What People Are Commenting
Goya's Ghost & the Lavender Mafia
About the Hate Mail
Why do you give publicity to those nobodies by posting their hate mail? Don't waste space on your website. I wouldn't waste one letter.
Reminds me of the roving reporters that ask people on the street their opinion on social issues. Useless opinions of nobodies.
Of course, my opinion above is also useless, but at least I know it.
Yours in Christ,
TIA responds:
We don't agree that your opinion is useless. We consider it valuable, and we thank you for letting us know it.
Fortunately, we are receiving much warm support from our readers, along with many objections and questions that are generally polite or at least have the minimum of urbanity that permits us to post them and reply. We also receive some hate mail.
If we would post only the favorable or polite mail, we would be giving a distorted impression of the reactions we are generating. The picture would appear more favorable, but we would be hiding a part of the picture. We believe we should show our readers a sample of the various types of people who are looking at our website. So, we created the Hate Mail page in order to let our readers know that the enemies are not insensitive to our action.
There is a saying: One only throws stones at the trees that bear fruit. We believe this applies to our case. Since with the favor of Our Lady, our apostolate is producing many good fruits, the enemies want to destroy them - and destroy the tree as well.
Receiving this mail is not a motive of discouragement for us. It is quite the opposite. We attack many people in the defense of the Catholic cause; it is normal that some of them would complain upon receiving such blows or would counter-attack us in their turn.
We hope this mail is not cause for discouragement for you and that this reply will resolve your objection.
TIA correspondence desk
Limits for Annulments?
In regards to the annulment article posted sometime ago, I would like to know if there is a limit to the number of annulments one person can have? There are cases where some persons have had as many as three.
Thank you and keep up the fine work, especially the Picture of the Week.
TIA responds:
Thank you for your words of encouragement. They are appreciated.
We believe what is wrong with present day annulments is the lax interpretation of marriage, which leads to a complete relativization of it and the virtual introduction of divorce. Annulments should be greatly restricted, as they were before Vatican II.
It would seem, however, that the principle that governs present day annulments is the same as that applied in any other law. Once it is accepted as a just law, it may be applied as many times as it is deemed necessary. We are not aware of juridical limits for annulments. It seems that a person may receive many annulments.
TIA correspondence desk
Good Job
Dear TIA,
Your response to L.S. regarding direction on entering seminaries and convents is honest and skillful.... nicely done.
In Our Lady,
Internet List
Question: Do you send out e-mail updates? If you do, please add my name and e-mail address to your list.
TIA responds:
We don't have an Internet mailing list. Our readers come to our website daily to check our Latest Updates and Spotlight pages, which we update everyday. The Saints of the Week are posted on the Spotlight page.
We do have a postal mailing list and we do mailings with our catalogs featuring our new publications several times a year. We would be pleased to add your name and address to this list, if you so desire. Click here to send the information to us.
TIA correspondence desk
Mass Said by an Independent Priest
Dear TIA,
I live in the Washington DC area and there is an independent priest named Fr. R. who has a traditional chapel where the Latin Mass is said every Sunday and the traditional teaching of the Church is taught. Have you ever heard of him?
What does it mean by he is independent? He is not a sede-vacantist. Am I allowed to join his church? I attend an indult Mass, but sometimes I feel that there is a compromise: the priest talks of JP2 as a saint.
Your help would be most helpful.
God bless,
TIA responds:
Dear J.P.,
Recently we dealt with a similar question that perhaps will clarify your doubts. Why don't you read it here, and let us know if you still have any uncertainties.
TIA correspondence desk
Book of St. Louis de Montfort
Hello TIA,
I am looking for the article that mentions a book by St. Louis de Monfort with "Mary" in the title (I think)... I have been all over the net for hours reading, and I cannot find the page that recommends this book as a means not to "despair" over this crisis in the Church...
Can you help me? It stated that it was available on the site for sale. I cannot remember.
I have read so much and I love your website!
In Maria,
TIA responds:
Hello B.R.,
Thank you for your e-mail and kind words about our website.
We have posted several articles on St. Louis Grignion of Montfort [please check here, here and here], but we don't carry any of his books in our bookstore.
Probably you are looking for his famous book True Devotion to Mary. It has changed the lives of many persons. It is still available in many places; you should have no trouble purchasing it. You may purchase it, for example, here or here.
True Devotion to Mary was part of the message preached by St. Louis de Montfort throughout the Vendée and Brittany 100 years before the French Revolution. Later, they were the only regions to remain loyal to the Church and Catholic monarchy of France during the French Revolution. We believe that it was the practice of true devotion to Mary that sustained the fidelity of the peasants of the Vendée.
TIA correspondence desk
Goya's Ghost
I would like to see a movie review on Goya's Ghost - where the movie goes wrong in Church history and where it might be right in some places.
Thank you!
