Progressivism in the Church
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And the 'humble' Francis wins in Vanity Fair...
Many of us have had a suspicion that the humility of Pope Bergoglio was nothing but a propaganda weapon for Progressivism. Now, a dramatic confirmation surfaces: The well known magazine Vanity Fair has placed him on the cover of its Italian edition (July 10, 2013), above, and chosen Francis "the man of the year."As a manifestation of approval regarding the revolution Francis is carrying out as Pope, the magazine affirmed: "His first 100 days have already placed him in the category of world leaders who make history. But the revolution continues."
Among the celebrites consulted by Vanity Fair to make its choice was Elton John, the homosexual English singer "married" to another man since 2005. "Francis is a miracle of humility in an era of vanity," Elton John said. "The Pope seems to want to take the Church back to the old values of Christ and, at the same time, bring it into the 21st century." He hoped Francis would "reach out to children, women, and men who live with HIV and AIDS - often alone and hidden in silence."
Thus, after being praised by the Freemasons and the Jews, Francis now is praised by one of the most extravagant worldly magazines.
It does not look like a sign of fidelity to Christ, who declared that His followers would be persecuted by the world, or seem to be a good indication of humility, since the humble ones of this earth do not win prizes at the wordly fairs of vanity.
Below first row, Elton John in his wedding dress; second row, flamboyant at his 50th birthday with "husband" David Furnish.
From the third row down, some covers of Vanity Fair maganize.
Photos from the Internet

Posted July 14, 2013