What People Are Commenting
Pope, Rolling Stone’s & Grammys
Women's Hair & Chemo Treatments
Dear TIA,
The orientation you gave on woman’s hair does not seem to make any considerations for medical conditions. One possibility for very short wild hair could be from effects of chemotherapy. A person may be rendered completely hairless by chemotherapy treatments and if they are so fortunate to have their hair grow back, it has to start from the scalp. Very damaged broken hair is another effect of chemotherapy and so the patients may cut their hair short during that phase.
There are so many chemotherapy patients these days one cannot know the difference just by looking at a woman with short hair if she has chosen short hair for a convenience or fashion or if the woman is a cancer patient. Also, there are probably other diseases and drugs of which I am not aware that affect the hair.
Sincerely yours,
In Jesus and Mary,
The Editor responds:
Dear C.A.F.,
You are right on target with your observation. The answers by Dr. Marian Horvat (here and here) did not take into consideration the short hair caused by either chemotherapy treatments of cancer or other diseases. She was just dealing with the rules of convenience for healthy women who voluntarily choose their hair styles.
Next time this topic will be addressed, I will remember your observation and place a little note on Dr. Horvat’s article or on letters by readers reminding our audience that the rule does not apply to sick women.
Thank you very much for your precision. Do not hesitate to correct us again whenever you find something wrong or incomplete in the articles on our website.
A.S. Guimarães, editor
The orientation you gave on woman’s hair does not seem to make any considerations for medical conditions. One possibility for very short wild hair could be from effects of chemotherapy. A person may be rendered completely hairless by chemotherapy treatments and if they are so fortunate to have their hair grow back, it has to start from the scalp. Very damaged broken hair is another effect of chemotherapy and so the patients may cut their hair short during that phase.
There are so many chemotherapy patients these days one cannot know the difference just by looking at a woman with short hair if she has chosen short hair for a convenience or fashion or if the woman is a cancer patient. Also, there are probably other diseases and drugs of which I am not aware that affect the hair.
Sincerely yours,
In Jesus and Mary,
The Editor responds:
Dear C.A.F.,
You are right on target with your observation. The answers by Dr. Marian Horvat (here and here) did not take into consideration the short hair caused by either chemotherapy treatments of cancer or other diseases. She was just dealing with the rules of convenience for healthy women who voluntarily choose their hair styles.
Next time this topic will be addressed, I will remember your observation and place a little note on Dr. Horvat’s article or on letters by readers reminding our audience that the rule does not apply to sick women.
Thank you very much for your precision. Do not hesitate to correct us again whenever you find something wrong or incomplete in the articles on our website.
A.S. Guimarães, editor
Pope on Rolling Stone’s Cover
What a coincidence - Pope appears on Rolling Stone cover with "times are a changin' gentle revolution" story right after a mass same-sex wedding takes place at the Grammys. Rolling Stone is well known for its Jewish homosexual owner: Jann Wenner - see him with his male partner below.
Some more of Wenner's homosexual Jewish Hollywood music industry buddies, David Geffen & Clive Davis (here, here and here), with their boy toys and Grammy parties (Whitney Houston died after one of 'em; can't say they had a good effect on Michael Jackson either (who apparently hired witch doctors to put a curse on Geffen) or a number of other "teen boy" stars in Hollywood).
Seems the pope just doesn't hang out and advance the Jewish and homosexual anti-Christ agenda at the Vatican, but all over the world!
What a coincidence - Pope appears on Rolling Stone cover with "times are a changin' gentle revolution" story right after a mass same-sex wedding takes place at the Grammys. Rolling Stone is well known for its Jewish homosexual owner: Jann Wenner - see him with his male partner below.
Some more of Wenner's homosexual Jewish Hollywood music industry buddies, David Geffen & Clive Davis (here, here and here), with their boy toys and Grammy parties (Whitney Houston died after one of 'em; can't say they had a good effect on Michael Jackson either (who apparently hired witch doctors to put a curse on Geffen) or a number of other "teen boy" stars in Hollywood).
Seems the pope just doesn't hang out and advance the Jewish and homosexual anti-Christ agenda at the Vatican, but all over the world!

Jann Wenner abandoned wife Jane, left, after 43 years to live with lover Matt Nye, right
Grammys Preparing the Antichrist
I recommend this review of the Grammys for you and your readers. I found it on Paul Anthony Melanson’s blog here.
Best regards,
Mark Stabinski
The Grammys: Theater of the Antichrist
Paul Anthony Melanson
In his excellent and prophetic book Trousered Apes, Prof. Duncan Williams documented extensively the banishment of God from society in the West and said that as a result, “the Western world and its culture is saturated with violence and animalism… We are teaching savagery and are naively appalled at the success of our instruction.”
Prof. Williams continues, “What shocks an audience today will be acceptable tomorrow and thus the contemporary dramatist [or reality show producer, my note] is constantly impelled to seek further excesses to gratify a warped taste which he has himself implanted in the public mind… The whole modern cult of violence and animalism is in essence an admission of defeat.
“Since we cannot be men to any idealistic extent, let us lapse into barbaric animalism but, still clinging to vestiges of a past which we hate but cannot escape, let us clothe our defeat in high-sounding terms: ‘alienation,’ ‘cult of unpleasure,’ ‘realism,’ and similar jargon. Yet all this fashionable phraseology cannot conceal the fact that the Emperor has no clothes…
“The contemporary playwright or producer might well take as his motto, Apres moi, la secheresse (After me, the drought), and congratulate himself that he is writing before a morbid public appetite demands scenes of such repellent realism that actors and actresses will have to be killed on stage in order to satisfy it.”
Welcome to the Theater of Lust, the Theater of Violence, the Theater of Antichrist.
