What People Are Commenting
Lepanto, Feminism & Homo Bergoglio
Defining Feminism
Feminism is Atheistic Communism in liquid form. It has seeped into every crack and crevice of our families, our culture, our schools, our churches, and, our government.
So, put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
Feminism is Atheistic Communism in liquid form. It has seeped into every crack and crevice of our families, our culture, our schools, our churches, and, our government.
So, put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Steve Sanborn, Sr.
Dialogues des Carmelites
This video was sent to me a while back. I just watched it. It is a brief clip concerning the French Revolution and the Carmelites of Compiègne. I hope it will do some good for your readers to see the hatred of the world against the true Faith.
The video can be watched here
Fr. Paul Sretenovic
This video was sent to me a while back. I just watched it. It is a brief clip concerning the French Revolution and the Carmelites of Compiègne. I hope it will do some good for your readers to see the hatred of the world against the true Faith.
The video can be watched here
Fr. Paul Sretenovic
Offering Spiritual Help
Dear TIA,
After reading the article on The Pains Inflicted on the Reprobates in Hell and your excellent response posted here, I felt the wish to share this link with the writer of the letter. It is a series of prayers for each day of the week to the Blessed Mother, which have indulgences.
I hope this gives consolation and much hope about gaining eternal salvation. Perhaps you can forward this to the writer of the letter?
Thank you,
E.S., Ph.D.
After reading the article on The Pains Inflicted on the Reprobates in Hell and your excellent response posted here, I felt the wish to share this link with the writer of the letter. It is a series of prayers for each day of the week to the Blessed Mother, which have indulgences.
I hope this gives consolation and much hope about gaining eternal salvation. Perhaps you can forward this to the writer of the letter?
Thank you,
E.S., Ph.D.
‘Bergoglio Is Homo & Marxist’
Dear TIA,
You posted this comment about the Third Secret of Fatima.
"Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him. But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil."
This was before a homosexual usurped the papacy as seen in the current times with Bergoglio, who, after all the warnings posted here and here of the excessive kissing of and touching of boys, is now in Rome showing himself publicly openly gay.
You posted pictures showing Bergoglio entering a Catholic Basilica holding hands with a gay Monsignor to speak against the Mafia and bless the families of victims of Mafia violence, and show for those not believing - as it would be difficult to believe without seeing - that the current "papal occupant" is a homosexual. The Monsignor with whom he is holding hands is gay and defends homosexual rights.
This same gay Monsignor Ciotti with whom he is holding hand appeared on stage - next to Bergoglio off to his side - for Bergoglio's media-staged public display of penance asking forgiveness for the millions of children abused sexually by homosexual and heterosexual priests preying on teenage and small boys and girls.
There is another posting on the TIA site inChurch Revolution in Pictures of Bergoglio kissing the hand of a pro-homosexual pro-sodomy priest, age 93, a Salesian known for promoting political changes and laws to protect sodomy and homosexual rights.
Further proof is that Bergoglio hired pro-homo companies to help fix the mess in the Vatican finances (here and here). One of them, Ernest and Young, makes this declaration about its support for the vices against nature:
"We (Ernest and Young) are extremely excited to be featured in the Top 10 of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year. Our strong presence in the index is great recognition of the work EY and the EYGLES LGBT+ network are doing to create a more inclusive workplace. It also provides us with a tremendous opportunity to develop additional support for our people, share best practice with other organizations and continue to go from strength to strength as a network!
"The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index is the creature of Stonewall, a British professional campaign and lobbying 'charity' dedicated to promoting lesbian, homosexual and bisexual 'rights' and advancing the Homosexual Collective Internationale's agenda. One of Stonewall's projects is its ‘Education for All’ campaign designed to combat ‘homophobia’ and ‘homophobic’ bullying in schools, and the publication of pro-homosexual teacher training programs and materials for primary and secondary school use such as Some People are Gay. Get Over It. “
The papacy was to be infiltrated by Communists and Freemasons, as warned by Our Lady of Fatima, and it is clear that now the warning has been fulfilled. But something that perhaps no one expected: a homosexual "Pope" posing as the leader of the Catholic Church to further attack and attempt to destroy her from within.
