What People are Commenting
Odious Novus Ordo & Age of Consent
Bishop’s Authority
Dear TIA,
Attached below, you will find a recent directive from a Church which will no longer provide the "Extraordinary Form," more appropriately known as the Traditional Latin Mass.
As detailed, the Bishop is seeking "permission from the Holy See" to allow the Mass to be continued in two other parishes.
I always thought that a Bishop has the authority over such matters and does not need "permission" from the Vatican.
Your opinions regarding this would be instructive.
Thank you for your diligence and attention to the many issues confronting our Faith and our lives.

TIA responds:
Dear M.V.S.,
In principle you are right. Canon 381 §1 of the New Code of Canon Law (1983) gives the Bishop full authority in such matters.
However, in the Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes and in the documents that follow it (here, here and here) Pope Francis determined that the Bishops should ask Rome for permission in every case where they allow the celebration of the 1962 Mass.
TIA correspondence desk
Attached below, you will find a recent directive from a Church which will no longer provide the "Extraordinary Form," more appropriately known as the Traditional Latin Mass.
As detailed, the Bishop is seeking "permission from the Holy See" to allow the Mass to be continued in two other parishes.
I always thought that a Bishop has the authority over such matters and does not need "permission" from the Vatican.
Your opinions regarding this would be instructive.
Thank you for your diligence and attention to the many issues confronting our Faith and our lives.

TIA responds:
Dear M.V.S.,
In principle you are right. Canon 381 §1 of the New Code of Canon Law (1983) gives the Bishop full authority in such matters.
However, in the Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes and in the documents that follow it (here, here and here) Pope Francis determined that the Bishops should ask Rome for permission in every case where they allow the celebration of the 1962 Mass.
TIA correspondence desk
Valid but Odious
Re: Bishop Udo, Exorcism & Valid N.O. Mass
On the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass: Given, that the priest uses the proper matter (wine & host elements) and form (words of consecration), the NO is a 'valid mass', however, given also that many priests do not use the proper or necessary matter or the necessary words of consecration, grape juice, or hosts mixed with other elements, these in turn become 'invalid masses.' Let us recall that a "Black Mass" said by an ordained priest, using the proper matter & form, although demonically sacrilegious, is also a 'valid mass'.
Our Lord specifically tells Marie-Julie Jahenny, the Breton Stigmatist and Visionary, that the "New Mass" is "Odious or Hateful" in His sight, not 'invalid' - but 'hateful or odious." So too, does Our Lord tell Blessed Catherine Emmerich that the "Novus Ordo Mass is Impious," thus Our Lord, heaven, tells us that the New Mass is both 'hateful and impious' to God. Even if the priest surrounds the NO with innovations and sacrilegious actions, but uses the proper elements, form & matter, the mass is valid, but again hateful and impious.
Paul VI was a Communist, Homosexual and Head of International Bavarian Illuminati, but his masses, and the NO were valid yet Odious & Hateful to God, and a step towards what seems to be coming, the New Ecumenical Service. We then place our salvation in jeopardy by attending such a sacrilege such as the NO. The "New Ecumenical Mass, or rather Service" being now readied to come out of the Synod, has no consecration and is a Demonic, or a Satanic, effort to destroy the faith with what is no longer a mass, but a protestant service, at the most.
Re: Bishop Udo, Exorcism & Valid N.O. Mass
On the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass: Given, that the priest uses the proper matter (wine & host elements) and form (words of consecration), the NO is a 'valid mass', however, given also that many priests do not use the proper or necessary matter or the necessary words of consecration, grape juice, or hosts mixed with other elements, these in turn become 'invalid masses.' Let us recall that a "Black Mass" said by an ordained priest, using the proper matter & form, although demonically sacrilegious, is also a 'valid mass'.
