| * Is St. John Wearing an Eastern Miter at Knock? St. John, bishop of Ephesus, & his apparition at Knock
 | * Does the Church Celebrate John the Baptist's Birthday? The third birthday celebrated in the liturgical year
 | * Is the Divine Mercy Devotion True & Reliable? A sermon from Msgr. Perez condemns the devotion
 | * Purchasing An Icon of Macrina the Younger? None available, but printing from the internet is possible
 | * Your Accusation Against Newman Is A Mortal Sin! Evidence suggests both heresy & perversity
If the Church Is Indefectible, Why Not Accept New Mass & New Saints? We are facing the fact of two different doctrines
 | Can You Tell More on Military Saints? We have a long list of Warriors Saints, check here
 | What Do You Think of the Absence of Manifest Saints in Our Times? It is hard to find; but Elias & Enoch are still alive; pray to them
 | Who Are the Living Saints? Elias & Enoch
 | Do You Recommend a Book on the Church Fathers? Look for those Fathers who are Saints; avoid progressivist sources on them
 | Is Constantine a Catholic Saint? False history attempts to slander a potential saint
 | Is Making Dolls of Saints Desecration? Do not make them; it is at least to favor desecration
 | Can Saints Teach Error? Unfortunately they taught some errors in the past; read here
 | Where Is the Proof that St. Paul Avoided Crucifixion? It is here; please, read it
Did St. Anne Have Other Children? Tradition says that she was barren & conceived only Our Lady
 | Did St. Mary Magdalene Dance after She Converted? There is no record of it; she made herself a penitent hermit in France
 | Was St. Dismas Condemned to Death Under the Jewish or Roman Law? The Jewish condemnations to death had to be approved by the Roman Consul
 | Is Sts. Peter & Paul Feast a Day of Obligation? Not in the U.S., but still in England & Wales in English-speaking countries
 | Was Simon of Cyrene a Saint? He converted & had two sons saints; Cornelius a Lapide says he was a saint
 | Is St. Jerome's 'Holy Pride' Approved by the Church? Yes, it is; we should avoid the school of sentimental Catholicism
 | Do You Have Any Comments on the Carmelites of Compiègne? Yes, we do; read here
 | Where Can I Find Information on St. Isidore the Farmer? You may follow these links
 | Where Are the Remains of Fr. Antonio Margil to Be Found? They are at the Guadalupe Friary in Zacatecas
 | Who Is Mother Serafini? Her name is Maria Serafina del Sacro Cuore; find more here
 | How Many Siblings Did St. Catherine of Siena Have? There is discussion about their number; it varies from 20 to 26
 | Do You Have More Data on Blessed Charles the Good? Besides our Saint of the Day, here are more links on him
 | Is Don Bosco's Body Incorrupt? First, we thought it was; then, we realized it is not
 | Can You Provide Pictures or Texts of St. Germaine Cousin? We only have the text of her life, not pictures
 | Did St. Charles Borromeo Have a Process of Beatification? It seems that it was simplified; read here the data
 | Where Can I Find a Statue of St. Kaleb? Here are some suggestions
 | Can You Help Find a Relic of St. Maria Goretti? Here are some suggestions
 | Do You Have the Exact Date for the Death of St. Valeriano? No, we don't; the date is uncertain
 | Do You Know Where to Buy a Statue of Santiago Matamoros? We don't know about statues, but here are some photos
 | Where Can I Purchase a St. Eligius Medal? You may call these places; if you need pictures, they are here
 | Can Your Give the Source of the St. Nilus' Prophecy? Yes, we can; it is here
 | Is St. Joseph of Cupertino the Patron Saint of Students? Yes, he is, here is the reason
 | Do You Have a Prayer to St. Anthony that Is Not Sentimental? Yes, we do; here is the prayer & the reasons why he was not sentimental
Is There a Canonization Prayer for Mother Mariana? Yes, there is; it is here
 | Can I Use Your Pictures of St. Philomena? Yes, you can as long as you cite the source
 | Where Can I Acquire a Picture or Statue of José Sanchez del Rio? We don't know of statues; a picture can be purchased here
 | Is Padre Pio's Body Missing? We are not following the investigations
 | Did Maximilian Kolbe Give His Life for a Jew? Yes.
 | Don't You Know that Maximilian Kolbe Did Not Die for a Jew? The evidence is disappearing, but there are still some - Gajowniczek was a Jew
 | Why Is Rita of Cascia & Maximilian Kolbe Absent from Your List? We don't have a complete list
 | Do You Know the Mass Schedule at St. Juan Capistrano Chapel? We don't; you may find out here
‘Saint’ John Paul II & ‘Saint’ John XXIII
 | Were John Paul II' s Miracles Authentic? We don't believe he was a saint or that his miracles are authentic
 | Why Not a Letter against Wojtyla's Canonization? Similar question Because he is not the first fake saint; others were made before him
 | Can You Scholarly Analyze the Fast Track to Canonize JPII? Until we have time to do it, please read this article & visit this page
Why John XXIII Was Beatified with Pius IX? To imply that the Pope who convened Vatican II is as holy as the one of Vatican I
Was Not John XXIII a Progressivist? How Could He Be Canonized? Yes, here are fact proving this; he was 'canonized' to foster Progressivism
‘Saint’ Mother Teresa
 | Why Do Freemasons Approve of Mother Teresa? Because she & they share the common desire of a Pan-religion
 | Was Mother Teresa Really Worshipping Buddha & Gandhi? Yes. She must be judged by her public & visible attitudes
 | I Am Certain Mother Teresa Did Not Worship Buddha. Will You Retract? Your position is entirely subjective; please read the previous answer
 | Can't You See that Mother Teresa Was Ignorant & Had Good Intentions? Everyone has the grace to know the evil, so, did she; read the previous answers
 | How Could Mother Teresa Be a Heretic? Index of articles condemning Mother Teresa's words & actions
 | How Could She Choose a Pedophile Spiritual Director? Yes, it was suspicious to promote that man; this article confirms your point
 | Is It Possible to Practice Works of Mercy without Evangelization? If they don’t lead to Our Lord Jesus Christ they become mere philanthropy
 | Did Mother Teresa Ask for a Mosque to be Built instead of a Church? We did not know; but thank you for the clue
 | Could You Send Me More Data on the Errors of Mother Teresa? Yes, you may read this book-review on Mark Zima work
 | Does the Letters Bi Before Teresa of Calcutta Stand for Blessed? A likely typo regarding the unlikely saint
False Conciliar Saints
Are There Other Fake Saints? Yes, we dedicated a page to them, ‘A Saint Factory’, here