Faith under Attack by Progressivism
The Pope Answers: Francis Fuels Racist Class-Struggle - Part 4 Conservative immigration is 'egoist'; colonization 'embarassing'
The Pope Answers
Part 1 - A Frontal Attack on Faith & Morals A Disney+ movie features Francis approving lesbians & porn stars
Part 2 - Revolutionary Ambiences & Gestures A hippy-tribal atmosphere opposed to papal ceremony of the past
Part 3 - Francis Attacks Religious Life He maligns the Church & favors a lesbian ex-nun
 | World Youth Day 2023
Part 1 - Ecumenism & Ecology Central to World Youth Day The anti-Catholic propaganda of WYD 2023
Part 2 - A Progressivist ‘Catechism’ WYD 2023 instilling a new religion without doctrine
Part 3 - Examination of Conscience The un-Catholic examination of conscience at WYD 2023
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Wrought with Errors An ecumenical 'creative' program that does not pass down the Faith
To Read or Not to Read The Mystical City of God? There was never a book so scrutinized and so firmly approved
Italian Bishops Suspend All Masses for Catholics Any supernatural help is ignored in the Coronavirus mania
Irreverent Play on Our Lady at WYD Panama A rapping archangel Gabriel dances with a modern Mary
 | Imposing the Cult of Man in the Stations of the Cross A new type of 'devotion' that centers on man, not Christ
 | Errors of Maria Valtorta
Part 1 - Errors against the Faith in the Work of Maria Valtorta Analysis of some heresies in the Poem of Man-God
2 - A Generalized Sexual Obsession Original sin would have been a sexual act
Part 3 - Poem of the Man-God:
Dangerous & Unacceptable for Catholics Distorts the Gospels; presents Christ as merely human etc.
Moral Profile of the Typical Progressivist Prelate Obsessed with equality, religious experience & the poor
Progressivism and the ‘Only Allowed Thinking’ Support Each Other Infiltration inside the Church and a plan of destruction
 | Freedom of Press, Winners-Losers & Enjoyment of Life Advantages given to those who follow the Revolution
 | False Democracy, ‘Marvelous Youth’ & Onerous Elderly More myths advanced by progressivism to destroy society
 | The Option for the Poor & the End of Communism Two more progressivist myths to influence public opinion
 | The Progressivist Rule of ‘Religious Sentiment’ Sentimental feelings, not principles, are the rule of the day
 | Dominant Ideas of the ‘Only Allowed Thinking’ A new Church emerges under Progressivism's heavy hand
 | Progressivist Strategy to Dominate the Church & Extinguish the Faith The Church enters the modern world and accepts its errors
 | ‘New Approach’ Announced on Communion for Remarried Divorcees The head of the Family & Marriage Synod suggests unorthodox changes
 | False Devotions to Our Lady - Part 1 The learned, dry & barren devotees
 | Popes for Evolution - Part 1 - From Pius XII to Paul VI How the theory of evolution gained entrance in the Catholic Church
 | Popes for Evolution - Part 2 - From John Paul II to Bendict XVI Strong support for an unproved theory
 | Original Sin, Evolution & Church Teaching Rejection of the Genesis account rests on evolution
 | The Unfounded Haste of JPII in Approving Evolution Evolution is not proved by science, it is mere speculation
 | Sick Ecumenism or Dereliction? Card. George praises the Mormons at Brigham Young University
 | The Insidious Tactics of Change Ambiguity and keeping the outer trappings are used to change the Faith
 | A Necessary Divisiveness Supporting the Bishops who forbade pro-abortionists from receiving Communion
 | A 'Revisionist' Vatican Nativity Scene A unconventional scene that places the birth of Jesus in Nazareth, not Bethlehem
 | Crisis in Catechesis The bad influence of Vatican II changed cathechesis for the worse
 | Why is the Octave of the Immaculate Conception No Longer Observed? Fr. Bugnini asked John XXIII to abolish the octaves from the Liturgical Calendar
 | The Virtue of Saints and the “Rights” of Man The inconsistency of tolerating "rights" destroys the moral foundation of society
Faith under Attack by Protestantism
 | The Blasphemies of Luther On God, Jesus Christ, the Mass, the priesthood & the Church
 | Notorious Vices of the Pseudo-Reformers An unstoppable eruption of pride and sensuality
 | John Calvin, the Tyrant of Geneva He tolerated no criticism or argument against his new 'doctrine'
 | Who Was Luther Actually?
Part 1 - Luther's Lack of Credibility No miracles or prophecies confirm his supposed divine mission
Part 2 - Luther’s Boundless Pride & Tyranny Documents & witnesses show who the heresiarch was
Part 3 - Luther’s Appalling Instabilities & Contradictions Luther's doctrine, fed by irrational hatred
Part 4 - Luther's Licentiousness The heresiarch's life of immorality, drunkenness and gluttony
 | Vatican Paper Defends Calvinism L'Osservatore Romano praises Calvin on the 500th anniversary of his birth
 | Luther Thought He Was Divine His revolution set off an avalanche of sensuality, sloth and pride
 | Luther: No, Absolutely No The appalling blasphemies of the heresiarch
 | Mormon Enigmas - Occult Aspects of the Mormon Confession For them the Catholic Church is the "most abominable above all other churches"
 | The Rapture Virus: Is there anything Catholic about the Rapture theory? This sophism is not supported by Scripture and akin to occult movements
Faith under Attack by the World, Paganism & the Devil
Burning Churches, Defacing Statues of Our Lady Where's the outrage of Catholic authorities?
