What People are Commenting
Agreda, Luce the Mascot & Lebanon
Marriage Age from a Traditional Perspective
Hello TIA.
What is the recommended age for men and women to be married by?
I’ve heard some people say it’s better for men to marry in their mid twenties, and women going for early twenties.
I would really want to hear from a traditional orthodox perspective.
I look forward to hearing back!
TIA responds:
Hello E.S.,
Thank you for your trust in asking us this important question.
We dealt extensively about the proper age to marry in an answer to a follower from India, which you can read here.
If after reading it, you still will have some doubts, do not hesitate to address us again.
TIA correspondence desk
What is the recommended age for men and women to be married by?
I’ve heard some people say it’s better for men to marry in their mid twenties, and women going for early twenties.
I would really want to hear from a traditional orthodox perspective.
I look forward to hearing back!
TIA responds:
Hello E.S.,
Thank you for your trust in asking us this important question.
We dealt extensively about the proper age to marry in an answer to a follower from India, which you can read here.
If after reading it, you still will have some doubts, do not hesitate to address us again.
TIA correspondence desk
Luce: the Vatican Mascot for the Jubilee
Dear Direction of TIA,
I must pass on to you a new absolutely awful issue connected to Luce, the official mascot of the Jubilee 2025 produced by Simone Legno's Tokidoki. I implore you to read to the end because, as you will read, it is very disturbing for those who know the books of such exorcists as Father Bamonte and Fra Benigno, authors of books for Edizioni Paoline and Edizioni Amen in Italy. At the end I will report a detail from a book by Fra Benigno that really shocked me.
Absolutely awful issue:
It may have been Tokidoki who wrote the aforementioned sentence "Sex is devilish fun!" for the sale of this Mini Vibe Devil and it is possible that the same sentence is written on the back of the Mini Vibe Devil package.
Allow me to add that in the book by the Italian Catholic exorcist Fra' Benigno entitled: L'omicida sconfitto (The Defeated Murderer, Edizioni Amen, with Nihil Obstat, 2017), the paragraph entitled: "Marco: nella trappola di un rito satanico" (Marco in the trap of a satanic rite) begins with the long and detailed direct testimony of a man whose name is Marco. He tells of having participated in a satanic rite in which 10 members of a satanic sect one after the other had sexual intercourse with a completely naked woman.
In addition, I recommend the Italian Catholic books written by Father Francesco Bamonte (Vice-President of International Association of Exorcists founded by Father Gabriele Amorth) entitled: Possessioni diaboliche ed esorcismo (Diabolical Possessions and Exorcism) andLa Vergine Maria e il diavolo negli esorcismi (The Virgin Mary and the Devil in Exorcisms) both published by Edizioni Paoline, in which Father Bamonte recounts what happened to the possessed during the exorcisms he practiced with cases of levitation and other absolutely shocking diabolical phenomena.
In Jesu et Maria,
S.C., Italy
I must pass on to you a new absolutely awful issue connected to Luce, the official mascot of the Jubilee 2025 produced by Simone Legno's Tokidoki. I implore you to read to the end because, as you will read, it is very disturbing for those who know the books of such exorcists as Father Bamonte and Fra Benigno, authors of books for Edizioni Paoline and Edizioni Amen in Italy. At the end I will report a detail from a book by Fra Benigno that really shocked me.
Absolutely awful issue:
- First of all, as you can see in the photo and read in the following free article on
The Catholic Monitor here, Tokidoki has also produced a Mini Vibe Devil vibrator with a large red devil (exactly the same style as the anime style of Luce, the mascot of the Jubilee 2025), and depicted it on this vibrator for vaginal sexual intercourse.
- At the following two links here and here, you can see this same Mini Vibe Devil for sale. On both pages of these two different online shops with the photo of the vibrator, you can read this sentence in the product description: "Sex is devilish fun!" which is also an horrible play on words because "sex is devilish fun!" can mean both "sex is extremely fun" and "sex is satanic fun."

At left, the Vatican Mascot for the 2025 Jubilee;
at right, the sexual toy with a devil
It may have been Tokidoki who wrote the aforementioned sentence "Sex is devilish fun!" for the sale of this Mini Vibe Devil and it is possible that the same sentence is written on the back of the Mini Vibe Devil package.
