Ven. Mary of Agreda: Her Influence on Fr. Serra & California
He followed her counsels from the Mystical City of God
 | Mary of Agreda in the United States
Part 1 - A ‘Lady in Blue’ Instructs Indians in the U.S. Her bilocations to the American Southwest
Part 2 - Mary of Agreda Describes Her Travels Her own report of her travels to our country
Part 3 - Her Letter to Missionaries in America The Spanish Abbess describes her travels to our country
Part 4 - Testimonies of Her Presence in the U.S. Written documents on her presence in America
Part 5 - Who Was Mother Mary of Agreda? A short biography of the great Spanish mystic
Part 6 - Did She Bilocate to California? Accounts of a flying friar & a teaching sister
Our Lady of Sorrows Quells an Indian Uprising At the founding of Mission San Gabriel in Los Angeles
The Shining Cross Prepares the Indians to Accept the Gospel A miracle assists the Franciscan friars in California
NEW BOOK - American History Collection For In-Depth Reading, Volume I - Compilation of articles on this topic
 | Thomas Jefferson & the Catholic Church
Part 1 - Thomas Jefferson: Rationalist & Epicurean His models were Bacon, Newton & Locke
Part 2 - Jefferson’s Hatred for the Catholic Church ‘All eyes must open to the rights of man’
Part 3 - Was Jefferson Inspired by St. Robert Bellarmine? A false assertion based on lines taken out of context
Part 4 - Religious Liberty in the Minds of Jefferson & Washington Friends fighting for tolerance and against the Catholic Church
Part 5 - 'Rivers of Blood Must Yet Flow' Washington, Jefferson & the French Revolution
The Livingston Ghost How a Catholic priest freed a Protestant family from the “clipping wizard”
Winter & Summer Solstices at the Missions A brilliant beam of light illuminates the Tabernacle
 | Removing Statues of Columbus A tireless campaign to denigrate civilization & promote tribalism
Witches & Wizards Usurp Catholic Church Good Shepherd Church in Kentucky assumes a new role
Understanding the American Spirit & Vocation The cowboy and the crusader
 | Revolutionary Myths against Columbus - Part 1 Rebuttal to the lies about Columbus
 | Why Columbus’ Honor Was Maligned - Part 2 He faced intrigue & lies even in his own time
 | An Indian Boy Learns His Prayers A favor from Heaven at Fr. DeSmet's St. Mary Mission in Montana
 | 'A Land so Strange' The epic journey of Cabeza de Vaca in Florida
 | U.S. Diplomatic Relations with the Vatican Established only under Pius IX & John Paul II - a sign of complicity?
 | Marx & Lenin Praise Lincoln As a model for centralist & socilaist regimes
 | The Forbidden Truth about the South
Part 1 - The Forbidden Truth about the South A rich & organic South pays the bills of a revolutionary North
Part 2 - Myths and Realities about the Civil War The invasion of the North against the South
Part 3 - Slavery in the North & South The South unjustly vilified by a prejudiced North
Part 4 - An Episode Revealing ‘Dishonest Abe’ The North provokes the South at Fort Sumter
Part 5 - A Dictator Called Abraham Lincoln He burned the American Constitution & States rights
 | Reality & Myth regarding Thanksgiving The first Thanksgiving is a fable, not history
 | The Catalá Crucifix The levitations of 'the Holy Man of Santa Clara,' Fr. Magin Catalá
 | The Six Martyrs of Leon Another group of Cristeros who die defending a noble ideal
 | Jose Sánchez del Rio, Martyr for Christ the King The life and martyrdom of the 14-year-old Cristero youth
 | Columbus & the First Christmas in America The Santa Maria runs aground and he builds the fortress La Navidad
 | Our Country's Oldest City and First Thanksgiving St. Augustine is founded in Florida in 1565 and a Huguenot fortress is destroyed
 | Our Lady of Bethlehem - Conquistadora of California
Part 1 - Our Lady of Bethlehem Her roots & her adventure in America
Part 2 - Our Lady of Bethlehem She begins to conquer California
Part 3 - Our Lady of Bethlehem Carmel Mission, Her Final Home & Junipero Serra
Part 4 - Our Lady of Bethlehem Secularization, abandonment & restoration of her Statue
Part 5 - Our Lady of Bethlehem A visit to Our Lady of Belén - testimony of two pilgrims
 | Protestant Terrorism against Catholicism - Part 1 The burning of the Ursuline Convent in Charlestown in 1834
 | The Burning of the Ursuline Convent in Charlestown - Part 2 God’s Hand Strikes the Protestants
 | Prayer of the Cristeros of Jalisco "May my last shout on earth and my first in Heaven be Viva Cristo Rey!"
 | Pasquala of Mission Santa Ines A courageous Indian girl saves the Mission from destruction
 | The Cabalgata of Christ the King Report on the annual pilgrimage on horseback in Guanajuato, Mexico
 | Did George Washington Convert to Catholicism? No, he lived and died following the principles of Freemasonry
 | The Cristeros
Part 1 - The Spaniards Land in Mexico Presuppositions of the Mexican psychology
Part 2 - Long Live the Virgin of Guadalupe! The spiritual conquest of Our Lady over the Indians in Mexico
Part 3 - Hidalgo Raises the Standard of Revolt A revolutionary priest makes the first call for independence
 | Scientific Discoveries about the Tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe A slide show and comments about the miraculous tilma
 | The First Thanksgivings Were Catholic Almost 25 years before the Puritans, Spanish colonists in Texas celebrated Thanksgiving
 | The Appeal of the Stones at San Juan Capistrano A Catholic spirit in its very walls, a call to return to the plans of God
 | Let None Dare Call It Liberty: The Catholic Church in Colonial America The true hatred of Puritans for Catholics and the bluff of ecumenism
 | Heroes of the Church and the North American Indians Martyrs who offered their lives to defend and spread the Catholic Faith
 | La Conquistadora, Our Country's Oldest Devotion Our Lady, Patroness of the American nation
 | St. Philippine Duchesne: Failures Became Her Success A saintly model representing the opposite of the American way of life
 | Antonio Margil and His Role in Texan History The Apostle of New Spain and Texas - Many details on his life