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Fashion, Ecology & English Hooligans
Fashion & Blasphemy
I am L.C. from Birmingham, UK, I am currently writing a dissertation on the use of religion within fashion, I feel this year has been full of fashion focused around Christian imagery, almost every item of clothing with a cross on and rosary beads and Crucifix being used a disposable fashion jewelry.
I just read your article about the 2007 Gaultier collection, I think your views are interesting. I find a lot of the Catholics I have asked have not had an opinion on the subject, maybe feeling they can't. I did speak to priest who thought that the Christian faith was the most commercialized but therefore made it more accessible for people looking for faith. I find that it is only the Christian imagery that I used.
In 1994 Karl Lagerfeld designed a collection for Chanel that used scriptures from the Koran, and Muslim groups around the world protested and the entire collection was destroyed. Everyone seems to be scared of offending this faith, but if a Christian is upset about his religion being used he is ignored.
I was just wondering if you had any views you could share with me on how you feel on this subject or if you of any articles published or books that address this issue.
Thank you very much for your time.
L.C., England
TIA responds:
Hello L.C.,
Thank you for your message. It is very informative.
You may read these two articles, The Imitation of Christ Collection: A Subversive Message in Fashion, and A Black-out on Black Clothing that may interest you.
Perhaps a quick look at the articles in this section of our Cultural Page will also be of some use to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Ecological Craze
Dear Marian,
Salve Maria!
I am sending this link about a crazy science experiment we might find ourselves beholden to one day because of the “global warming” craze. The insanity of modern science is alarming. May Our Lady defend us.
In Maria,
Prayers Request
Dear TIA,
I love TIA, I read it daily.
I am going through a very painful spiritual trial at the moment. It has gone on for a very long time and I am very frightened. I absolutely BEG your prayers TIA and those of your members that this will pass, forever. Please! Please pray for me. I would be most grateful.
Thank you very much.
P.F., Australia
More Data on Homosexuality
My name is S.N.V.. I was recently reading a few articles on your website, Traditioninaction.org. I found your article on homosexuality, written by Dr. Frank Joseph, very interesting! I did not know that those things were true... I never knew all of that about homosexuals... it really changes your view of things.
Is there any way I can talk to Dr. Joseph? I have more questions that the article didn't totally explain. I figured he could answer my remaining questions. Do you know of any way that I can contact him via email?
Any information that you have regarding this matter will be greatly appreciated!
TIA responds:
Hello S.N.V.,
More recent statistics confirming the data in that article may he found here, here, here, here and here.
Dr. Frank Joseph can be reached at this e-mail
TIA correspondence desk
A Hate Story
Salve Maria TIA,
I'm always attentive to the Hate Mail. Because of being in prison and police work for 30 years, and being part of the CR-Remnant, I'm very used to being hated. When such hatred puts on the clothes of a person, with a head-to-head confrontation, it becomes especially acrimonious. I've just received the grace to see and feel the hatred in its most egregious form. I'll keep it short.
My best friend when I was growing up was J.D.. He was always the toughest guy on the block, and was so attached to Our Lady that at even the slightest negative comment to her, J. would lay the guy out. When I joined the Marines, he joined the Oblates (OMI), and was ordained. At the end of the Council he came to see me and told me that he lost his Faith in the seminary. He soon dropped everything Catholic and has been living with this or that woman ever since.
Last week he called me on the phone and asked me for my e-mail. I thought maybe he had had some spiritual uplifting. During the successive e-mails back and forth it turned out he had found himself in the cult of Teilhard and wanted me to join him. Several e-mails were exchanged, and when I would place my argument on Catholic teaching, the Scriptures, the Saints, he responded with such demonic fury, and put in print his hatred for Catholicism, that I began to think he was possessed. I finally had to eliminate him from any further exchanges.
We're into an arena here that is post-progressist. What a grace to be given a first-hand view of the fruits of Vatican II.
I wish a blessed New Year to all.
In Domina,
Lyle J. Arnold
What Generates the English Hooligans?
Dear Atila,
Please accept my sincere best wishes for a happy and holy New Year, rich in blessings for your good work.
I thought you might be interested in the following comment (see below) in praise of Portugal published in today's Telegraph (January 1, 2012). It is a response to the New Year's message (here) of the "Archbishop" of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, who is well known for his politically correct Left Wing views. He stated that people in Britain should become “more friendly” to young hooligans instead of being “suspicious and hostile” towards them. This follows his politicized Christmas message in which he equated the activities of the youngsters in last summer’s riots, looting and violent mayhem with the normal activities of City bankers.
This is what one of the respondents (who left England to live in Portugal) said:
I hated the way things have gone in England, epitomized by recent riots and senseless murders of young people. I have done all I could for English children over my lifetime and I have now moved to Portugal. Here that type of thing would be totally unthinkable. In this country, it is the old people who dominate the streets in the evenings. They sit and talk and laugh and play their games. Young people show respect and are not allowed by their parents to run wild. If a child has behaved badly, then they would be reprimanded by the old people, their parents would be informed, the parents would be mortified and would take severe action. The young people know this and are far nicer for it.
Why, I asked myself, is it so bad now in England? Who should take responsibility for how a child is brought up? Not the police, teachers, social services or the state, but the family. All the family. A child comes in to the world innocent and becomes what the family make him. If the family negate responsibility, then other, more chaotic forces will be more influential.
In Portugal, the grandparents inadvertently police the streets and the children often actually do things with their parents, regularly. If a child is going out, then the parents know where. Children have to be accountable. They usually go to a friend where they have some supervision. Siblings are shamed by bad behavior and will take action. I have never even seen a troupe of adolescents on the street, no one would accept it. I have never seen a drunken teenager; they are too proud for this. Adults are not abused by the children, drunk or otherwise. The only time I have ever seen men (never, ever women) a bit worse for wear was at weddings and maybe New Year. All extremely friendly and never unpleasant. Again, too much pride to be offensive.
There are still some old fashioned families in England who take responsibility for their child's moral education but too few. The problem is now so great that it is now too late to just be rectified by better community policing or better teaching alone, however tough a party say they will get. Without help from the family, the animals will continue to rule the streets".
Due to the collapse of Christian morality in the UK, we have a youth culture of hooliganism, vandalism, a breakdown of order in the classroom and violence on the streets. What has been fuelling all this is not poverty, but the collapse of the moral fabric of society, especially the breakdown of the family.
It would be tragic if Portugal were to fall prey to the same influences.
Dr. Carol Byrne, England
Posted January 5, 2012

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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