Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Lisbon WYD 2023 - Good customs?
Many parents want to believe that the WYDs are a safe place to send their youth, specially their daughters. "Since it is an event promoted by the Church, with the presence of the Pope, it should be fine as far as customs are concerned," they think.Unfortunately the time has long gone since the presence of the Church was a guarantee for honest and modest behavior.
On this page we give you some samples of the "good customs" that were displayed in broad daylight in Lisbon during WYD 2023.
Above, a moment of rest between two religious ceremonies...
Below, first to fourth rows, shots of youth on the beach of Cascais. On the second day they attended Masses at this neighboring city of Lisbon (19.6 miles away) and afterwards were allowed to relax at its beach.
From the fourth row down to the end, you can view photos reflecting the atmosphere at the camping sites in Lisbon from August 1 to 6.
The question remains: If these participants took such liberties in dress during the daylight hours, what did they do at night when they slept together in analogous dress without due vigilance of the authorities who promoted the gathering?
If you still sincerely believe it is safe to send your sons and daughters to these events, be prepared to have an enormous surprise when you will appear before God for your private judgment.
Photos from the Internet - Instragram
Posted August 27, 2023
