Francis I
 | Can We Say Pope Francis Is a Communist? He has the same ideas & same symbols of communists & is praised by them
 | Is Pope Francis a Mason? He is a member of the Rotary & close to Masonry; see here, here, here & here
 | Do You Believe Francis Is a Partisan of Liberation Theology? Yes, we do; you can check for yourself here, here, here, here & here
 | What Do You Think about the Encyclical Evangelii Gaudium? TIA's view of on this document is clearly set out here, here, here & here
 | What Is Your Take on Laudato Si'? An overview of its contradictions can be found here
 | Why Does the Pope always End His Speeches with Que Asi Sea? In Spanish it is customary for Bishops to end their sermons this way
 | Could You Send Me a Photo of the Pope's Cross? Yes, you can view the strange pectoral cross here
Benedict XVI
 | Does It Make Sense to Say that Pope Ratzinger Had Evil Eyes in 1960? Yes, if one considers the eyes as a symbol of a new concept of the Papacy
 | Why Did You Misquote Benedict on Evolution? There was no misquote, the text you sent was further analyzed here
 | Is the Pope Making Satanic Hand Gestures? - Another Similar Question We believe he made those gestures by chance
 | Will Benedict XVI Oppose a New Assisi? We believe he will follow the same path followed at previous Assisi meetings
 | Why Is the Pope Using Confusing Language on Indifferentism? It is a progressivist 'dialectical' method to advance his agenda
 | Could You Clarify the Vatican's 'Clarification' on Condoms? Its comments only confirms our analysis of this topic, here & here
 | Will You Sign the Petition to Support Benedict XVI? No, the language is ambiguous & the sources compromised
 | Why Won't You Admit the Pope Only Gives Communion on the Tongue? You are assuming too much; the news report only says it is his preference
 | Why Do You Criticized Benedict for Passing by Homos in the WYD? His route was carefully planned & approved by the Catholic authorities
 | Was the Pope Praying to Convert Muslims? Your question is answered in The Pope at the Mosque - A Scandal
 | Did Pope Benedict Betrayed the Chinese of the Catabombs? Yes, he did; read the answer
 | To What Degree Is Benedict's Church Still Catholic? It is Catholic, but inflicts suffering on Our Lord as in the Passion
 | Could You Comment on the Instruction about Summorum Pontificum? It is a disciplinary document reaffirming that a hybrid Mass is on its way
 | What about Pope Benedict's New Humanism? Here is how Humanism is understood by Progressivism
 | What Do You Think about Deus Caritas Est? Our answer is here: Any Disinterested Carnal Love Leads to God
 | Is the Photo of Ratzinger Wearing a Suit Objective? It was published by a credible magazine without any denial
John Paul II
 | Cant' We Assume that after Paul VI the Popes Were Simply Ignorant? No, because they all faithfully fulfill the agenda of Progressivism
 | Are the Miracles of JPII Authentic? We believe neither was he a saint nor were his 'miracles' authentic
 | Did John Paul II Have Girlfriends & Father Children? He had close relations with women; we have no evidence he had children
 | Could JPII's Immoralities Just Be Tricks of the Devil? They took place many times & he should be aware of them
 | Was Karol Wojtyla Jewish? We do not have a definitive answer at present
 | What about the Luminous Mysteries? They sabotage praying the Rosary by making it more difficult; read also here
 | What Did Card. Wojtyla Say About Dialogue with Unbelievers? At Vatican II he said the Church must adapt her language to them
 | Where Is the Proof the Pope Kissed the Koran? You can find it here, in the news report by FIDES
 | Where Is the Proof JPII Is Covering for Pedophilia? There is evidence that he did, as you can read here
Paul VI
 | Was Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor? Montini was bad throughout his entire reign & had no need for a replacement
 | If Paul VI Was so Bad, How Can You Explain Humanae Vitae? The theoretical teaching of H.V. was not applied in practice
 | Does Paul VI Use of the Rational Make Him a Follower of Judaism? It is, at the least, a very strange thing for a Catholic Pontiff to do
 | Can You Prove Paul VI Said He Sounded the Apocalipse Trumpets? Yes we can; here is the photocopy of the Jean Guitton's interview to Avvenire
 | Did the Pope Give His Tiara to the U.N.? He sold it & gave the money to the poor; he gave his cross & ring to the U.N.
