What People Are Commenting
Miami's Consecration, Chagall & St. Nilus
Francis & Chagall
Dear Dr. Horvat,
The following are some comments on your recent post entitled: “Jesus on the Cross by Chagall”.
1. The fact Pope Francis is pleased with so ugly a ‘painting’ which pretends that Christ on the cross symbolizes the suffering of the Jews is significant. Indeed, to interpret that Christ upon the cross symbolizes the suffering of the Jews implies Christ did not suffer for all peoples, but only for the Jews. Such an interpretation is all the more revolting when it is recognized that the conciliar Church has remained deafeningly silent about the horrible killing and starvation of many times more Catholics and innocent people by communist controlled governments throughout the world. Such an interpretation also shows how little the Pope cares for the Catholic faithful, particularly the faithful who gave their lives for the Church..
2. The interpretation is in complete accord with Pope John Paul II’s declaration that “the holocaust was the Jewish Golgotha.” Since almost twice as many non-Jews were killed in the Ukraine by the communists, one wonders just how many million more non-Jews the communists should have killed before a conciliar Pope, including Pope Francis I, would have expressed an equal concern.
3. It is perhaps fitting that an ugly picture should depict such an insult to Christ since it was Jews who were primarily responsible for the terrible suffering and death of Christ at Calvary. The situation of having Christ’s Vicar on earth lauding a painting favoring a religion that denies Christs' divinity and whose basic book, The Torah, contains so many gross insults to both Christ and Catholics, can only be considered an ugly moral situation.
Thank you for the reminder that our prayers and rosaries for Holy Mother Church are needed now more than ever.
You, Atila and your cohorts, keep up the good work. It is a great aide in the fight to preserve our Holy Faith.
Liturgical Dances in Berkeley
Hello TIA,
I am sending you two links of ceremonies made in the Holy Spirit Parish, Berkeley, CA, in the 2013 Easter Vigil. The first one is the Easter Gospel. It is here.
The second one is a liturgical dance around the altar, it is here.
It is a sample of where the Novus Ordo Church is heading. Nothing more reminds us of a Catholic Church of the past.
Prophecy Attributed to St. Nilus
Someone wrote you saying that the prophecy was unheard of until the 1990's.
This is not true. I have read it in Orthodox publications of the 1970's and 1980's.
Whether it was around before then, I know not.
Infiltrators Took over the Church
Dear TIA,
Most Catholics 50 years ago were unaware of the mischievous goings on at the Vatican Council. But in 1969, when the infiltrators replaced the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the Altar with the re-enactment of the Last Supper at a table, a grenade should have gone off in the heads of Roman Catholics everywhere. But it didn't, except for a few.
May God forgive us.
Card. Suenens in a Phallic Worship
Hi there,
I have a (fantastical) question that I need answered and was wondering if you would be so kind as to answer it.
The question is: did Cardinal Suenens of Belgium conduct, during a progressive theological congress, what could only be called a phallic worship ceremony in 1970? The reason I ask is that this event was supposedly reported in the Italian newspaper Il Giornale d’Italia, in September 17th, 1970. Someone mentioned this to me, but to be honest, I find the whole thing a tad bizarre. However, I don't rule something like this out.
In other words, if you said that he did, I wouldn't lose any sleep.
In Jesus and Mary
TIA responds:
Hello J.P.,
Unfortunately we cannot help you in your research. We do not have any datum about this ceremony and the edition you mentioned of Giornale d”Italia is no longer at public disposal, as you may check for yourself here.
TIA correspondence desk
Request for Religious Materials
Dear TIA,
Thank you very much for the information you sent me [on prophecies]. It was very helpful.
I would like to know if you can help me with a drive for donated items?
They are for the poor, the needy, those who can use them and for the uninformed.
I need rosaries, scapulars, holy cards, medals and small household items – anything old or new. Any small objects around the house or in closets. If you can get any kind of traditional Catholics or any kind people to help me, it would be most welcome and help give glory to God and help people.
Any material – old or new - about the crisis in the Church and evil in our world today and what to do about it would be helpful.
I myself am poor, but I live by the grace of God. I am here to help others, especially their souls. With God’s grace, I try to combat the malice of Satan in this corrupt world and society.
If you can help, please let me know .
Thank you and God bless you, and please keep up the good work that all of you do at TIA.
Sincerely in Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ,
Bro. Francis Nave, O.S.D. T. Ter.
1856 W. Marshall Street
Norristown, PA, 19403-3244

Posted July 16, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I want you and your readers to know that Miami was officially consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary on May 30, 2013.
The Mayor of Miami, Tomás Regalado, initiated the ceremony and was followed by Archbishop Thomas Wenski. The act took place at St. Mary Cathedral, witnessed by the hundreds of people present.
A photo of the act of consecration is below, with other photos of the event (Below first row, Mayor Regalado reading the Consecration, second row, Archbishop Weinski doing the same, third row, a bronze plaque to commemorate the event). A link to the news report is here.
Keep up your good work.
In Jesu et Maria,