What People Are Commenting
Saint of the Day, Filioque & Satanism
Forgotten Saints
Hello TIA,
I can't believe you forgot to include two of the most important and beloved Saints from your list of Saint of the Day... St Rita of Cascia on May 22 and St Maximilian Kolbe on Aug 14... would you please, please add them if you can.
TIA responds:
Hello E.C.,
Actually our posts on the Saint of the Day page are not made following the calendar or a list of the most important saints. Rather, they depend upon the time Mr. Guimarães has free to search for material in the talks that Prof. Plinio used to give to his young disciples. In those daily meetings, at times he would speak about the saint of the day, but often he dealt with other topics. As the time went by, the need to address these other themes became more imperative. This explains the time required to carefully search the microfiches in order to select only the commentaries on the saints.
So far, the more than 250 commentaries on Saints we have posted online are the result of Mr. Guimarães' search in about 14,000 pages of his archives. The good news is that he still has another 15,000 pages of those meetings to search.
Therefore, the work of posting a Saint of the Day is not so simple as one might think. It is not a matter of just choosing the comments on a saint from a prepared file in order to follow the liturgical calendar or a list of the more important saints.
We ask your prayers that the Editor will have more time to work on that section to expand our present selection of saints.
TIA correspondence desk
St. Isidore the Farmer
On two Latin-Tridentine calendars, and "Lives of the Saints" by Alban Butler, which I use, March 22 shows St. Isidore the Farmer, Confessor. He's different from St. Isidore, Archbishop of Seville, shown on April 4. Your Saint of the Day shows nothing on March 22. Why doesn't the Farmer St. Isidore qualify to be on your list of Saints?
TIA responds:
Please read the previous answer. We believe it explains why we still do not have anything on St. Isidore the Farmer.
TIA correspondence desk
Our Lady of Fatima
Dear Tradition in Action,
God reward you for all that you're doing... I simply love The Saint of the Day section!
Please, include Our Lady of Fatima for 13 October, anniversary of the final apparition, 1917 at Fatima. You will have so much to tell us.
Thanks a million,
TIA responds:
Dear M.W.,
Thank you for your encouragement. We will do our best to post something by October 13. Until this does not happen you may read these comments on Our Lady of Fatima.
TIA correspondence desk
St. Anne
Dear TIA,
Did St. Anne have other children? I was reading Emmerick and the story goes that she was married prior to Joachim and she and Joachim had a daughter named Mary Heli?
I think this is in the apocryphal gospels, and I do not know what to make of it. In the gospel of James it says it was just Anne and Joachim and Mary.
Can you clear this up?
TIA responds:
Dear B.R.,
That part of Catherine Emmerick's writings also sounds strange to us. Normally some of these Gnostic-spirited texts found in her writings are attributed to Clement Brentano, the writer who took the notes of the seer's visions and published her works.
Almost everything we know by Catherine Emmerick came through him. Although most of the time he faithfully reported what she dictated to him, he took some liberties and introduced his own ideas in several passages.
This is why we should be selective in reading her works. Unfortunately, the Vatican did not say a word about this necessary caution when it beatified her. Doing this it added more elements to the existing confusion...
We firmly believe St. Anne had only one child, Our Lady. Tradition tells us that she was barren until her old age, and by a miracle she conceived one daughter. There is little foundation for the story that St. Anne had other children.
TIA correspondence desk
St. Germaine Cousin
Hello TIA,
My name is M.G. and I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am very interested in St. Germaine Cousin. Do you know if they make prayer cards with her picture and a prayer. Also, I am interested in a portrait of her. Do you know any company or Catholic institution that might sell portraits of saints.
She is not a very popular saint. I have been having a hard time finding anything for sale; art or keepsakes.
TIA responds:
Hello M.G.,
Unfortunately we cannot offer you any other help than the text we have on St. Germaine Cousin in the Saint of the Day section here, which probably you already know.
TIA correspondence desk
St. Philomena Pictures
I am K.L. and I am building a web site that is in need of more photos of St. Philomena.
I am seeking permission to import and use the ones you have on your web page. Any consideration will be greatly appreciated.
Our site is here
Christus Resurrexit! Vere Resurrexit! Alleluia!
May the Risen Lord Truly Bless You with new life in HIM
TIA responds:
Hello K.L.,
Thank you for your inquiry. You are welcome to use our photos of St. Philomena, which come from our private collection. We ask that you cite the source from our website.
TIA correspondence desk
On the Filioque
I just wanted to comment that I am a convert from the Orthodox Church and now am a member of the Ruthenian Catholic Church, and in our Ruthenian parish we do say the Creed with the Filioque. I appreciated that change very much when we converted. It is an affirming every Sunday in a way of what we left and rejected.
Satanic Symbol
I would like you to post a comment on this picture of pope Benedict, which I found while surfing another traditionalist site.
If my eyes serve me well, the pope is clearly giving a double devil sign, there is no denying it. I found this most horrific, since this could indicate some kind of relationship with Satanism (heard of stories surrounding the bent crucifix - another hair-raising picture of modern Church?)
Thanks for your comments.
L.P., Brazil
TIA responds:
Greetings L.P.,
A reader has sent us this picture before (here) and we have already commented on it here. We hope you will benefit from these postings.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted June 21, 2011

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