Reviews by TIA Members and Friends - Part I
History from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective The TIA Desk offers
a list of recommended history books & biographies
A Good Catholic History Critical of Americanism United States History from a Traditional Catholic Perspective by Christ the King Books, 1st ed, 372 pp.
 | Hollywood’s Love for Cuban Communism & Islamism - II Hollywood Traitors by Allan H. Ryskind, Regnery Press, 2015, 538 pp.
 | America’s Enemies in Hollywood Then and Now - I Hollywood Traitors by Allan H. Ryskind, Regnery Press, 2015, 538 pp.
 | Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty, Harvard University Press, 2014, 649 pp.
 | The Exorcist Novel & Movie: Not Recommended The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty (1971) & 1973 horror film derived from it
 | Liberalism Is a Sin vs Essays in Liberalism Rockfort: TAN, 1993; London, Paris & Melbourne: Cassell, 1897
 | Medieval Panorama Ed. by Robert Barlett, London: Thomas & Hudson Ltd, 2001, 336 pp.
Bloody Passovers and Ritual Homicides by Ariel Toaff, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2007, Online edition, 242 pp.
The Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta, Anomalist Books, 2007, 276 pp.
 | Celestial Secrets: The Hidden History of the Fatima Incident by Joachim Fernandes & Fina D'Armada, Anomalist Books, 2007, 276 pp.
Fatima Shock! by Bob Theil, Arroyo Grande, CA: Nazarene Books, 2012, 303 pp.
The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory (NY: Simon & Schuster, 2010, 429 pp.)
Emily Post, Daughter of the Gilded Age, Mistress of American Manners by Laura Claridge (NY: Random House, 2008, 500 pp.)
 | Reasons for Resistance: The Hierarchy of the Catholic Church Speaks on the Post-Vatican II Crisis by Jason A. Roberts (Jacksonville, FL: Queen of Martyrs Press, 2011, 71 pp.)
 | Setting the Table: Preparing Catholic Parishes to Welcome Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and Their Families by Fr. James Schexnayder (James A. Schexnayder, 2011, 121 pp.)
 | Holding the Stirrup: The Memoirs of Baroness Elizabeth von Guttenberg (Post Falls: Lepanto Press, first published in 1953, 270 pp.)
 | Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI (San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2011, volume II, 362 pp)
 | The Catholic Worker Movement (1933-1980): A Critical Analysis by Carol Byrne (Bloomington: AuthorHouse, 2010, 332 pp.)
 | Footprints in a Darkened Forest by Fulton Sheen (New York: Meredith Press, 1967)
 | Newman's Essay on the Development of Doctrine by Orestes Brownson (Brownson’s Quarterly Review, July, 1846)
 | The Story of the Trapp Family Singers by Maria von Trapp (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1949)
 | John Henry Newman by Avery Dulles (London/NY: Continuum, 2009), 176 pp.
 | Another Look at John Henry Cardinal Newman by Richard Sartino (e-book, pdf file, n.d.), 36 pp.
 | The Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Directions by Toby Westerman (Authorhouse, 2009), 231 pp.
 | The Lennon Prophecy: A New Examination of the Death Clues of the Beatles by Joseph Niezgoda (New Chapter Press, 2009), 284 pp.
 | The Case for the Cause: Is Mother Teresa of Calcutta a Saint? by Mark Michael Zima (Nashville: Cold Tree Press, 2007), 268 pp.
 | The Gauntlet: A Challenge to the Myth of Progress by Arthur J. Penty (Norfolk, VA: IHS Press, 2003), 95 pp.
 | No Crisis in the Church? by Simon Galloway (Manchester: New Olive Press, 2006), 268 pp.
 | Gabriel Garcia Moreno by Mary Monica Maxwell-Scott (Oconomowoc: Apostolate OLGS, 2004), 185 pp.
 | The Prince Dethroned Part I of the trilogy Wolves Among the Ruins, by A. J. West, (Publish America, 2005), 192 pp.
 | World Youth Day - From Catholicism to Counterchurch by Cornelia R. Ferreira and John Vennari (Canisius Books, 2005), 229 pp.
 | Distributism: A Manifesto by Arthur Penty in Distributist Perspectives, (Norfolk, VA: IHS Press, 2004), 126 pp.
 | The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (NY: Doubleday, 2003), 454 pp.
 | A Guildsmanãs Interpretation of History by Arthur J. Penty (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1920), 315 pp.
 | The Bugnini Liturgy and the Reform of the Reform by Lazlo Dobszay (Catholic Church Music Association, 2003), 217 pp.
 | The Catholic Revolution - New Wine, Old Wineskins, & Vatican II by Andrew Greeley (University of California Press, 2004), 224 pp.
 | Beyond Politics: A Meta-Historical View by Solange Strong Hertz (Remnant Press, 2003), 291 pp.
