What People Are Commenting
Repercussions on Diverse Articles
St. Macarius
Dear Sir,
My name is R.F. I am a Roman Catholic. And I read your page "St. Macarius of Alexandria, January 2 by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira". It is very good.
In this Godless Masonic world, there is lot to meditate on The Last Four Things.
Please keep this good work.
A Slave of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour,

I Love Your Site
Is there anyway I could forward your informative "main" page on to my brother? I have been trying to convince him of everything you say on this page. Love it.

Praying toward Mecca
Dear TIA,
I have enjoyed and appreciated your website. But what if the Holy Father prayed for the light of Christ to enlighten and convert Muslims?
TIA responds:
Dear R.T.,
You can find an answer to your question here: The Pope at the Mosque - A Scandal.
TIA correspondence desk

Hepburn & Divorce
Dear Dr. Horvat,
I really liked your article on Katherine Hepburn's life. Isn't that interesting that there were six children in her family and yet her mother was a co-founder of Planned Parenthood?
I also liked that article on how Catholic divorces are speeding up. Annulments are granted for everything nowadays.
May God bless you.

Catholic Thanksgiving
Dear Dr. Horvat,
Thank you for your interesting article on the Thanksgiving history.
What you have written is perfectly true from what I know of the subject. I think, though, that what some of your readers were worrying about is celebrating a national "holiday" that was instituted at a time when suspicion of anything Catholic was at an all-time high.
Unless I have been grossly misinformed "Thanksgiving" (much like the current ludicrous "kwanzaa" nonsense) was cooked up sort of as an "antidote" to Christmas, a secular national holiday of meaninglessness designed to upstage Christmas. We are "thanking" who? For what? It is one of those typically masonic moves that were very much a part and parcel of the founding of our benighted country.
Your facts are most certainly correct. I don't believe, though, that they add up to a Catholic "thanksgiving" day. My advice would be to let the Protestants, masons and agnostics have their "Thanksgiving Day", which launches the annual mercantilist madness of mindless shopping; we'll have our Holy Christmas season.
With every good wish for Advent and the coming Christmas season, I am,
Very truly yours,
Posted December 13, 2006

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