These attacks were warned about by the Communist leadership itself (and the Freemasonic leadership who listed their goals in the 1800s) in a secret memoir written in the ‘50s and published in the book AA-1025: Memoirs of a Communist Infiltrator, which lists all their proposed changes to the Catholic Church to be made from within, of which many took place during Vatican II and the aftermath.
One of those goals calls for a Marxist "Pope" - which fits the following recent declaration by Bergoglio. Bergoglio calls for "legitimate redistribution of wealth" in this latest attack following the Marxist agenda.
See the picture below of the evil "gaze" in which he appears in this meeting with a hypnotic trance condition. …
The timing of this declaration I believe was made to draw attention away from the abuse scandal and condemnation of Catholic clergy the Church incurred at the Vatican testimony before the UN Human Rights Court. Bergoglio's speech was given to the UN world organizations' leaders meeting that took place at the Vatican, and took place just after this testimony on the abuse scandal.
Here is the Marxist pope asked for and planned for by the Communists, as stated in AA-1025: Memoirs of a Communist. (This book was written by a Communist agent that was posing as a seminarian to reach the highest levels of the Vatican in Rome; he was working on the structure of the New Mass and writing new "canons" for the Mass when this Memoirs was written before his death in 1961.)
This picture below, and other pictures of Bergoglio in the last year, show the fulfillment of the words of Sr. Lucia about the pope she saw in the vision given of the revolution in Rome and flight of the occupants of the Vatican:
"Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him. But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil."
Thank you for your informative postings which are spiritual and eye opening to the attacks and devastation in the Catholic Church in betrayal of Almighty God and Our Lord, and the Mother of God. May the reign of her Immaculate Heart soon come!
You posted this comment about the Third Secret of Fatima.
"Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him. But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil."
This was before a homosexual usurped the papacy as seen in the current times with Bergoglio, who, after all the warnings posted here and here of the excessive kissing of and touching of boys, is now in Rome showing himself publicly openly gay.
You posted pictures showing Bergoglio entering a Catholic Basilica holding hands with a gay Monsignor to speak against the Mafia and bless the families of victims of Mafia violence, and show for those not believing - as it would be difficult to believe without seeing - that the current "papal occupant" is a homosexual. The Monsignor with whom he is holding hands is gay and defends homosexual rights.
This same gay Monsignor Ciotti with whom he is holding hand appeared on stage - next to Bergoglio off to his side - for Bergoglio's media-staged public display of penance asking forgiveness for the millions of children abused sexually by homosexual and heterosexual priests preying on teenage and small boys and girls.
There is another posting on the TIA site inChurch Revolution in Pictures of Bergoglio kissing the hand of a pro-homosexual pro-sodomy priest, age 93, a Salesian known for promoting political changes and laws to protect sodomy and homosexual rights.
Further proof is that Bergoglio hired pro-homo companies to help fix the mess in the Vatican finances (here and here). One of them, Ernest and Young, makes this declaration about its support for the vices against nature:
"We (Ernest and Young) are extremely excited to be featured in the Top 10 of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year. Our strong presence in the index is great recognition of the work EY and the EYGLES LGBT+ network are doing to create a more inclusive workplace. It also provides us with a tremendous opportunity to develop additional support for our people, share best practice with other organizations and continue to go from strength to strength as a network!
"The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index is the creature of Stonewall, a British professional campaign and lobbying 'charity' dedicated to promoting lesbian, homosexual and bisexual 'rights' and advancing the Homosexual Collective Internationale's agenda. One of Stonewall's projects is its ‘Education for All’ campaign designed to combat ‘homophobia’ and ‘homophobic’ bullying in schools, and the publication of pro-homosexual teacher training programs and materials for primary and secondary school use such as Some People are Gay. Get Over It. “
The papacy was to be infiltrated by Communists and Freemasons, as warned by Our Lady of Fatima, and it is clear that now the warning has been fulfilled. But something that perhaps no one expected: a homosexual "Pope" posing as the leader of the Catholic Church to further attack and attempt to destroy her from within.