 | Close-ups of the Charismatic Movement by John Vennari (Los Angeles: TIA, 2002), 175 pp. - Reviewed by Guimarães
 | Close-ups of the Charismatic Movement by John Vennari (Los Angeles: TIA, 2002), 175 pp. - Reviewed by Horvat
 | A Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects Our Ability to Win Wars by Stephanie Gutmann (Long Prairie, MN: The Neumann Press, 2000), 205 pp.
 | The Hebrew People and its Holy Scriptures in the Christian Bible by the Pontifical Biblical Commission, (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2001), 213 pp.
 | A Critical Examination of the Theology of Karl Rahner by Robert C. McCarthy (Buchanan Dam, TX: Carthay Ventures, 2001), 64 pp.
 | Gods of Wasteland by Michael J. Matt (St. Paul: The Remnant Press, 2000), 193 pp.
 | Trianon, A Novel of Royal France by Elena Maria Vidal (Long Prairie, MN: The Neumann Press, 2000), 205 pp.
 | Papal Primacy in the Third Millennium by Russell Shaw (Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2000), 186 pp.
 | The Changing Face of the Priesthood by Donald B. Cozzens (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2000), 148 pp.
 | Gone with the Wind in the Vatican (Via col Vento in Vaticano) anonymous author (Milan: Kaos Edizione, 1999), 297 pp.
 | The Reform of the Papacy by Archbishop John R. Quinn (New York: Herder & Herder, 1999), 189 pp.
 | What Went Wrong with Vatican II ? The Catholic Crisis Explained by Dr. Ralph McInerny (Manchester: Sophia Press, 1998), 170 pp.
 | Same-Sex Unions in Pre-modern Europe by John Boswell (New York, Canada: Random House Books, 1994), 412 pp.

Reviews on TIA Books - Part II
Salwa Bachar on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2008, 3rd ed.), 396 pp.
Jonathan B. Coe on Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times by Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 1999, 5th ed.), 72 pp.
Barbara Maczek on Discovering Our Lady of Bethlehem by Judith F. Mead & Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2017), 76 pp.
Margaret C. Galitzin on Fumus Satanae by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2015), 398 pp.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. on Fumus Satanae by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2015), 398 pp.
 | Dr. Remi Amelunxen on The Marvelous St. Philomena by M. Horvat, J. Mead, E. Miller & C. Croisette (Los Angeles: TIA, 2013), 86 pp.
 | Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. on Destructio Dei - Destruction of God by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2012), 406 pp.
 | Lyle J. Arnold, Jr. on In the Murky Waters, Animus Delendi I & II
the three books by Atila S. Guimarães
 | Fr. Paul Sretenovic on Animus Injuriandi I by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2010), 392 pp.
 | Frank M. Rega, S.F.O. on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2008), 396 pp.
 | Eric Hester on Courtesy Calls Again by Judith Fife Mead & Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 151 pp.
 | Fr. Paul Sretenovic on Courtesy Calls Again by Judith Fife Mead & Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 151 pp.
 | Dr. Alice von Hildebrand on Courtesy Calls Again by Judith Fife Mead & Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 151 pp.
 | Toby Westerman on Ecclesia by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2009), 320 pp.
 | Eric Hester on A Catholic Manual of Civility by Marian T. Horvat (Los Angeles: TIA, 2008), 160 pp.
 | Fr. Paul Sretenovic on Will He Find Faith by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2007), 384 pp.
 | Fr. Stephen Somerville on Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 315 pp.
 | Cyndi Cain on The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana by Fr. Manuel Souza Pereira (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 258 pp.
 | Gary Morella on Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 315 pp.
 | Marian Horvat on Vatican II, Homosexuality, and Pedophilia by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2004), 315 pp.
 | Jonathan Tuttle on War, Just War by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2003), 100 pp.
 | Solange S. Hertz on Stories and Miracles of Our Lady of Good Success by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. (Los Angeles: TIA, 2002), 101 pp.
 | Traditio - Traditional Catholic Website on Previews of the New Papacy by Atila S.Guimarães and Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D. (L.A.: TIA, 2001), 285 pp.
 | Bishop Richard Williamson on In the Murky Waters & Animus Delendi I Both books by Atila S. Guimarães
 | Michael J. Matt on Animus Delendi I by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2000), 503 pp.
 | John Vennari on Animus Delendi I by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 2000), 503 pp.
 | Traditio - Traditional Roman Catholic Website on We Resist You to the Face by A. Guimarães, M. Matt, J. Vennari and M. Horvat (L.A.: TIA, 2000), 168 pp.
 | Solange S. Hertz on Quo Vadis, Petre? by Atila S. Guimarães (Los Angeles: TIA, 1998), 110 pp.
 | Mark Ellis on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.
 | Fr. Charles Fiore on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.
 | Fr. Brian W. Harrison, O.S. on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.
 | Brother Francis of St. Benedict Center on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.
 | Toby Westerman on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.
 | John Vennari on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.
 | Solange S. Hertz on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.
 | Fr. Malachi Martin’s Foreward on In the Murky Waters of Vatican II by Atila S. Guimarães (Metairie, LA: Maeta, 1997), 453 pp.