation", a concept eerily similar to the Masonic "brotherhood of man" (See article A Humanist Pope? ). Other new humanist websites contain even more alarming information. Among other things, I found at least one article written by a Grand Master of Masonic lodge in Italy advocating New Humanism.
In addition, it appears that the December 15th speech was not the Pope's first endorsement of "new humanism." On May 12, 2005, discussing the development of Africa, he stated that Christians need to rebuild "an Africa that is happy, a great continent of new humanism" (ibid.).
Have you explored this issue previously? With "new humanism", isn't the Pope openly encouraging Catholics, particularly the youth, to embrace and spread an anti-Catholic freemasonic worldview?
Thank you for any information or suggestions you might have.
In Our Lord and Our Lady,

TIA responds:
Dear Mr. G.B.
Thank you for your kind words regarding our work.
About the praise Pope Benedict XVI made of a new humanism, we offer you the following considerations:
1. In principle, any preaching with the aim of converting someone advocates a change entailing becoming a new person. St. Paul says that each one of us should become a ‘new man’ and bury the ‘old man,’ that is, we should be involved in a continual process of conversion from our bad habits in order to grow closer to Our Lord.
In this sense, St. Paul himself was promoting a new humanism.
2. Before Vatican II, the Popes would make a distinction in their solemn speeches to avoid confusion with the well-known movement of Humanism. They would employ expressions such as “the new humanism referred to by St. Paul,” or “the Catholic conception of man, this new humanism,” for example.
3. Habitually the term Humanism was used to refer to the literary and philosophical movement that was launched at the end of Middle Ages - parallel to the Renaissance in arts. This movement centered life primarily around man instead of around God as it was in the Middle Ages. Unfortunately the Church had many Popes who were Humanists and Renaissance men.
4. But in the 20th century the term acquired a new meaning. In the 1930s, when Progressivism came to light, the terms ‘new humanism,’ ‘Christian humanism,’ ‘integral humanism,’ and other similar ones were used by its followers to affirm that Progressivism could fully satisfy the revolutionary demand that man should not believe in things that reason cannot explain.
5. In a speech Paul VI delivered to the United Nations assembly (December 7, 1965), he asked to be heard as a “specialist in humanity.” He developed the progressivst thesis mentioned above and addressed the audience with these words: “You modern humanists should pay tribute to the Council [Vatican II] for at least this and acknowledge our new Humanism. For we also, and we more than anyone, are worshippers of man.”
It seems quite probable that Benedict XVI was referring to the new humanism spoken of by Paul VI, which was the same as that used by Progressivism.
6. The movement “New Humanism” you found on the Internet probably represents a part of the Masonic conception of man that also inspires the United Nations. It is a temporal conception of man that matches the progressivist religious one, as affirmed by Paul VI to the UN assembly.
7. The book Animus Delendi II by A.S. Guimarães deals with this new humanism in chapter I of part I.
We hope these observations are helpful to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted December 29, 2005

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