NEWS: March 30, 2022
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Bird’s Eye View of the News

As with almost everything in his pontificate, Francis took the Catholic world by surprise when the Holy See press office
announced on March 15 that he would make a consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
On March 2, the Ukrainian Bishops had asked him to consecrate their country and Russia to Immaculate Heart of Mary "as requested by the Most Holy Virgin in Fatima." Francis agreed to do it. This is how the Consecration of both Ukraine and Russia came to pass.
The expression Consecration of Russia, as well as the content of the letter by the Ukrainian Bishops, brought to mind the request of Our Lady of Fatima who asked for it so that Russia would be converted and a time of peace would come to the world.
A date and a text were necessary. The date of the Annunciation, March 25, could not be more convenient. The text… Well, we had to wait for the text, which was only released about 48 hours before that date.
Growing expectations
Like wildfire the news that Francis was planning to fulfill the consecration requested by Our Lady of Fatima spread around the world – even though neither he nor any Vatican organ announced that was his intention. But, the Catholic world was exultant. We would have the conversion of Russia and the promised time of peace – the Reign of Mary! And humble Francis, once again, would be in the spotlight…
The first news reported that he would make the act alone at the Vatican while, at the same time, a Cardinal representing him would make the same act in Fatima. Two days later, fueling the rumors, he decided to invite all the Bishops of the world, as well as all priests and the faithful, to join him in saying the Consecration.
Then, the emotions exploded and reached the top! How wonderful! The Pope with all the Bishops of the world would make the Consecration as Our Lady had ordered!
In the homily he delivered at the ceremony of the Consecration, however, Francis affirmed he was renewing the Consecration of the world to Our Lady, (1) implying that the Consecrations made by prior Popes before had already fulfilled the Fatima conditions.
March 25 came. The Consecration was made. Alas! All the Bishops of the world did not join in to make it.
What about the text?
Main omissions in the text
Before analyzing the text the Pope read, let me focus on its biggest omissions:
1. Although the consecration was made before a statue of Our Lady of Fatima at the Vatican, and Francis' envoy did the same at the Fatima Sanctuary, in the text of the Consecration neither Fatima nor the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was mentioned.
2. The errors of Russia were not mentioned. These errors are not the stagnant errors of the Russian Schismatic Church, which is paralyzed in its growth, but the errors of Communism, which have spread all over the world, including inside the Catholic Church.
3. In the "act of penance" Francis read, using the diplomatic "we," he accused others of causing the war. He showed no repentance for the rampant crimes of pedophilia and homosexuality in the High and Low Clergy and their cover-ups. It is quite hypocritical to accuse the heads of State and civil decision-makers of "greed, nationalism, indifference and egoism" and remain completely silent about the much graver moral sins committed by himself (here, here, here, here, here, and here) and those under his watch.
Our Lady of Fatima came to censure the moral decadence of the world at her time. At La Salette she came to warn about the great apostasy in the Church, using the expression "the priests have become cesspools of impurity." (2) But Francis did not even mention this moral corruption…
These are sins that are much more likely to cause the wrath of God.
In my opinion these three enormous omissions alone greatly challenge the validity of this Consecration if it were intended to be the one requested by Our Lady of Fatima.
In the text, Bergoglio's agenda
I am convinced that the errors of Progressivism are also another determinant cause for the coming Chastisement, for which the war in Ukraine may be a trigger. But Francis – who joins the other conciliar Popes as agents of this great apostasy – did not ask forgiveness for these errors/heresies. Instead, he reaffirmed its bad doctrine.
The following are points of the progressivist agenda that made their way into the text of the Consecration:
1. When the text states that "we have disregarded the commitments we made as a Community of Nations, betraying the peoples' dream of peace," it is referring to the U.N. and E.U. utopia of building a One World Order. This utopia was blessed by the progressivist Popes who went to the U.N. and the European Parliament to lend their support to them (here, here, here,
here and here). Francis dramatically exclaimed "Forgive us, Lord!" for not having achieved that revolutionary goal. It is hardly something pleasing to Our Lady.
2. When he said, "We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our national interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our egoistical needs and concerns," he was returning to his persistent attack against Capitalism, a leitmotif of his pontificate. It is another point of the progressivist agenda at variance with Catholic doctrine. I believe that this statement will not move Our Lady to stop the war. Instead, it moves her to hasten the Chastisement.
