Faith under Attack
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WYD 2023 – Part I
Ecumenism & Ecology
to World Youth Day
World Youth Day, the Conciliar Church’s largest youth rally, has ended. Looking past its strange modernist architecture, its ever-present dance music, immoral customs and the many liturgical abuses, what was the main message of World Youth Day?
Ecumenism & ecology, two central pillars
It appears that the two central “pillars” of World Youth Day 2023 were ecumenism and ecology, according to Dom Américo Aguiar, Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon and head Prelate in charge of organizing WYD 2023 in Lisbon.
In a July 6, 2023, interview with
RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal), the country’s state-owned public broadcaster and news source, Bishop Aguiar noted that WYD was open to all youth, not only Catholics. He declared in this video (18:00 mark): “World Youth Day in Lisbon is precisely a cry for this universal fraternity ... This is the principal message of this encounter with the living Christ that the Pope wants to propose to the youth. ... We [at WYD] do not want to convert youth to Christ, nor to the Catholic Church. Absolutely none of this.” (1)
This “cry of fraternity” is exactly the same cry of the French Revolution, and of the Secret Forces. It is no wonder that Masonry has made constant inroads in this new anti-Catholic Conciliar Church. A few examples can be seen here, here, here, here, here and here.
‘Never an event for proselytism’
The Prelate further clarified in a statement to ACI Digital on July 11, 2023, that “WYD has never been, is not, nor should it ever be an event for proselytism, on the contrary, it is and should always be an opportunity for us to get to know each other and respect each other as brothers.”

So, different from the Catholic Church, which is the “pillar and foundation of Truth,” turned toward Truth and
“preaching the Gospel to all creatures” as Our Lord commanded us, the Conciliar Church is an institution turned toward spreading a masonic fraternity. This new Conciliar Church tells young people not to convert to the One True Faith but to remain in their errors, and further instructs that Catholics should even learn from these persons who are living in error...
Fr. Peter Stilwell, the principal director of inter-religious dialogue at WYD-2023, confirmed this, saying: “We are trying to create harmony among all peoples of different hues and sensitivities … on a giant scale.”
With statements like these, how can anyone doubt that the Church has been infiltrated by Progressivism? How can anyone call this new Conciliar Church “Catholic” when it frontally denies the Faith, in particular, the First Commandment? This ecumenism of the Conciliar Church falls perfectly in line with the Americanist heresy exposed by Msgr. Henri Delassus and the goal of the Secret Forces to create a Universal Religion.
Encouraging visits to temples of false religions
Besides its ideological push in words, how did WYD push for ecumenism in practice?
In a move that is unprecedented in the WYD’s 38-year history, Lisbon WYD-2023 encouraged and facilitated young people to visit the local temples of false religions. The “Spiritual Paths/Routes” available on their website even offered online registration for visitation sign ups.
Among the proposed locales (under “Inter-Faith Dialogue”) were a synagogue, a mosque and a Hare Krishna temple; resources and contacts for local centers of Buddhism, Baha’i, and Hinduism were also provided. Various Protestant sects were also provided under “Christian Unity,” among them, Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical, Anglican and even the so-called “Orthodox.”
Here we have the Conciliar Church, encouraging youths to enter the devil-infested temples of false religions, once considered a mortal sin to enter – that is, before Vatican II.
Integral Ecology
In the same RTP interview, Bishop Aguiar spoke of WYD’s commitment to “sustainability” and ecology. He explained that one of WYD’s ways of fighting ecological injustice was to discontinue printed booklets, and instead to offer all WYD materials digitally through its WYD-2023 app.
WYD also implemented its green agenda through its ridiculous in-app carbon footprint calculator, which offered the youth ways to make “penance” for “sins” against ecology. The Portuguese news source Expresso 50, which had access to the WYD Carbon Footprint Manual that was otherwise only available to pilgrims via the app, gave details:
Expresso SER had access to the event's Carbon Footprint Manual, which reads that, for example, “a round trip by plane from Athens to Lisbon generates 1746 kgCO2e.” This carbon footprint corresponds to:
It is clear that WYD did not want to teach youth the Catholic Faith, but encouraged them to explore false religions and adopt a “green” lifestyle. Thus the question arises: what exactly did WYD teach youth? I plan to present a Catechism of WYD-2023 in another article.
Ecumenism & ecology, two central pillars
It appears that the two central “pillars” of World Youth Day 2023 were ecumenism and ecology, according to Dom Américo Aguiar, Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon and head Prelate in charge of organizing WYD 2023 in Lisbon.

