What People Are Commenting
Not a Saint, Monarchy & the Green Agenda
Most Unlikely a Saint
Dear Marian T Horvat,
Thank you for your book review on Mark M Zima's The Case for the Cause. I wholeheartedly agree with the plea to question the case of Mother Teresa. I am a 79-year-old Franciscan, ordained pre-Vatican in 1957, and well remember the "old days" when Mother Teresa's beatification would have been most unlikely. I can only regret Pope John Paul II's unhappy downgrading of the previous traditional canonization process.
I stumbled across Dr. Aroup Chatterjee's website and eventually ordered his book Mother Teresa: The Final Verdict and wanted to call it to your attention in case you have not heard of it. His website also carries several chapters of his book and his 1998 deposition to the Vatican against her beatification. Even though he conceded she was an outstanding woman, he seems to clearly demonstrate that she was not a candidate for sainthood.
Although Dr. Chatterjee is not a professing Catholic, he presented a powerful case that seemed worthy of being taken seriously but which was evidently ignored by John Paul II. The case seems so similar to his tragic blindness to and apparent stonewalling of the truth about Fr. Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ.
May the Lord bless and guide your efforts to reverse what seems like a galloping meltdown of the true Catholic Faith.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. P.P., OFM
Three Forms of Government
Dear Tradition in Action,
I recently reread your article 'Catholic Teaching on Monarchy and Democracy' on how monarchy, aristocracy and democracy are the three legitimate forms of government. As you point out, monarchy is the best of the three so long as it is not corrupt and the best form of government is a combination of all three.
Is there a way to protect a kingdom against a corrupt monarch without diminishing the authority of a good monarch? Also, are you able to provide an example of how a combination of all three forms of government would take shape in a Catholic kingdom?
Thank you for your help,
TIA responds:
Dear A.K.,
We believe that the best way to prevent a corrupt monarch from appearing and, if he appears, to prevent him from his evil purposes is to have a prevailing ambience of strong Catholic Morals. Several generations of a truly Catholic environment constituted by persons practicing virtue is the only way we see to avoid corruption from spreading, particularly when corruption is at the top of society.
We think that when the whole society is Catholic, the strong influence exercised by what is fashionable works for the good and the practice of virtue, as it happened in the Middle Ages. Then the general ambience was one striving to glorify God, which explains why so many Saints were either Monarchs or members of royal families in that time.
The ones responsible for inculcating the practice of virtue in society are the clergy and religious orders. Without them carrying out this mission, virtue will not be consistently practiced.
The elective monarchy of Poland seem to be a good example of a viable combination of the three forms of government: the people were represented by the noble families who formed an aristocracy. From that aristocracy one man was elected (democratically elected if you wish) and become King of Poland for a period of time. In practice, however, this example that somehow combined the three forms of government produced many problems and cannot be considered the ideal for promoting stability and internal political peace.
The Catholic Church is, as Mr. Guimarães describes in his recently released book Ecclesia (pp. 48-52), the one place were those three forms of government reached perfection.
We hope that this will help you.
TIA correspondence desk
Private Revelations
Dear TIA,
In reading various prophecies, it seems that the same good advice and warnings are repeated again and again.
Prophecies, approved by the Church, are good in the sense that they tell us that civil and Church leaders are not immune to corruption, that vice and lack of Faith destroy anything that is good in this world, and that we must always be on our guard against the wiles of the Enemy of man's salvation.
Prophecies can be used in a bad way when curious people try to pinpoint what time, where or how particular events are to happen. The prophecies of La Salette would seem to be applicable to the times that they were received as well as to our own time, for instance. There have always been and will always be those who seek to destroy the Church. It sometimes seems to be the case where, if enough time goes by, any prophecy will come true; or that many prophecies can be applied to many times.
I will add that saints and prophets (or saint/prophets) have at times given specific warnings that have even come true in their own lifetimes. But I believe this to be the exception to the rule.
The best way to "profit" from prophecies is to heed their common warnings and live a Catholic life in every aspect (which ironically, we should be doing regardless). It certainly should not take a prophet to realize that most of what calls itself the Church today is false and deceptive. A good Catholic recognizes this because they love God, and therefore the Truth. A bad Catholic or a pagan does not because they do not. I thank TIA for continuing to publish the Truth and teaching us how to be better Catholics.
Vatican's Green Agenda
Mr. Guimarães,
Your article, "Mother Earth Day," provides the key for understanding recent confusing statements of Pope Benedict. I refer to his strange metaphors in his homily on Pentecost. He related polluted air to polluted spirits - so far, so good, although a bit strange to give air pollution so much emphasis on the Feast of the Coming of the Holy Ghost. But what is it that pollutes spirits? It is not sins, especially the rampant sins today of immorality, homosexuality, etc. No, it is 'images and ideas that glorify violence or the exploitation of others.'
As you pointed out, here's the Liberation Theology platform. Throughout it was the underlying message - the worst thing is exploitation, inequality, the 'violent' system of Capitalism.
His answer is to apply 'the healthy air of love.' What about conversion, practice of the Commandments, penance and prayer? No mention. And this is Pentecost. It's not the first time this Pope has talked green, and I imagine it won't be the last. But now I'll recognize the tactic a green disguise over red goals.
Our Lady of Fatima said that if man didn't convert, Communism would spread its errors over the whole world. Sadly, it includes the Vatican. I'm afraid we're seeing this now. I imagine we'll hear more in the social encyclical due to be released soon. I hope you'll comment on it.
Thank you for your clear orientation on important topics.
Posted June 9, 2009

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