Our Lord specifically tells Marie-Julie Jahenny, the Breton Stigmatist and Visionary, that the "New Mass" is "Odious or Hateful" in His sight, not 'invalid' - but 'hateful or odious." So too, does Our Lord tell Blessed Catherine Emmerich that the "Novus Ordo Mass is Impious," thus Our Lord, heaven, tells us that the New Mass is both 'hateful and impious' to God. Even if the priest surrounds the NO with innovations and sacrilegious actions, but uses the proper elements, form & matter, the mass is valid, but again hateful and impious.
Paul VI was a Communist, Homosexual and Head of International Bavarian Illuminati, but his masses, and the NO were valid yet Odious & Hateful to God, and a step towards what seems to be coming, the New Ecumenical Service. We then place our salvation in jeopardy by attending such a sacrilege such as the NO. The "New Ecumenical Mass, or rather Service" being now readied to come out of the Synod, has no consecration and is a Demonic, or a Satanic, effort to destroy the faith with what is no longer a mass, but a protestant service, at the most.
Doubts About the Age of Consent
Dear TIA,
I have dared to write because I have had a doubt for some time regarding the topic of the age of consent and the Catholic Church’s stance on this. Although nowadays we have the concept of adolescence, it is known that in earlier times young people used to adopt attitudes and responsibilities more similar to adults, transitioning quickly from childhood to maturity, or at least that is what I have come to understand.
Among these responsibilities was marriage, and for that example, cases of young girls – sometimes shockingly younger – being promised or married to young men or older men are always brought up.
But things change, and in modern eyes, these types of relationships fall into the categories of pedophilia/ephebophilia or child marriage. However, some people, in order to justify illicit intimate interactions with minors, also rely on these time periods.
he boldest individuals not only take some famous couples throughout history as examples but also use medieval marriages and even the Blessed Virgin as being the mother of Our Lord at a young age (establishing the regular age between 13 and 15 according to Jewish customs) with Saint Joseph as her husband.”
I hope that my following concerns can be addressed:
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. Amen
M.A., India
TIA responds:
Dear M.A.,
Thank you for your very well presented questions about early marriages.
We believe that you already touched upon the solution for the questions.
We will divide the topic into parts to make it easier to see the problems and solutions in perspective.
TIA correspondence desk
I have dared to write because I have had a doubt for some time regarding the topic of the age of consent and the Catholic Church’s stance on this. Although nowadays we have the concept of adolescence, it is known that in earlier times young people used to adopt attitudes and responsibilities more similar to adults, transitioning quickly from childhood to maturity, or at least that is what I have come to understand.
Among these responsibilities was marriage, and for that example, cases of young girls – sometimes shockingly younger – being promised or married to young men or older men are always brought up.
But things change, and in modern eyes, these types of relationships fall into the categories of pedophilia/ephebophilia or child marriage. However, some people, in order to justify illicit intimate interactions with minors, also rely on these time periods.
he boldest individuals not only take some famous couples throughout history as examples but also use medieval marriages and even the Blessed Virgin as being the mother of Our Lord at a young age (establishing the regular age between 13 and 15 according to Jewish customs) with Saint Joseph as her husband.”
I hope that my following concerns can be addressed:
- Could you provide some insight on early marriages in those times (especially during the Middle Ages) in order to better understand the context and how they functioned?
- Is it acceptable for us as Catholics to view teenagers as capable of maintaining marital lives just like mature and upright adults, even with partners much older than themselves, in modern times?
- The most important question of all: Is it a misconception that Our Lady was very young when God chose her as the Mother of His Only Son?
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. Amen
M.A., India
TIA responds:
Dear M.A.,
Thank you for your very well presented questions about early marriages.
We believe that you already touched upon the solution for the questions.
We will divide the topic into parts to make it easier to see the problems and solutions in perspective.
- Naturally speaking
When a young woman is able to conceive a child, what is decisive to evaluate whether she can marry or not is the degree of her sense of responsibility. The same applies to the young man, with some restrictions we will see below concerning economy (n. 2). In past times people became responsible much earlier than today.
St. Robert Bellarmine was a lawyer at age 16; Don Sebastian of Portugal was a King at age 13; Marshal Maurice de Saxe enrolled at the Imperial Army at age 12 and at age 17 he commanded his own regiment in the Royal Saxon Army; Queen Marie Antoinette of France married at age 14, while her husband, King Louis XVI was 15.
