
American History

The Catholic North America

catholic Ven. Mary of Agreda: Her Influence on Fr. Serra & California
He followed her counsels from the Mystical City of God

catholicMary of Agreda in the United States

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   A ‘Lady in Blue’ Instructs Indians in the U.S.
                 Her bilocations to the American Southwest

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Mary of Agreda Describes Her Travels
                 Her own report of her travels to our country

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Her Letter to Missionaries in America
                 The Spanish Abbess describes her travels to our country

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Testimonies of Her Presence in the U.S.
                 Written documents on her presence in America

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   Who Was Mother Mary of Agreda?
                 A short biography of the great Spanish mystic

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   Did She Bilocate to California?
                 Accounts of a flying friar & a teaching sister

catholic Our Lady of Sorrows Quells an Indian Uprising
At the founding of Mission San Gabriel in Los Angeles

catholic The Shining Cross Prepares the Indians to Accept the Gospel
A miracle assists the Franciscan friars in California

catholic NEW BOOK - American History
Collection For In-Depth Reading, Volume I - Compilation of articles on this topic

catholicThomas Jefferson & the Catholic Church

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Thomas Jefferson: Rationalist & Epicurean
                  His models were Bacon, Newton & Locke

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Jefferson’s Hatred for the Catholic Church
                 ‘All eyes must open to the rights of man’

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Was Jefferson Inspired by St. Robert Bellarmine?
                  A false assertion based on lines taken out of context

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Religious Liberty in the Minds of Jefferson & Washington
                  Friends fighting for tolerance and against the Catholic Church

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   'Rivers of Blood Must Yet Flow'
                  Washington, Jefferson & the French Revolution

catholic The Livingston Ghost
How a Catholic priest freed a Protestant family from the “clipping wizard”

catholic Winter & Summer Solstices at the Missions
A brilliant beam of light illuminates the Tabernacle

catholicRemoving Statues of Columbus
A tireless campaign to denigrate civilization & promote tribalism

catholic Witches & Wizards Usurp Catholic Church
Good Shepherd Church in Kentucky assumes a new role

catholic Understanding the American Spirit & Vocation
The cowboy and the crusader

catholicRevolutionary Myths against Columbus - Part 1
Rebuttal to the lies about Columbus

catholicWhy Columbus’ Honor Was Maligned - Part 2
He faced intrigue & lies even in his own time

catholicAn Indian Boy Learns His Prayers
A favor from Heaven at Fr. DeSmet's St. Mary Mission in Montana

catholic'A Land so Strange'
The epic journey of Cabeza de Vaca in Florida

catholicU.S. Diplomatic Relations with the Vatican
Established only under Pius IX & John Paul II   - a sign of complicity?

catholicMarx & Lenin Praise Lincoln
As a model for centralist & socilaist regimes

catholicThe Forbidden Truth about the South

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Forbidden Truth about the South
                  A rich & organic South pays the bills of a revolutionary North

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Myths and Realities about the Civil War
                  The invasion of the North against the South

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Slavery in the North & South
                  The South unjustly vilified by a prejudiced North

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   An Episode Revealing ‘Dishonest Abe’
                  The North provokes the South at Fort Sumter

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   A Dictator Called Abraham Lincoln
                  He burned the American Constitution & States rights

catholicReality & Myth regarding Thanksgiving
The first Thanksgiving is a fable, not history

catholicThe Catalá Crucifix
The levitations of 'the Holy Man of Santa Clara,' Fr. Magin Catalá

catholicThe Six Martyrs of Leon
Another group of Cristeros who die defending a noble ideal

catholicJose Sánchez del Rio, Martyr for Christ the King
The life and martyrdom of the 14-year-old Cristero youth

catholicColumbus & the First Christmas in America
The Santa Maria runs aground and he builds the fortress La Navidad

catholicOur Country's Oldest City and First Thanksgiving
St. Augustine is founded in Florida in 1565 and a Huguenot fortress is destroyed

catholicOur Lady of Bethlehem - Conquistadora of California

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Our Lady of Bethlehem
                 Her roots & her adventure in America

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Our Lady of Bethlehem
                 She begins to conquer California

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Our Lady of Bethlehem
                 Carmel Mission, Her Final Home & Junipero Serra

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Our Lady of Bethlehem
                 Secularization, abandonment & restoration of her Statue

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   Our Lady of Bethlehem
                 A visit to Our Lady of Belén - testimony of two pilgrims

catholicProtestant Terrorism against Catholicism - Part 1
The burning of the Ursuline Convent in Charlestown in 1834

catholicThe Burning of the Ursuline Convent in Charlestown - Part 2
God’s Hand Strikes the Protestants

catholicPrayer of the Cristeros of Jalisco
"May my last shout on earth and my first in Heaven be Viva Cristo Rey!"

catholicPasquala of Mission Santa Ines
A courageous Indian girl saves the Mission from destruction

catholicThe Cabalgata of Christ the King
Report on the annual pilgrimage on horseback in Guanajuato, Mexico

catholicDid George Washington Convert to Catholicism?
No, he lived and died following the principles of Freemasonry

catholicThe Cristeros

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Spaniards Land in Mexico
                 Presuppositions of the Mexican psychology

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Long Live the Virgin of Guadalupe!
                The spiritual conquest of Our Lady over the Indians in Mexico

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Hidalgo Raises the Standard of Revolt
                 A revolutionary priest makes the first call for independence

catholicScientific Discoveries about the Tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe
A slide show and comments about the miraculous tilma

catholicThe First Thanksgivings Were Catholic
Almost 25 years before the Puritans, Spanish colonists in Texas celebrated Thanksgiving

catholicThe Appeal of the Stones at San Juan Capistrano
A Catholic spirit in its very walls, a call to return to the plans of God

catholicLet None Dare Call It Liberty: The Catholic Church in Colonial America
The true hatred of Puritans for Catholics and the bluff of ecumenism

catholicHeroes of the Church and the North American Indians
Martyrs who offered their lives to defend and spread the Catholic Faith

catholicLa Conquistadora, Our Country's Oldest Devotion
Our Lady, Patroness of the American nation

catholicSt. Philippine Duchesne: Failures Became Her Success
A saintly model representing the opposite of the American way of life

catholicAntonio Margil and His Role in Texan History
The Apostle of New Spain and Texas - Many details on his life

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