At the Grammys last week, we witnessed a celebration of post-Christian savage “entertainment” produced by those who have accepted and even embraced the spirit of Antichrist.
The program featured a scantily-clad “witch” surrounded by demons in one set and a “gay marriage” ceremony. The two acts were really consistent as the moral breakdown of America is coinciding with the homosexual juggernaut.
As Fr. Vincent Miceli explains in his work The Antichrist, “Dr. Abram Kardiner, distinguished physician, psychoanalyst, and anthropologist, states that homosexuality reaches pestilential and plague proportions in morally rotting societies during the final stages of total collapse. The cult of softness is perhaps the most pronounced public phenomenon among nations today.
"It is certainly responsible for the rotting of the moral fibre of Western Civilization not only in sex but also, in the erosion of Christian truth, in education, in art and in letters, in the repudiation of personal responsibility and in the increasing tendency to side with the forces of crime against the forces of law and order.” (p. 237).
The Reign of Antichrist will witness a celebration of sin and perversion the likes of which few can imagine.
Pleasure is the new principle par excellence.
If pleasure can justify homosexual behavior (and increasingly that is what our sin-sick society is saying), then other deviant forms of sexual activity which are viewed as pleasurable by some will also be logically justified. This will include pedophilia, pederasty, ephebophilia, gerontophilia, necrophilia, sadism, masochism and bestiality.
Fr. Pascal Huchede writes, “… how shall he [Antichrist] deprive the world of Christianity and have himself adored as God? Alas, it is only too true that the minds and hearts of men are admirably disposed for revolution and consequently ready to accept and bear the cruel yoke of such a tyrant…”
And then, after noting that men will abandon the reasonable and supernatural religion of Jesus Christ to worship the demon, Fr. Huchede adds: “What frightful immorality must follow in the train of this shameless prostitution of religion! Never has the threefold concupiscence made greater ravage among mankind. And this is the religion sought and hoped for as the cherished boon of the aspirations of our modern free thinkers.” (History of Antichrist, pp. 13-14).
Where is the outrage?
Just a few short years ago, priests and ministers across the country would have been speaking out against what has become a tidal wave of filth, immorality and the satanic.
I recommend this review of the Grammys for you and your readers. I found it on Paul Anthony Melanson’s blog here.
Best regards,
Mark Stabinski
Paul Anthony Melanson
In his excellent and prophetic book Trousered Apes, Prof. Duncan Williams documented extensively the banishment of God from society in the West and said that as a result, “the Western world and its culture is saturated with violence and animalism… We are teaching savagery and are naively appalled at the success of our instruction.”
Prof. Williams continues, “What shocks an audience today will be acceptable tomorrow and thus the contemporary dramatist [or reality show producer, my note] is constantly impelled to seek further excesses to gratify a warped taste which he has himself implanted in the public mind… The whole modern cult of violence and animalism is in essence an admission of defeat.
“Since we cannot be men to any idealistic extent, let us lapse into barbaric animalism but, still clinging to vestiges of a past which we hate but cannot escape, let us clothe our defeat in high-sounding terms: ‘alienation,’ ‘cult of unpleasure,’ ‘realism,’ and similar jargon. Yet all this fashionable phraseology cannot conceal the fact that the Emperor has no clothes…
“The contemporary playwright or producer might well take as his motto, Apres moi, la secheresse (After me, the drought), and congratulate himself that he is writing before a morbid public appetite demands scenes of such repellent realism that actors and actresses will have to be killed on stage in order to satisfy it.”
Welcome to the Theater of Lust, the Theater of Violence, the Theater of Antichrist.
At the Grammys last week, we witnessed a celebration of post-Christian savage “entertainment” produced by those who have accepted and even embraced the spirit of Antichrist.
As Fr. Vincent Miceli explains in his work The Antichrist, “Dr. Abram Kardiner, distinguished physician, psychoanalyst, and anthropologist, states that homosexuality reaches pestilential and plague proportions in morally rotting societies during the final stages of total collapse. The cult of softness is perhaps the most pronounced public phenomenon among nations today.
"It is certainly responsible for the rotting of the moral fibre of Western Civilization not only in sex but also, in the erosion of Christian truth, in education, in art and in letters, in the repudiation of personal responsibility and in the increasing tendency to side with the forces of crime against the forces of law and order.” (p. 237).
The Reign of Antichrist will witness a celebration of sin and perversion the likes of which few can imagine.
Pleasure is the new principle par excellence.
If pleasure can justify homosexual behavior (and increasingly that is what our sin-sick society is saying), then other deviant forms of sexual activity which are viewed as pleasurable by some will also be logically justified. This will include pedophilia, pederasty, ephebophilia, gerontophilia, necrophilia, sadism, masochism and bestiality.
Fr. Pascal Huchede writes, “… how shall he [Antichrist] deprive the world of Christianity and have himself adored as God? Alas, it is only too true that the minds and hearts of men are admirably disposed for revolution and consequently ready to accept and bear the cruel yoke of such a tyrant…”
And then, after noting that men will abandon the reasonable and supernatural religion of Jesus Christ to worship the demon, Fr. Huchede adds: “What frightful immorality must follow in the train of this shameless prostitution of religion! Never has the threefold concupiscence made greater ravage among mankind. And this is the religion sought and hoped for as the cherished boon of the aspirations of our modern free thinkers.” (History of Antichrist, pp. 13-14).
Where is the outrage?
Just a few short years ago, priests and ministers across the country would have been speaking out against what has become a tidal wave of filth, immorality and the satanic.

Posted February 13, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
There was a cartoon in Warren Weston's book Trail of the Serpent depicting a procession of Bishops going into St. Peters to open Vatican ll, at the end of which was Satan, turned toward the reader saying, "This is the first time I've been invited."
St. Peter, pray for us.