These are just some examples of how in past times young men and women could assume heavy responsibilities at an early age.
So, in principle, there is nothing against nature to marry at an early age. - Economically speaking
Marriage supposes that the husband has sufficient means to provide for his wife and family. This places a restriction on early marriages on the part of the man. Unless his family enjoys a certain wealth and transfers to him the means to provide for his wife and family, he must build a sufficient patrimony that allows him to do so.
This restriction will push the normal age of marriage for man beyond adolescence. Unless he is very industrious, the average age for a man to marry should be the late 20s or early 30s.
The consequence of this economic need was that it was common in the past for adult men to marry very young women.
To ease this difficulty, an old tradition was established that the bride’s family should give her a dowry which would help the husband to provide for his wife and family. This particular assistance as a consequence brought the age for the husband to marry down.
Today, the man takes a loan from a bank and “buys” a house so that he can marry earlier. It is not a wise solution since it starts the marriage in debt and obliges the man to work much more to pay the bank's interest than he would if he had saved and bought a house later, delaying his marriage. - Psychologically speaking
Given the progress of the Revolution, which is misleadingly presented as the progress of technology – radio, television, movies, internet and social media – the age of responsibility is becoming more difficult to reach. Different from the children of the past who had the responsibility of adults, the adults of today have the minds of children. Not only have the entertainments of adults increasingly become those of children, but their mindset has as well. This retarded growth of responsibility has an obvious reflection on marriages.
Although the annulments of marriages in the Catholic Church unfortunatelly obey a progressivist agenda, which is to introduce divorce by way of the facts, a part of the phenomena is caused by the actual fact that those adults who committed themselves to marriage did not know what they were doing. It is a confirmation of the lack of responsibility of modern adults.
The conclusion is that the Revolution is making the age of responsibility consistently rise, with a consequence for marriages. It is not that the age for marriage should be set at 20 or 25, but rather that people are becoming incapable of assuming responsibility at almost any age. This means that the family is being destroyed and civilization is coming to an end. - Legally speaking
In the West we follow the civil codes of law that suppose that the age of responsibility to become a citizen answering for one's own actions is 18. So, this also applies to marriages.
This is a convention that is generally accepted, but the age can be lowered to 16 depending on the responsibility involved; for example, there are many States in the U.S. that allow a youth to have a driver’s license at age 16.
We are not familiar with all the civil legislations regarding marriage, but what is normal is that the civil order would require permission from the father should his daughter or son decide to marry under age 18. - Morally speaking
In terms of Catholic Morals nothing forbids early marriages. The example of the marriage of Our Lady at age 15 with St. Joseph in his 30s is a model of holiness.
What caused a moral turmoil in this topic was the tragedy of priestly pedophilia and ephebofilia. The fact that a large number of priests sexually abused their altar boys, penitents or students raised a just wave of indignation in society.
This wave had – and still has – as a consequence the projection of a bad light on marriages of young persons, especially in the case of an adult man with a very young woman. It may look like a pedophilia/ephebofilia case. It is not. It is a question of different customs. - Local traditions
Many regions in India or in Arab countries conserved the tradition of adult men marrying young girls.
With the ease of communications today, there is a clash that comes from Western feelings caused by the pedophilia scandal with these traditions.
The clash exists, but it is not a motive to change those customs. The West should respect the local traditions of these countries and not impose its modern habits. Each country and each area inside a country should conserve what is proper to it and avoid imitating the Revolution in the West.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted October 19, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Would you kindly recommend a book or article to be read on the subject of Fatima?
I am not sure where to start and am interested in hearing all the words said by Our Lady to the children.
TIA responds:
Hello R.A.D,
Our Lady of Fatima by William Thomas Walsh is an excellent read.
For a comprehensive coverage, The Whole Truth about Fatima (3 volumes) by Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite is very good.
TIA correspondence desk