What People Are Commenting
Anti-Homo Bill, ‘Sexiest’ Priests & Hair
Three Cheers for Kansas!
Dear TIA,
Here is something that gives us traditionalist Catholics a breath of fresh air. In the State of Kansas a bill is going ahead to allow people, based on their religious believes, to refuse business or services to homo couples.
We should pray and do whatever we can to have this bill approved and applied.
Kansas Bill Allowing Refusal of Service to Gay Couples Moves Forward
Katy Steinmetz @katysteinmetz - February 11, 2014
Kansas lawmakers passed a bill Tuesday that would permit businesses and government employees to deny service to same-sex couples on the basis of their religious principles. The measure passed an initial vote in the house by a significant margin, 72 votes to 42 votes. In a final vote on Wednesday, the bill succeeded 72 votes to 49 votes and will now be considered by the Republican-controlled state senate.
State lawmakers engaged in heated debate over House Bill 2453, which would allow hotels, restaurants and stores in the state to refuse to serve gay couples if “it would be contrary to their sincerely held religious beliefs.” The bill would also allow government clerks to refuse to sign same-sex marriage licenses without threat of a lawsuit.
If a government employee chooses to refuse service, the bill states that the government must attempt to provide another employee to “promptly” provide that service “if it can be done without undue hardship to the employer.”
This bill is part of a larger trend across the U.S., pitting gay rights advocates against conservatives who say same-sex marriage is contrary to their religious beliefs. A baker in Colorado was ordered to stop discriminating against same-sex couples in December, after refusing to make a cake for a gay couple’s wedding.
Correction: A previous version of this post neglected to note the final vote required to send the bill from the house to the senate.
Original here.
Here is something that gives us traditionalist Catholics a breath of fresh air. In the State of Kansas a bill is going ahead to allow people, based on their religious believes, to refuse business or services to homo couples.
We should pray and do whatever we can to have this bill approved and applied.
Katy Steinmetz @katysteinmetz - February 11, 2014
Kansas lawmakers passed a bill Tuesday that would permit businesses and government employees to deny service to same-sex couples on the basis of their religious principles. The measure passed an initial vote in the house by a significant margin, 72 votes to 42 votes. In a final vote on Wednesday, the bill succeeded 72 votes to 49 votes and will now be considered by the Republican-controlled state senate.
State lawmakers engaged in heated debate over House Bill 2453, which would allow hotels, restaurants and stores in the state to refuse to serve gay couples if “it would be contrary to their sincerely held religious beliefs.” The bill would also allow government clerks to refuse to sign same-sex marriage licenses without threat of a lawsuit.
If a government employee chooses to refuse service, the bill states that the government must attempt to provide another employee to “promptly” provide that service “if it can be done without undue hardship to the employer.”
This bill is part of a larger trend across the U.S., pitting gay rights advocates against conservatives who say same-sex marriage is contrary to their religious beliefs. A baker in Colorado was ordered to stop discriminating against same-sex couples in December, after refusing to make a cake for a gay couple’s wedding.
Correction: A previous version of this post neglected to note the final vote required to send the bill from the house to the senate.
Original here.
Vatican Displays Its ‘Sexiest’ Priests…
I missed this news report early January, but I believe it is still timely to send it to you.
‘The Vatican Releases 'Roman Calendar' Featuring the Most Handsome Priests.’ Take a look at this and then consider that no one even blinks an eye anymore at such atrocities.
This is so outlandish at first I thought it was a joke. It is not, sad to say. It is produced in Rome enjoying all blessings and well-received among the ecclesiastics there.
The 2014 Vatican is on sale without the need of hiring professional models, since the most handsome and sexy priests were there already.
The Calendario Romano website introduced the latest edition of the printed calendar that Vatican priests do every year in collaboration with Italian photographer Piero Pazzi.
This is not an official Vatican product, according to El Mundo, but it has been well-accepted by Catholics in Rome who bought it for 10 Euro.
Each month of 2014 is accompanied with the photograph of a young priest photographed by Pazzi during their daily lives, serving the community or smiling for a pose and wearing their robes.
The Italian photographer said that almost 75,000 copies of the calendar are sold every year.
The priests posed voluntarily, after the success obtained since 2004, with a hat, reading the newspaper, reading a book, or making a face. The Vatican introduced the sexiest members of the Vatican, with a similar idea to women's calendars made throughout the world.
The project has received positive criticism on social networks by Catholics, mostly women, who have shown their interest in seeing the most handsome priests of the church. Some have even joked that these celibate men are being “wasted”.
Every month is in a different language thanks to people from other European and American countries showing their interest in buying a copy of the calendar.
I missed this news report early January, but I believe it is still timely to send it to you.
‘The Vatican Releases 'Roman Calendar' Featuring the Most Handsome Priests.’ Take a look at this and then consider that no one even blinks an eye anymore at such atrocities.
This is so outlandish at first I thought it was a joke. It is not, sad to say. It is produced in Rome enjoying all blessings and well-received among the ecclesiastics there.
The 2014 Vatican is on sale without the need of hiring professional models, since the most handsome and sexy priests were there already.
The Calendario Romano website introduced the latest edition of the printed calendar that Vatican priests do every year in collaboration with Italian photographer Piero Pazzi.
This is not an official Vatican product, according to El Mundo, but it has been well-accepted by Catholics in Rome who bought it for 10 Euro.
Each month of 2014 is accompanied with the photograph of a young priest photographed by Pazzi during their daily lives, serving the community or smiling for a pose and wearing their robes.
The Italian photographer said that almost 75,000 copies of the calendar are sold every year.