Dom Américo Aguiar
This “cry of fraternity” is exactly the same cry of the French Revolution, and of the Secret Forces. It is no wonder that Masonry has made constant inroads in this new anti-Catholic Conciliar Church. A few examples can be seen here, here, here, here, here and here.
‘Never an event for proselytism’
The Prelate further clarified in a statement to ACI Digital on July 11, 2023, that “WYD has never been, is not, nor should it ever be an event for proselytism, on the contrary, it is and should always be an opportunity for us to get to know each other and respect each other as brothers.”

Above, WYD encourages youth to explore the false religions; below, front page of the Carbon Footprint Manual, courtesy of Pillar Catholic

Fr. Peter Stilwell, the principal director of inter-religious dialogue at WYD-2023, confirmed this, saying: “We are trying to create harmony among all peoples of different hues and sensitivities … on a giant scale.”
With statements like these, how can anyone doubt that the Church has been infiltrated by Progressivism? How can anyone call this new Conciliar Church “Catholic” when it frontally denies the Faith, in particular, the First Commandment? This ecumenism of the Conciliar Church falls perfectly in line with the Americanist heresy exposed by Msgr. Henri Delassus and the goal of the Secret Forces to create a Universal Religion.
Encouraging visits to temples of false religions
Besides its ideological push in words, how did WYD push for ecumenism in practice?
In a move that is unprecedented in the WYD’s 38-year history, Lisbon WYD-2023 encouraged and facilitated young people to visit the local temples of false religions. The “Spiritual Paths/Routes” available on their website even offered online registration for visitation sign ups.
Among the proposed locales (under “Inter-Faith Dialogue”) were a synagogue, a mosque and a Hare Krishna temple; resources and contacts for local centers of Buddhism, Baha’i, and Hinduism were also provided. Various Protestant sects were also provided under “Christian Unity,” among them, Methodist, Presbyterian, Evangelical, Anglican and even the so-called “Orthodox.”
Here we have the Conciliar Church, encouraging youths to enter the devil-infested temples of false religions, once considered a mortal sin to enter – that is, before Vatican II.
Integral Ecology
In the same RTP interview, Bishop Aguiar spoke of WYD’s commitment to “sustainability” and ecology. He explained that one of WYD’s ways of fighting ecological injustice was to discontinue printed booklets, and instead to offer all WYD materials digitally through its WYD-2023 app.
WYD also implemented its green agenda through its ridiculous in-app carbon footprint calculator, which offered the youth ways to make “penance” for “sins” against ecology. The Portuguese news source Expresso 50, which had access to the WYD Carbon Footprint Manual that was otherwise only available to pilgrims via the app, gave details:

A new miserablist eco-church;
above, ugly wooden ‘confessionals’
- 55 years of daily showers;
- 1/2 year of omnivore diet;
- 20 12 Pro Max iPhones.
- Make the home-to-work journey by train instead of by personal car for two years, for a 10km route;
- Respond to the challenge of being a vegetarian for one year;
- Support tree conservation programs for one year, corresponding to 65 trees.
It is clear that WYD did not want to teach youth the Catholic Faith, but encouraged them to explore false religions and adopt a “green” lifestyle. Thus the question arises: what exactly did WYD teach youth? I plan to present a Catechism of WYD-2023 in another article.
- His full statements, translated by the TIA desk:
18:00 – “World Youth Day in Lisbon is also precisely a cry for this universal fraternity ... WYD has to be a pedagogical school for the affinity for and joy in recognizing those who are different. The different person must be considered a richness ... WYD is not only for Catholics. The Popes never made an invitation to [only] young Catholics, they always made an invitation to young people from all over the world ... This diversity is a richness.”
19:25 – “In the end, we have to hold each other’s hands and say to one another: ‘I think differently, I feel differently, I organize my life in a different way, but we are brothers, and we will walk forward together to construct the future.’ This is the principal message of this encounter [WYD] with the living Christ that the Pope wants to propose to the youth.
“We [at WYD] do not want to convert youth to Christ, nor to the Catholic Church, absolutely none of this. We think that it is normal for the young Christian Catholic to speak and give testimony of what he is, that the young Muslim, Jew or one from another religion should also have no problem to say what he is, and to give his testimony, that a young person who does not confess any religion should feel [at home] and not like a stranger because he is this way or that, and for all of us to understand that differences are a richness. The world will be objectively better if we could put in the hearts of all young people this sense of Fratelli tutti, of all being brothers, which Pope Francis has made a huge effort to pour into the hearts of all - into our hearts and those of all.”

Posted September 11, 2023