3. The text stated: "We chose to ignore God … to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons, forgetting that we are our neighbor's keepers and stewards of our common home." The focus here is on the destruction of our "common home," a term allegedly coined by Leonardo Boff when he helped Francis to draft his Laudato sí. This document, along with Querida Amazonia, outlined the new ecological-tribalist revolutionary utopia to be applied in the Church and the State. To promote it cannot be pleasing to Our Lady; rather, it is offensive to her.
4. Next: "… fraternity has faded"; then, a bit further on: "Queen of the Human Family, show people the path of fraternity." These passages must be read in context with Francis' Fratelli tutti, which was an encyclical turned toward destroying private property and the militancy of the Church, a document highly praised by the Freemasons.
5. A strange phrase of the Consecration was this address to Our Lady: "'Heavenly Earth' [terra del Cielo in the Italian text (3)] ... restore the concord of God to the world." It is an enigmatic appellation to Our Lady, which brings to mind the expression Mother Earth or Pachamama. We have here a grave offense to Our Lady, rather than a way to please her and incline her to end the war.
6. The last phrase before the Act of Consecration was: "The people of Ukraine and Russia, who venerate you with love, now turn to you, even as your Heart beats with compassion for them and for all those peoples decimated by war …"
This statement is inaccurate. The Russians are in their majority Schismatics and outside of the Catholic Church. Their doctrine contains multiple heresies. A considerable part of the Russian people is communist. Nonetheless, Francis "forgot" this and included them along with all the Ukrainians – also in grand part Schismatic – on the same level as the Catholics who had asked him to consecrate Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. How can this be pleasing to Our Lady?
We see that, considering just these six points, the March 25th Consecration was not an act agreeable to Our Lady and Our Lord. It would not be surprising if, instead of stopping the war, it would serve to aggravate it in order to punish this arrogant reaffirmation of Progressivism in the Church.
Regarding those good Catholics who, moved by filial piety, joined this Consecration thinking it was the one requested by Our Lady in Fatima, I hope that, despite these conclusions and their naïveté, Our Lady will somehow bring them closer to her.
Pope Francis during the Act of Consecration, Vatican, March 25, 2022
The expression Consecration of Russia, as well as the content of the letter by the Ukrainian Bishops, brought to mind the request of Our Lady of Fatima who asked for it so that Russia would be converted and a time of peace would come to the world.
A date and a text were necessary. The date of the Annunciation, March 25, could not be more convenient. The text… Well, we had to wait for the text, which was only released about 48 hours before that date.
Growing expectations
Like wildfire the news that Francis was planning to fulfill the consecration requested by Our Lady of Fatima spread around the world – even though neither he nor any Vatican organ announced that was his intention. But, the Catholic world was exultant. We would have the conversion of Russia and the promised time of peace – the Reign of Mary! And humble Francis, once again, would be in the spotlight…
Card. Konrad Krajewski represented the Pope at the Chapel of the Apparitions in Fatima
Then, the emotions exploded and reached the top! How wonderful! The Pope with all the Bishops of the world would make the Consecration as Our Lady had ordered!
In the homily he delivered at the ceremony of the Consecration, however, Francis affirmed he was renewing the Consecration of the world to Our Lady, (1) implying that the Consecrations made by prior Popes before had already fulfilled the Fatima conditions.
March 25 came. The Consecration was made. Alas! All the Bishops of the world did not join in to make it.
What about the text?
Main omissions in the text
Before analyzing the text the Pope read, let me focus on its biggest omissions:
1. Although the consecration was made before a statue of Our Lady of Fatima at the Vatican, and Francis' envoy did the same at the Fatima Sanctuary, in the text of the Consecration neither Fatima nor the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was mentioned.
2. The errors of Russia were not mentioned. These errors are not the stagnant errors of the Russian Schismatic Church, which is paralyzed in its growth, but the errors of Communism, which have spread all over the world, including inside the Catholic Church.
3. In the "act of penance" Francis read, using the diplomatic "we," he accused others of causing the war. He showed no repentance for the rampant crimes of pedophilia and homosexuality in the High and Low Clergy and their cover-ups. It is quite hypocritical to accuse the heads of State and civil decision-makers of "greed, nationalism, indifference and egoism" and remain completely silent about the much graver moral sins committed by himself (here, here, here, here, here, and here) and those under his watch.
