Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Toilet paper Nativity scene in Bilbao, Spain
After the blasphemous Nativity scene displayed in the Vatican, now it is the turn for ex-Catholic Spain to enter the competition with another outrage.Indeed, the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art of Bilbao chose to disparage two of its Nativity scenes to adapt to the recent customs of the Progressivist Sanitary Sect. The director of the Museum, Idoia Perez, third row below, ordered that masks and hygienic objects be placed in the traditional Nativity scenes normally presented by the Museum for public viewing at this time of the year.
Then, adding blasphemy to the desecration of placing masks on the faces of the Most Holy Virgin and the Great St. Joseph, Perez made a grotto out of toilet paper, above, first and second rows below, implying that the place of the Birth of the Incarnate Word would be a bathroom.
The second Nativity scene, also desecrated by masks, can be seen in the fourth to sixth rows below.
The Museum of Sacred Art is located in the cloister of the Convent of the Incarnation, next to the Church of the Incarnation, two last rows. It is part of the Diocese of BIlbao and is today under the jurisdiction of Bishop Joseba Segura Etxezarraga.
It is sad to see that Italy and Spain, which in times past competed to be the most Catholic nations in Europe, today rival to destroy the religious symbols and betray the Catholic principles that gave such grandeur to their respective histories.
Photos from Reuters & El Español

Posted December 27, 2020