 | Did Paul VI Impose or Proposed the Novus Ordo? In theory, he proposed; in practice he imposed
 | What Stopped the Beatification of Paul VI ? His alleged homosexuality was the obstacle
 | Was Montini a Homosexual? An Italian noble & professor testified that he was; read it here
 | Paul VI's Homosexuality: Rumor or Reality? Evidence exists - read it to check for yourself if it is solid
 | Who Declared John XXIII Blessed? It was John Paul II who beatified him
 | Was John XXIII a Freemason? There are reasons for suspicion, but not certainty
 | Was John XXIII Initiated into Freemasonry in Paris? We would appreciate solid evidence supporting this; so far we don't have it
 | Can You Prove that Paul VI & John XXIII Were Not Freemasons? The onus of proof falls to the accuser & not vice-versa
Other Popes
 | Did Pope St. Pius V Really Have a Vision of Lepanto? Sources backing up the miraculous knowledge of Lepanto's victory
 | What Are the Sources for the Heresy of Pope Liberius? They are documents by St. Athanasius, St. Hilary & St. Jerome
 | Why Did St. Pius X Affirm Card. Newman Was Good? Newman was ambiguous, read more here; probably Pius X was misinformed
 | Why Did St. Pius X Support Card. Rampolla? He lacked full control over the Roman Curia, infiltrated by modernists
 | Were Pope Pius XI & Pius XII Jewish? We do not know & lack the time to make a proper study
 | Was Pius XII a Good Pope? Dr. Carol Byrne shows he established the bases for the New Mass
 | Can You Substantiate the Errors of Pius XII? Here are six progressivist initiatives that he took
 | How Can You Judge the Pope? A Catholic is forbidden "to judge" the Pope only when he intends to depose him
 | Why Aren't You Softer on Papal Scandals? Because we are committed to expose the Revolution in its entirety
 | When Does a Heretical Pope Become Invalid? When a considerable number of faithful makes his authority inefficacious
 | Was Newman Really a Liberal? We posted a series documents proving that he was; more here
 | Could You Explain How Newman Was a Pre-Modernist? He was one of the leaders against the dogma of Papal Infallibility
 | Are the University Centers Named after Newman or Neumann? After English Card. John Henry Newman for his concessions to Protestantism
 | How Dare You Attack Card. Ottaviani? You Are Wrong. Card. Ottaviani accepted Vatican II & promoted the U.N.
 | Why Do You Attack Card. de Lubac since He Was Good? We expose the point that earned him a condemnation from the Holy Office
 | How Could the Bishops Have Accepted Vatican II? Either from conviction or fear of losing their careers
 | Is Card. Müller a Heretic & Automatically Excommunicated? Here are the cases of automatic excommunication according to Canon Law
 | Isn't It Horrible that Arch. Nichols Offered Flowers to Hindu Deities? Yes, it is an important landmark of inter-faith dialogue in England
 | Can I Defend the Faith When Philippine Bishops Dialogue with Muslims? Yes, you can. First, resist the Bishops, then, try to convert the Muslims
 | How Can You Say that Arch. Lefebvre Was Contradictory? There are many proofs that are being admitted even by the SSPX heads
 | How Can You Say Arch. Lefebvre Said the New Mass? Fr. des Lauriers affirms that he did from April 1969 to December 1970
 | Was Bishop Sheen a Progressivist or a Traditionalist? He was a progressivist, read here & here
 | Why Do You Attack Bishops Dancing When David Gave the Example? David was not a Bishop, but a layman. Bishop should never dance