Our Lady of Fatima came to censure the moral decadence of the world at her time. At La Salette she came to warn about the great apostasy in the Church, using the expression "the priests have become cesspools of impurity." (2) But Francis did not even mention this moral corruption…
These are sins that are much more likely to cause the wrath of God.
In my opinion these three enormous omissions alone greatly challenge the validity of this Consecration if it were intended to be the one requested by Our Lady of Fatima.
In the text, Bergoglio's agenda
I am convinced that the errors of Progressivism are also another determinant cause for the coming Chastisement, for which the war in Ukraine may be a trigger. But Francis – who joins the other conciliar Popes as agents of this great apostasy – did not ask forgiveness for these errors/heresies. Instead, he reaffirmed its bad doctrine.
The following are points of the progressivist agenda that made their way into the text of the Consecration:
Neither the German Bishops as such, above, nor the French Bishops, below, joined the Consecration
2. When he said, "We grew sick with greed, we thought only of our national interests, we grew indifferent and caught up in our egoistical needs and concerns," he was returning to his persistent attack against Capitalism, a leitmotif of his pontificate. It is another point of the progressivist agenda at variance with Catholic doctrine. I believe that this statement will not move Our Lady to stop the war. Instead, it moves her to hasten the Chastisement.
3. The text stated: "We chose to ignore God … to suppress innocent lives and to stockpile weapons, forgetting that we are our neighbor's keepers and stewards of our common home." The focus here is on the destruction of our "common home," a term allegedly coined by Leonardo Boff when he helped Francis to draft his Laudato sí. This document, along with Querida Amazonia, outlined the new ecological-tribalist revolutionary utopia to be applied in the Church and the State. To promote it cannot be pleasing to Our Lady; rather, it is offensive to her.
4. Next: "… fraternity has faded"; then, a bit further on: "Queen of the Human Family, show people the path of fraternity." These passages must be read in context with Francis' Fratelli tutti, which was an encyclical turned toward destroying private property and the militancy of the Church, a document highly praised by the Freemasons.
5. A strange phrase of the Consecration was this address to Our Lady: "'Heavenly Earth' [terra del Cielo in the Italian text (3)] ... restore the concord of God to the world." It is an enigmatic appellation to Our Lady, which brings to mind the expression Mother Earth or Pachamama. We have here a grave offense to Our Lady, rather than a way to please her and incline her to end the war.
6. The last phrase before the Act of Consecration was: "The people of Ukraine and Russia, who venerate you with love, now turn to you, even as your Heart beats with compassion for them and for all those peoples decimated by war …"
This statement is inaccurate. The Russians are in their majority Schismatics and outside of the Catholic Church. Their doctrine contains multiple heresies. A considerable part of the Russian people is communist. Nonetheless, Francis "forgot" this and included them along with all the Ukrainians – also in grand part Schismatic – on the same level as the Catholics who had asked him to consecrate Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. How can this be pleasing to Our Lady?
We see that, considering just these six points, the March 25th Consecration was not an act agreeable to Our Lady and Our Lord. It would not be surprising if, instead of stopping the war, it would serve to aggravate it in order to punish this arrogant reaffirmation of Progressivism in the Church.
Regarding those good Catholics who, moved by filial piety, joined this Consecration thinking it was the one requested by Our Lady in Fatima, I hope that, despite these conclusions and their naïveté, Our Lady will somehow bring them closer to her.
- These were Francis words: “In union with the Bishops and faithful of the world, I desire in a solemn way to bring all that we are presently experiencing to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I wish to renew to her the consecration of the Church and the whole of humanity, and to consecrate to her in a particular way the Ukrainian people and the Russian people who, with filial affection, venerate her as a Mother.” Vatican original text here.
- “The priests, ministers of my Son – by their bad lives, their irreverences and their impiety in celebrating the Holy Mysteries, their love of money, honor and pleasures – the priests have become cesspools of impurity.” Full text here; this quote is in entry 2.
- Terra do Céu in Portuguese; tierra del Cielo in Spanish, terre du Ciel in French. Inaccurately, this expression was translated to English as Queen of Heaven.