These attacks were warned about by the Communist leadership itself (and the Freemasonic leadership who listed their goals in the 1800s) in a secret memoir written in the ‘50s and published in the book AA-1025: Memoirs of a Communist Infiltrator, which lists all their proposed changes to the Catholic Church to be made from within, of which many took place during Vatican II and the aftermath.
One of those goals calls for a Marxist "Pope" - which fits the following recent declaration by Bergoglio. Bergoglio calls for "legitimate redistribution of wealth" in this latest attack following the Marxist agenda.
See the picture below of the evil "gaze" in which he appears in this meeting with a hypnotic trance condition. …
The timing of this declaration I believe was made to draw attention away from the abuse scandal and condemnation of Catholic clergy the Church incurred at the Vatican testimony before the UN Human Rights Court. Bergoglio's speech was given to the UN world organizations' leaders meeting that took place at the Vatican, and took place just after this testimony on the abuse scandal.
Here is the Marxist pope asked for and planned for by the Communists, as stated in AA-1025: Memoirs of a Communist. (This book was written by a Communist agent that was posing as a seminarian to reach the highest levels of the Vatican in Rome; he was working on the structure of the New Mass and writing new "canons" for the Mass when this Memoirs was written before his death in 1961.)
This picture below, and other pictures of Bergoglio in the last year, show the fulfillment of the words of Sr. Lucia about the pope she saw in the vision given of the revolution in Rome and flight of the occupants of the Vatican:
"Our Lady showed us the individual who I describe as the 'holy Father' in front of a multitude that was cheering him. But there was a difference from a true holy Father, his devilish gaze, this one had the gaze of evil."
Thank you for your informative postings which are spiritual and eye opening to the attacks and devastation in the Catholic Church in betrayal of Almighty God and Our Lord, and the Mother of God. May the reign of her Immaculate Heart soon come!

Posted July 24, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I am doing some research about the battle at Lepanto and I am searching for more information regarding the exact circumstances surrounding the revelation of Pius V that the Christians had won. Your article "Remember Lepanto!" has been very helpful. I am very interested in this excerpt in particular.
"At dawn, on October 7, 1571, as recorded in the Vatican Archives, Pope Pius V, accompanied by a group of the faithful, entered the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore to pray the Rosary and ask Our Lady to intercede for a Catholic victory. The prayers continued in Rome as the Catholic and Moslem fleets battled far away in the Gulf of Lepanto. Later in the day, the Pope is said to have suddenly interrupted his business with some Cardinals, and looking up, cried out, "A truce to business! Our great task at present is to thank God for the victory which He has just given the Catholic army."
"The Pope, of course, had no way of knowing that the battle was taking place and being decided on that very day. (No cell phones in 1571!)"
There are no citations at the end of the article. Where did you find the quote in the excerpt? It says in the excerpt that the information is recorded in the Vatican Archives, but I am having difficulty locating the source material on the Vatican website. It may be that it is impossible to view it online. If you could direct me to any resource in which I could find more detailed information (most desirably a primary source) on the miracle of Pius V's revelation of victory I would be deeply grateful.
TIA responds:
Hello C.L.,
We will send your request to the author of the article Remember Lepanto! to see if he can provide the requested source.
What we can tell you now is that this miracle is recorded in the Catholic Encyclopedia under “Pius V.” The incident is also recorded in a book by Rev. Fr. Luis Coloma titled The Story of Don John of Austria, translated by Lady Moreton, (New York: John Lane Company, 1912), pp. 272-273.
Adding to the credibility of the story is a painting by Lazzaro Baldi in 1673, below, located in Ghislieri College of Pavia, where Pope St. Pius V had taught theology.
We hope this will be of some help in your research.
TIA correspondence desk