Allow me to add that in the book by the Italian Catholic exorcist Fra' Benigno entitled: L'omicida sconfitto (The Defeated Murderer, Edizioni Amen, with Nihil Obstat, 2017), the paragraph entitled: "Marco: nella trappola di un rito satanico" (Marco in the trap of a satanic rite) begins with the long and detailed direct testimony of a man whose name is Marco. He tells of having participated in a satanic rite in which 10 members of a satanic sect one after the other had sexual intercourse with a completely naked woman.
In addition, I recommend the Italian Catholic books written by Father Francesco Bamonte (Vice-President of International Association of Exorcists founded by Father Gabriele Amorth) entitled: Possessioni diaboliche ed esorcismo (Diabolical Possessions and Exorcism) andLa Vergine Maria e il diavolo negli esorcismi (The Virgin Mary and the Devil in Exorcisms) both published by Edizioni Paoline, in which Father Bamonte recounts what happened to the possessed during the exorcisms he practiced with cases of levitation and other absolutely shocking diabolical phenomena.
In Jesu et Maria,
S.C., Italy
Israel Transforming Lebanon into a New Gaza
Dear TIA,
The level of unjustified destruction Israel is inflicting in Lebanon is revolting. It is destroying churches and mosques that have nothing to do with terrorism as well as civilian targets of common Lebanese citizens. It is also revolting that the U.S. does nothing to stop Israel from it.
You and your readers can evaluate the degree of harm by going through the article below.
I pray God will punish Israel in proportion to its crimes.
Israel has damaged or destroyed nearly a quarter of buildings in Lebanon’s south
Meg Kelly, Imogen Piper, Evan Hill and Abbie Cheeseman
Nearly a quarter of all buildings in 25 Lebanese municipalities near the Israeli border had been damaged or destroyed as of Saturday, according to an analysis of satellite data by The Washington Post — illustrating the far-reaching toll of Israel’s land and air war against Hezbollah.
Across the borderlands, at least 5,868 buildings have been damaged or destroyed, including nearly half of structures in the two hardest-hit areas, Ayta al-Shab and Kfar Kila. The vast majority of the damage — almost 80 percent — has occurred since Oct. 2, the day after Israel launched its ground invasion.
Continue reading here
The level of unjustified destruction Israel is inflicting in Lebanon is revolting. It is destroying churches and mosques that have nothing to do with terrorism as well as civilian targets of common Lebanese citizens. It is also revolting that the U.S. does nothing to stop Israel from it.
You and your readers can evaluate the degree of harm by going through the article below.
I pray God will punish Israel in proportion to its crimes.
Meg Kelly, Imogen Piper, Evan Hill and Abbie Cheeseman
Nearly a quarter of all buildings in 25 Lebanese municipalities near the Israeli border had been damaged or destroyed as of Saturday, according to an analysis of satellite data by The Washington Post — illustrating the far-reaching toll of Israel’s land and air war against Hezbollah.
Across the borderlands, at least 5,868 buildings have been damaged or destroyed, including nearly half of structures in the two hardest-hit areas, Ayta al-Shab and Kfar Kila. The vast majority of the damage — almost 80 percent — has occurred since Oct. 2, the day after Israel launched its ground invasion.
Continue reading here
Posted November 7, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
The series on Mary of Agreda is a little confusing. I think the titles and links may be “corrupted”. The second article (below) has a “continued” link that jumps to Part IV. This then links to Part V, which has a “continued” link that results in an error.
Is there a missing Part III? Or has Part IV been misnamed?
I want to make sure that I have read the whole of this most interesting story.
God bless,
T.B., New Zealand
TIA responds:
Dear T.B.,
Thank you for pointing out that the links of that series are not working properly. We apologize for the inconvenience. They will be corrected shortly.
In the meantime, you may access all the articles in the series on Ven. Mary of Agreda here.
Also, we have most of the articles available in a booklet which you can purchase in our bookstore.
We are pleased you are enjoying the series, and hope you will help to spread it so that New Zealanders can better know the life of this great Catholic nun.
TIA correspondence desk