No ‘Springtime’ for Catholic Families Study shows appalling indifference toward the faith & prayer
Wrong Position of Science on the Creation of Matter God created the universe ex nihilo, this is the crucial point
Evolution, the Devil´s Weapon against Christianity - Part 1 Evolutionism accepted by Catholics destroys the dogmas and the faith
Evolution, Culture of Death & Morals - Part 2 Darwin's racism and the evil roots of Evolutionism
 | Contraceptive Pills for Nuns A new attack on virginity
 | Trick-or-Treat: A Trick to Divert Attention from All Souls’ Day Is the practice nothing but good fun?
 | Christmas Was Never a Pagan Holiday The early Church established the date based on Biblical evidence
 | Nietzsche, Herald of the Revolution’s Pride “God must die so the new man can live free”
 | Supreme Court Bans Decalogue from Public View The laws of men deviate from the laws of God to man's perdition
 | A Sentence against Christ Crucified Reactions to the European Court's decision forbidding Crucifixes in classrooms
 | What's Good and Evil about Halloween? Catholics should rethink the celebration of Halloween
 | The War on God A new wave of scholars attacking God and being promoted by the media
 | Spend a Holy Hour with Christ against the Da Vinci Code Description of a Catholic protest against the movie on its opening night
 | Halloween: A Return to Paganism Under the pretext of fun for children, an occult agenda is promoted
 | Subjectivism Destroying the Catholic Faith The many errors of Modern Philosophy are rooted in the Cartesian revolution
 | Assault on Faith: Fictitious 'History' as Weapon CNN promoting the Muslim lies about the Crusades
 | The Da Vinci Code: Blasphemous Thesis and Bad History False and superficial statements make the book self-destructive
 | The Supernatural and the Preternatural Signs and wonders are not indisputable proof of sanctity
 | Good Science, Bad Science How St. Albert the Great opposed bad science
Faith under Attack on the Four Last Things
 | Annette's Report from Hell A condemned woman appears to her friend & describes her sufferings
 | Earthquakes in Italy: Divine Punishment for Sins Vatican rebukes priest for stating a truth of the Faith
Solomon Grundy & Sudden Death The poem and Progressivism have a fatal omission in their teaching
 | On Hell
Part 1 - Hell Is a Dogma of the Faith Hell of the damned, the place where souls remain forever
Part 2 - The Pains Inflicted on the Reprobates in Hell Thinking about Hell helps us to avoid it
Part 3 - The Children of Fatima See Hell Our Lady's request is ignored and its consequences
Part 4 - How to Avoid Hell in Our Daily Lives We must avoid sin and confess every mortal sin
Part 5 - Hell, Purity & Sanctifying Grace More means to avoid Hell and gain Heaven
 | On Purgatory
Part 1 - Purgatory Is a Dogma of the Faith The doctrine of the Council of Trent
Part 2 - The Need for Purgatory & the Pain of Loss The debt of pain for sins must still be paid even after Confession
Part 3 - The Torment of the Senses in Purgatory Souls suffer willingly and consoled by the hope of Heaven
Part 4 - The Location of Purgatory & Help from the Poor Souls The good of assisting the Poor Souls, who also help us
Part 5 - Means to Avoid Purgatory Devotion to Our Lady and other prudent habits
 | How Can a Soul Suffer Physically in Purgatory? TIA responds with a commentary of Cornelius a Lapide
 | The Museum of the Poor Souls in Purgatory - Part 1 A unique exhibit in a gothic Church in Rome
 | The Museum of the Poor Souls in Purgatory - Part 2 More proofs of Purgatory as a place of fire and suffering
 | The Physical Suffering of Purgatory The hand print of Sister Teresa Gesta
 | Meditation on Hell St. Peter of Alcántara counsels young & old to think on the last things
 | The Celestial City's Foundations Are Made of the Precious Stones The splendorous jewels the Blessed see in Heaven
 | The Splendor of the Celestial Palace Where the blessed are; the material light that shines over them
 | God Dwells in Heaven as in a Tabernacle God's throne in Heaven is real, as is His presence
 | The New Jerusalem Cornelius a Lapide describes Heaven as a place where the blessed abide
 | JPII, Claudius & Prisca Hell is a place, not a state of being
 | Why So Many People Go to Hell Divine interventions in History are ignored
 | If Limbo Is Gone - Then It's On to Universal Salvation About the ITC document signed questioning the existence of Limbo
 | 24 Reasons Why Not To Reject Limbo A exposé of Catholic doctrine that counters Benedict XVI's rejection of Limbo
 | The Forgotten Souls in Purgatory An apologetic exposition on Purgatory and the need to pray for the poor souls
 | Heaven: A Matter of Interpretation Analysis of a contradictory statement of Card. Kasper on the salvation of Jews
 | Does Hell Exist? Read The Letter from Beyond A soul who received permission to testify why she was condemned to Hell
 | Hell: A Demand of Divine Goodness If Hell would not exist, then life on earth would become an endless torment