Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope speaks in front of ecological panel
At the end of his two day visit to Malta, Pope Francis met a group of immigrants at the John XXIII Peace Lab Migrant Center on his way to the airport on April 3, 2022. He delivered a dramatic speech emphasizing the need to welcome African immigrants, who constitute the majority of migrants in Malta.As usual, he forgot to tell Africans that they should not attempt to reach Europe in fragile boats since, if they do so, they run the serious risk – at their own responsibility – of death.
Instead, Francis unjustly blames the public authorities and the inhabitants of Malta for not giving a strong enough welcome to those Muslim adventurers / invaders.
But a special note marked this encounter. It is that Francis chose to deliver his speech in front a panel representing the ocean. The artist who conceived it imagined an ocean filled with blue and green plastic bottles and bags, with three red life jackets floating atop it.
The message is clearly an ecological message against today's capitalist lifestyle with its habits of disposing of product containers. It is also a plea for the protection of the ocean, whales, fish etc. The three red life jackets were added by the artist to give color contrast to his panel and to highlight the Pope's narrative on immigration.
Nothing could better fit the woke and demagogic – anti-capitalist, pro-ecology and pro-immigration – policies of Francis...

Posted May 1, 2022