Forgotten Truths
Two Catholic Curses
In the progressivist atmosphere of our days, characterized by the super-exaltation of love and goodness, it seems opportune to remember that Catholics must also curse those who despise the grace of God or the honor of His Church. By way of example, we selected two episodes from the life of the great Marian Apostle St. Louis Grignion de Montfort in which he cursed evil people.
St. Louis Grignion de Monfort
In Saint Christophe, the Tangaran couple mistreated St. Louis de Monfort, who insisted that they return the goods they had illicitly acquired. Then the Man of God gave them this well-deserved lesson:
“The two of you are attached to earthly goods and despise those of Heaven. To punish this, I hereby tell you that your sons will not succeed in life and will leave no posterity. You will fall into misery and will not even have enough to pay for your burial.”
The wife returned: “We will always have some coins to pay for the mourning bell.”
The Saint answered: “And I say to you that you will not be honored with the ringing of the bell at your burial.”
The prophecy was fulfilled to the letter. The two sons of the couple both married, but left no posterity. The man and his wife, flooded with debts, both died on a Holy Thursday: she in 1730 and he in 1738; both were buried on Good Friday, the only day of the year that the bells do not ring.
At the moment where the Cross was being planted in the Mission of Esnandes (off the coast of western France), sailors were dancing and violating the abstinence at a neighboring inn.
The Saint went to speak to the inn’s owner and appeal to his conscience to stop the revelry. It was a lost cause, the owner paid him no heed. Then, impelled by a supernatural sense, St. Louis de Montfort spoke these words to the man in a prophetic tone: “Unfortunate man! You and all your family will perish miserably!”
This prophecy was fulfilled, so much so that the inn itself became known as the Inn of the Curse, and when it finally fell to the ground, the spot was blessed to undo the curse of the Servant of God.
(Louis Le Crom, Un Apôtre Marial – Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort,
Pont-Chateau: Librairie Mariale)
Posted October 6, 2007

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