TIA responds:
Hello S.S.,
It seems to us that the movie Goya's Ghost is part of a campaign being promoted by film producers against Catholic Spain of the past. It is one of many - such as Pan's Labyrinth and Elizabeth - that follow the same lines. In our opinion, it should be seen as an effort of Protestant-Jewish inspiration to
'revise' History, that is, to slander Catholic Spain, which both religions hate.
The movie is an imaginary story set in the 18th century, presenting a psychopath monk, Lorenzo, who is a member of the board of Inquisition in Madrid. He is behind the condemnation of the daughter of a rich merchant, a beautiful young lady who is tortured and imprisoned without any reasonable proof of guilt. She is condemned for having refused to eat pork at a dinner party. In the prison, he abuses her and she becomes pregnant.
He apostatizes from his religious vocation, flees to France, and there, he is initiated in the 'lights' of the French Revolution. He returns to Madrid with Napoleon as the general prosecutor against the Inquisition. Napoleon's men kill the young lady's family. Lorenzo tries to find her, but she had gone mad in the prison and had been set free some days before. The daughter, now a young woman, became a prostitute.
Napoleon is put out of Spain by the English army; the royalists return to power, and the Inquisition is restored. So, the apostate monk and traitor is condemned to death and is executed in the public square. The mad woman watches among the multitude, and his daughter stands at the balcony, chatting with the royalists and some British military officers. She had become the mistress of one of English commanders.
The movie ends with a cart carrying off the dead body of the criminal, followed by the mad woman and some children who sing ditties about the execution of the bandit.
We don't think the movie has any historical value. It is a confused anti-Catholic fictitious account trying to present almost every aspect of Spanish society as bad, except for the family of the girl, which was Jewish.
We hope this answers your request.
TIA correspondence desk
Crush the Lavender Mafia
I am a convert. In 1991, seems like a long time ago, I was invited to be a member of the professional staff of the Southdown Institute in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. Southdown is a centre providing psychiatric care for Catholic clergy, pedophilic priests, substance abuse disorder, etc. When I was signing the contract for my employment in the Executive Director's office I noticed a homo-erotic print on the wall depicting a 'buff' gay man, tight jeans, no shirt, holding a young infant. First clue. The Director seemed pleasant enough, drove an Audi sports car, vacationed on the Cape (Provincetown?). Did he sleep alone? I think not!
At the morning clinical meeting one day we were informed that two priests had sex the previous night on campus. Immediately Dorothy, a primary therapist, pipes up, 'Ain't life grand!'
On another occasion, another 'prime' - a therapist with a lot of clinical experience - announced at the table, 'sex is just sex'. I didn't dare ask if that included sex with boys too. Or was it just homo/hetero - anyway you wanna go.
The chapel was on the main floor and I assumed Christ was resident in the Tabernacle; they probably would posit that belief in the 'real presence' as another old fashioned idea that has seen better days.
Back to the Jesuit who was running this circus. He informed the staff that he had decided that the title of a book he might write would be 'Set Our Loving Free.' The clinical director, my boss, informed me that the Jesuit had been 'rolled' numerous times while 'cruising' for 'gay' sex in various urban centers.
Needless to say, this was a highly emotionally charged environment to work in. Not once did I hear any discussion of celibacy as a valid choice for those men, that is, the priests there for 'treatment.' '
It was a long time ago, and I still feel tired if I think about all the lies and deception. Maybe the Clinical Director was right: he opined that the solution for the whole mess was for the whole thing to fall apart, that is, the Church. All that mattered to him was his fat pay-check. The therapy industry at it's worst.
On the Internet there is an interesting site that promotes Mary Victrix. This is the Queen of Heaven with her heel crushing the serpent's head. ... How much time is left before the 'shaking' begins? It is in God's hands. Judgment begins with the 'household' of God.
Because of the pedophilia reality, the Church has lost its voice with regard to matters of morality. Although I've lived in Sodom, I sought the Lord and He heard me. The Scriptures opened at Paul's letter to the Romans. I have spent the last 35 years coming to terms with the TRUTH.
HOMOSEXUALITY although part of the human condition for some of us, must be resisted. I say CRUSH THE LAVENDER MAFIA in the Church. There is nothing that is hidden that will not be revealed on that day. Get your house in order. Let judgment begin with the Jesuits. Let God begin to sift all the sophistry... I pray to this end...
[Jesuits] you have trampled the poor, sodomized the little ones, and trafficked in Holy things with unclean hearts and hands. I hold you ALL accountable as I hold myself accountable for the evil I have committed.
Come soon Lord Jesus! Perhaps the deeper issue to all of this is that the schism has already occurred [with Vatican II]. These are highly placed priests in the Church and apparently the rot goes all the way to the top.
I'm glad I had the Southdown experience.
More to the point, I receive Holy Eucharist daily, am learning to pray the Rosary, and am finding my way home to the eternal shore.
Posted October 28, 2008

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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