The priests posed voluntarily, after the success obtained since 2004, with a hat, reading the newspaper, reading a book, or making a face. The Vatican introduced the sexiest members of the Vatican, with a similar idea to women's calendars made throughout the world.
The project has received positive criticism on social networks by Catholics, mostly women, who have shown their interest in seeing the most handsome priests of the church. Some have even joked that these celibate men are being “wasted”.
Every month is in a different language thanks to people from other European and American countries showing their interest in buying a copy of the calendar.

Each month of 2014 features one of the priests above
Hairstyle Solution for Sick Ladies
Dear Editor,
Thank you for your most excellent website, especially your knowledgeable assistance for those wishing to embrace a counter-revolutionary, counter-cultural lifestyle.
Every anti-revolutionary suggestion made on your website requires effort on the part of each sincerely counter-revolutionary reader. Most people today – and most Catholics – have not been raised with fine manners and civility. Most are negatively affected – and infected – with today’s very casual attitudes and lack of good manners.
The American Catholic school system, alas, is very culpable for teaching students to embrace the world and its constant novelties, at the same time doing away with the time honored traditions of manners and civility which gives each a love and right understanding of dignity and charity towards others. This requires effort, indeed, but these efforts liberate us from ignorance and, as one article title states, Manners Makes Life Easier.
I am especially appreciative of Dr. Horvat’s excellent articles showing women how to look and be feminine instead of following the revolutionary anti-woman feminist mania. Her explanation of the revolutionary “boy’s cut” for women exposes the beginnings of the inroads of homosexuality amongst heterosexual men by making boyish-looking women attractive to them. The Bible verse that says that women, if they preach, should shave their heads, completely acknowledges the value of the long hair of women.
One reader made mention of the inability of seriously ill women to grow long hair. This is true, but shouldn’t an effort be made, then, to wear a lovely head-covering or a wig instead, should such a one go out in public?
When I was in my mid-twenties, I worked on a project with a group of about 50 persons. Male and female coworkers alike noticed and admired the always tastefully styled long blonde hair of one attractive 40-year-old employee. One day I found myself alone with her for a few moments and so took the opportunity to compliment her lovely hair. Her reply to me I will never forget: “Do you like it? It’s a wig. I have cancer.”
I would think that cancer patients would want to look as normal as possible and not show their illness to the world. I would think that looking as normal as possible would uplift their spirits during a very difficult time.
Young mothers are tempted to cut their hair short for the sake of convenience. Older women with thinning hair are tempted to cut their hair short to give the appearance of fullness and “body.” Most short hair styles are designed to require very little effort to maintain. I believe a woman’s glory, which is her hair, should she keep it, maintain it, style it to suit her face and keep up the counter-revolutionary morale in these dark days, is a glory, indeed.
Thank you, again, for a truly remarkable website which spares nothing to shine a light on the errors of our day.
Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
In Maria,
Thank you for your most excellent website, especially your knowledgeable assistance for those wishing to embrace a counter-revolutionary, counter-cultural lifestyle.
Every anti-revolutionary suggestion made on your website requires effort on the part of each sincerely counter-revolutionary reader. Most people today – and most Catholics – have not been raised with fine manners and civility. Most are negatively affected – and infected – with today’s very casual attitudes and lack of good manners.
The American Catholic school system, alas, is very culpable for teaching students to embrace the world and its constant novelties, at the same time doing away with the time honored traditions of manners and civility which gives each a love and right understanding of dignity and charity towards others. This requires effort, indeed, but these efforts liberate us from ignorance and, as one article title states, Manners Makes Life Easier.
I am especially appreciative of Dr. Horvat’s excellent articles showing women how to look and be feminine instead of following the revolutionary anti-woman feminist mania. Her explanation of the revolutionary “boy’s cut” for women exposes the beginnings of the inroads of homosexuality amongst heterosexual men by making boyish-looking women attractive to them. The Bible verse that says that women, if they preach, should shave their heads, completely acknowledges the value of the long hair of women.
One reader made mention of the inability of seriously ill women to grow long hair. This is true, but shouldn’t an effort be made, then, to wear a lovely head-covering or a wig instead, should such a one go out in public?
When I was in my mid-twenties, I worked on a project with a group of about 50 persons. Male and female coworkers alike noticed and admired the always tastefully styled long blonde hair of one attractive 40-year-old employee. One day I found myself alone with her for a few moments and so took the opportunity to compliment her lovely hair. Her reply to me I will never forget: “Do you like it? It’s a wig. I have cancer.”
I would think that cancer patients would want to look as normal as possible and not show their illness to the world. I would think that looking as normal as possible would uplift their spirits during a very difficult time.
Young mothers are tempted to cut their hair short for the sake of convenience. Older women with thinning hair are tempted to cut their hair short to give the appearance of fullness and “body.” Most short hair styles are designed to require very little effort to maintain. I believe a woman’s glory, which is her hair, should she keep it, maintain it, style it to suit her face and keep up the counter-revolutionary morale in these dark days, is a glory, indeed.
Thank you, again, for a truly remarkable website which spares nothing to shine a light on the errors of our day.
Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.
In Maria,

Posted February 18, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
What kind of “sensus fidelium” is this? Is it “the supernatural appreciation of faith” as defined by the Canon Law Code (CCC #92) or majority vote?
“On the matter of artificial contraception the responses might be characterized by the saying, 'That train left the station long ago, “ Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg, Florida, recently wrote on his blog, summarizing his survey's findings. “Catholics have made up their minds and the sensus fidelium (sense of the faithful) suggests the rejection of Church teaching on this subject.”
Full report here.
Frank Rega