What People Are Commenting
Horrendum Illud Scelus & Living Saints
St. Pius V on Homosexuality
Hi, my sisters and brothers in Christ,
That's a very long-winded way of saying "Hi", normally I would say "Hi, my friends", but I think you probably wouldn't regard me as a friend (at least politically), because I'm on the opposite side of an important argument - about homosexuality and the Church.
But let me get straight to the point: Do you have the full text of Pius' Horrendum illud scelus? Latin is OK, but if you also have a translation in any modern European language, that would be helpful.
It's important because both sides quote it - your side against homosexuality per se, and "our side" as though it were specifically directed against child abuse (which I doubt).
I'm hopeful of any reply you can give me.
TIA responds:
Hello P.N.,
You may find the English translation of this document by St. Pius V on our website here; the original in Latin is available on the Internet here, under the responsibility of this website.
The two Latin versions have some very small differences, the principal is the date. We have it as August 30, 1568, while this website has it as September 3, 1586.
We hope that reading these documents may clarify your doubts.
TIA correspondence desk
Growing Indignation
Dear TIA,
This is a good piece by Gerald Warner - in case you haven't seen it.
Pedophilia & Homosexuality
Dear TIA,
It is just as I expected. The anger created by these scandals [of pedophile priests] will put the Church and her Authority in the hands of the secular governments, because those who should have spoken out have not, and the same who should have acted have not. The wonder is why the problem of homosexuality, the foundational cause of these horrors, is not addressed. It is of interest that the homosexual activists are doing nothing to protect their own. Why is no light shown on that very causal disorder?
Perhaps it will be secular governments that will unseat the Pope. Seeing the danger to himself, he may want to consecrate Russia, but it will be too late, I believe, for this Pope. For Our Lord told Sister Lucy to make it known to his ministers that they follow the same fate as the King of France. King Louis XVI (it is interesting that he and Pope Benedict share the same identifying number), once the danger was imminent, was desirous to make the consecration, but it was too late for him and for France. The consecration of Russia will never be too late for the Church, but it will be late, as it is already very, very late for the many souls who have been lost in this divine chastisement. However, it looks that, like the King of France, it will be too late for the Pope.
In Maria,
Rosary Crusade
Dear Sir/Madam
In March 2009, Bishop Fellay of the FSSPX launched a crusade to obtain a 12 Million Rosary Bouquet to hand over to Benedict XVI, with a view to having the Pope consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
A year on, and the crusade target seems to be in sight. However, in the course of the year, this very Pope has visited a synagogue, made a strange allowance for Anglicans, and on March 14, 2010 he took active part in a Lutheran service.
While granting that there is a specific intention for this enormous Rosary crusade, is it not strange that it has not prevented any of these abominations?
Cordially yours,
Another Trick?
Dear TIA,
Please see this article 'How to Start an Anglican Usage (Catholic) Parish.'
I see there are many angles in this revolutionary plot against Holy Mother Church. How on earth can an Anglican rite church be ok?....
I suppose they have been allowed to 'join' but on condition they may 'keep' their rite. Is it really Catholic?
Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us,
Pro-Life Chaos
"When Mary goes it all goes!" Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Thank you for your work.
Please speak about what is called "Pro Life" It is massive chaos!
How can Dr. Alveda King be a "Pastoral Associate " of "Priests for Life" if she is not a Catholic? And how can she be 'forgiven' if she has had two "abortions" and has not had Sacramental forgiveness? If she is leading others as a Catholic who is not a Catholic where is she leading them?
Most Baptist hate Mary! Hate the Eucharist!
Thank you again,
Living Saints
Dear TIA,
Every age has its saints - Padre Pio, a wonderful example from several generations ago. A dear friend of mine knew him in this life.
Who now does TIA consider to possibly be a living saint, or to be a recently passed on good candidate for sanctity?
Who are the miracle workers of today?
'The path to Heaven is narrow, rough and full of wearisome and trying ascents, nor can it be trodden without great toil; and therefore wrong is their way, gross their error, and assured their ruin who, after the testimony of so many thousands of saints, will not learn where to settle their footing.' St. Robert Southwell
TIA responds:
Dear J.W.,
Given the great crisis we are witnessing in the Church, any person who pretends to be holy and does not suffer in solidarity with the Church and does not fight to restore her to her past glory is not, in our opinion, a true saint.
We believe that the predictions of Our Lady in La Sallete and Fatima are being fulfilled, that is, Rome has become the seat of the Antichrist, the faithful also have entered a great apostasy and a universal chastisement is approaching. Therefore, we are living in Apocalyptic times, similar to those of the last times. We think that this great crisis sets the tone for all those who struggle for the glory of God. They must face it and resist it.
In this panorama the best saints we know that are living and should be models for all Catholics are Elias and Enoch, who had their past lives as reported in the Scripture and Tradition, are still alive somewhere, and will return to challenge and fight the Antichrist.
We should study and meditate on their lives and missions and imitate them as much as possible.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted April 2, 2010

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting -
do not necessarily express those of TIA

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