Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The miserablist revolution of Pope Bergoglio
In less than one week after his election on March 13, 2013, Pope Francis I has already accomplished more for Progressivism in changing the Papacy than what was done in the last decades of John Paul II and Benedict XVI combined.Indeed, immediately after his election he refused to wear one of the many golden papal crosses at his disposal and instead chose an iron cross hanging from an iron chain without any gold or silver, as shown in the top insert above. He also rejected the traditional red papal shoes, bottom insert above. His ring as well is of a base metal - it is not clear if it is iron or aluminum - as one can observe in the first row below.
Dispensing with any help to pack his bags and pay the bill at Santa Marta Apartments, where the Cardinals stayed during the Conclave, below second row, he also sent the message that he does not want anyone to serve him or take care of his personal life. It is certainly a direct blow against the institution of the Papal Household, and an indirect strike against the whole Roman Curia, whose purpose is to assist the Pontiff in other matters.
Below third row, we see him receiving a bright yellow rubber hand bracelet from an African Cardinal and placing it around his wrist. The bracelet was made by one of the African Cardinal's priests. Supposedly it is some kind of devotional 'faith bracelet'; actually it is a cheap imitation of voodoo amulets in fashion in hippie and punk milieus. Pope Bergoglio's endorsement of this practice seems a bold promotion of superstition at the same time he abolishes millennial traditions of the Church.
If we add to these initiatives the facts that Pope Bergoglio refused to sit on the papal throne after his election to receive the allegiance of the Cardinals and refused to take the papal limousine after being elected, but rode back to his apartment in the same minibus assigned to the Cardinals, we see that the right man was chosen to execute the revolution in the Church that Joseph Ratzinger has long desired and that is presently being put into practice by several of his disciples in Germany and Austria.
Bergoglio's miserablist tendencies are reason enough to make him popular with theologians such as Leonardo Boff and Hans Küng. Boff, fourth row below, told ANSA (March 14, 2013) that the election of Francis I is a positive fact since "it represents the arrival of the third millennium into the Church, which must forget about power and give priority to the poor." He added: "Pope Francis has a name of hope. Choosing this name, Card. Bergoglio, a man known for his simplicity, is showing us his wisdom; this name signals a whole program that announces hope for the Church."
In his turn, Hans Küng, fifth row below, stated to Notimex (March 14, 2013) that the election of Francis I "represents a well established hope to reform the Church, which is facing one of her most profound crises."
Internet photos

Posted March 17, 2013