Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Vatican's cosmic Nativity scene
The Vatican's very ugly Nativity scene has raised a lot of criticism. Is it childish? Is it occult? Each one is allowed to express his own opinion. The only thing that is not open to discussion is that it is highly irreverent to display such a primitive work to honor the First Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.Once we view the general ensemble of the scene, first row below, we see that at right is the Holy Family, at the left are the three Magi and, in the center, are an astronaut and a mysterious mythological warrior.
When we go to the Gospel, we realize that in the Christmas description, there is not a central role played by a particular angel. Certainly there were Angels who communicated to the Shepherds the message of peace, but no angel was specially mentioned.
So, in this strange Nativity the main personages that catch our attention are that central angel, the astronaut and the warrior. Let us analyze them.
That central personage may not even be an angel, since he does not have wings; he may be a representation of another Holy Person, perhaps God the Father or God the Son. He is represented in a column form surrounded by circular disks, giving the impression of a person generated by a electrical-magnetic field. Since we know the theory of the Cosmic Christ of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin, we wonder whether this Person is supposed to represent God the Son, before the Incarnation.
Confirming this idea, the Child Jesus, third row, is also represented in a column form as if He were also generated by the same type of energy.
The second strange person is the astronaut. He too is represented in a column form surrounded by rolling wires. He holds a ball in his hands as if he were offering the cosmic world to the Child; he could be a sort of fourth Magi, a new conqueror of the Heavens, according to the words of Paul VI.
Finally, we have that enigmatic warrior holding an Eastern halberd. Since we know that Francis is attached to the Tao religion, we looked to see which Tao deity is represented with that weapon. Not surprisingly, the search immediately showed, fifth row, that Guan Gong Yu is the Tao god of war, who is supposedly the protector against the bad spirits.
This is our opinion on this occult/cosmic Nativity scene displayed by Francis for Christmas 2020.
Photos from the Internet

Posted December 20, 2020