What People Are Asking
Are These Pictures Authentic?
The Ratzinger Brothers in Suits
I saw the photo you posted to the Tradition in Action, Revolution in Pictures page of Pope Benedict wearing a grey business suit [click here].
I have gone to the website of Point De Vue and have been unable to find any link. I have looked closely at the photo you posted and surmise that it is actually a digital photo of the hard-copy version of the magazine. Having looked at the magazine's website, I see that it is the same sort of thing as People magazine and clearly they have no idea of the significance of the photo. I'm sure they thought it was just a nice picture of the pope talking about music with his brother.
Can you send me an online source for this photo? Before I start sending it around to people, I would really like to know for sure where it came from.
TIA responds:
The mentioned photo was scanned from the February 15, 2006 issue of the French magazine Point de Vue (page 30). It was used to illustrated an interview with Fr. Georg Ratzinger about Mozart.
For your convenience, we are scanning the first of the two-page interview so you can see the photo in its context (below).
We hope this is of help to you.
TIA correspondence desk.

Portrait of Fr. Antonio Margil
Is the portrait of Father Margil on your webpage authentic?

TIA responds:
The photo of Ven. Fr. Antonio Margil de Jesus, pictured at right, is from a portrait that is now at the former Colegio de Santa Cruz in Querétaro, Mexico.
The photo as well as this information about it were taken from the book Nothingness Itself: Select Writings of Ven Fr. Antonio Margil, O.F.M., published by Franciscan Herald Press in 1976.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted August 21, 2006
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