What People Are Commenting
Papal Letter, St. Benedict Center & Civility
Papal Letter to Chinese Catholics
Thank you, Margaret Galitzin, for this part two, China Hardens Position against the Underground Church - Part II.
It is so frustrating to see these people and clergy suffering because of Benedict XVI's liberalism. I can only offer a prayer that those who suffer will persevere to the end and have a special place next to Our Lord and His Mother.
In Our Mother,
On the St. Benedict Center
Estimado Mr. Atila Guimaraes,
Your comment:
"I am not a member of the St. Benedict Center and have no special link with this institution. I do not know their teaching about Baptism of desire. I have heard many negative rumors about this doctrine. However, I am not a man who takes rumors seriously or gets involved in intrigues. This type of action is generally employed by superficial women or pusillanimous men who are afraid to say directly what they think. Because of the natural aversion I have toward this behavior, and seeing that the St. Benedict Center is the target of such rumors, I have sympathy for it, without ever having set foot there or had the pleasure of a personal contact with its directors. Some time ago I read a book about the life of Fr. Feeney and found it edifying. I approved of his strong Marian devotion. I liked his dogged opposition to the nascent ecumenism. I admired his fidelity to Catholic tradition".
Very well put!
I'm a Cuban by birth, and none of my older family members (the young one's have no Faith whatsoever) ever heard of baptism of desire. In studying the matter for the last ten years, I've come to the conclusion that it is an American thing, and also affects other Protestant dominated/ polluted countries. To us of Spanish blood it is very simple, we were always taught that to be a Protestant, Jew, heretic, schismatic was to lose your soul, PERIOD.
Moreover, few Catholics are saved. Salvation was no easy matter, even for priests and bishops.
Keep up the good work.
Dr. Horvat's Tapes
Dear Marian Horvat,
Thank you for making yourself accessible to me and to others like me who seek counsel from a traditional woman, so rare in today's world. We are blessed to have you as mentor through your tapes, books, the TIA website and now via email. I look forward to maybe one day attending one of your talks. My fiancee and I have certainly learned a lot from all your materials.
I have most if not all your tapes and I have never heard such pleasant, peaceful and entirely relevant talks about such diverse topics as yours. It is hard to pick a favorite, but I particularly like the Four Temperaments, Tape 3 on Raising Children and the one about Therese of Lisieux, which I was even listening today in the car.
I was writing not only to show you how much we appreciate your work, but also to ask you about any good books about traditional marriage, especially in Portuguese. It is very hard to find any literature in Portuguese like we can in English (we love Restoring the Family). We know that the basis of the teaching is contained in Ephesians 5. But if you had some great resources that you recommend it would be great.
Please let me know if you are ever speaking around Washington DC. I would also like to have you come speak at the young adults prayer group I attend one day if possible.
Best regards,
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear Mr. R.B.,
Thank you for your kind words on my work. I am glad that you are benefiting from it.
I and a good friend, Mrs. Judy Mead, are working now on a book on courtesy, which will examine some of the common American myths that make marriages today more difficult than they should be. It will also describe the Catholic way for husbands to treat wives, wives to treat husbands, fathers to treat sons and daughters, and mothers relations with sons and daughters. It will be based on various Catholic sources. We hope to finish it this year.
In the meantime, I suggest you follow the Small Manual of Civility that is being translated and posted on our site. I also appreciated your invitation. Certainly I will give you notice if I speak in your area.
In Maria,
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
P.S.: This question was answered in 2007; in 2009, Dr. Horvat
and Mrs. Mead published the book titled Courtesy Calls Again. Click
here to order and learn more about this book.
Prayers to Our Lady of Good Success Answered
Dear Marian,
Ave Maria!
This is the email that I have longed to send you saying that our prayers have been answered, and my husband's temporary job has been made permanent. I do not have the vocabulary to say thank you in an appropriate way and cannot over estimate what your prayerful support has meant to us in our dark days.
When all seems lost someone hearing your voice and offering hope with faith and confidence is inestimable and makes me realize what a privilege it is to be part of the Christian family which loves and cares for each other under God, His blessed Mother and the angels and saints. I thank Him with all my heart for sending Our Lady of Good Success to us in our need, and pray that He will richly bless you for your love and kindness to us. If there is any way that we can repay you, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Once again THANK YOU with all my heart and soul.
With the deepest gratitude,
Suppression of Our Church
To whom it may concern:
I've spent a lot of time seeking answers to the current situation at our church in Kansas, OH.
St. James Catholic Church
We've prayed, done research, sought the help of a canon lawyer and civil lawyer due to the suppression of our small, simple, yet beautiful church here in Kansas.
The latest article I read was on your website, the article about the real estate liquidation in New York.
Much of the article really hit home as our Diocese is suppressing vibrant rural churches to build and support the repairs of suburban/urban churches.
Our story can be found at http://www.stjameskansas.org
I know that the author Michael Ryan was a guest columnist for your organization. If you know of anyone who might be able to help us through this difficult time with advice, suggestions, or information, we would love your help.
We have petitioned the Congregation for the Clergy. Our Bishop cited the wrong canon law (suppression instead of a merger), but the decision was upheld. Our canon lawyer may submit a petition to protect our Patrimony, but she is not optimistic. We have talked to a civil attorney about property rights, but he has never litigated a case against the Bishop of a Catholic church. We would like to find some way to protect our building.
We might welcome help from a Priest from other Catholic traditions (if in Communion with the Roman Catholic Church). The Polish National Catholic Church has offered their help; however, there is no church locally.
Our website has our story from the Suppression last spring to a 24/7 prayer vigil that lasted until the Bishop sent a thug to remove an elderly woman from our church. The doors now are barred and locked with no trespassing signs. It has been a difficult year.
We would love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you,
Posted August 23, 2007

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