Fatima Issues
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Was the Third Secret Revealed? - IV
Fatima & Similar Warnings
Sister Lucy’s deciphered Third Secret, in which Our Lady of Fatima characterized the Apostasy in the Church, is hard for many to swallow. They might agree with the “ugly Church,” especially if they make the contrast between the modern churches and the great churches and cathedrals of the past.
But phrases like “Church of hell”, “multitudes praising the devil,” a “Holy Father with a gaze of evil” are shocking, disturbing, not believable and very difficult for many to digest.
This poor appetite for what is disagreeable is understandable. However, when we look at facts that the Conciliar Church has denied, then it might not be so surprising.
The discovery over 10 years ago that there was more than one Sister Lucy and that Catholics had been deceived gave great credibility to a Church infiltrated by Progressivism capable of every deceit. People began to wonder how much had been left out of the story of Fatima since 1958.
The New Testament provides us with some warnings that seem very much applicable to our times:
In recent centuries, there have been other warnings:
• Anna Catherine Emmerick received revelations that also apply to our situation:
“I saw a strange Church being built against every rule … as well as the new church of Rome. The Church is in great danger. They are demanding something from the pope. The Protestant doctrine and that of the schismatic Greeks are to spread everywhere. The Church is being cleverly undermined. I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas, which are dangerous to the Church.
"They are building a great strange and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of every description. Such should be the new Church.” (1820)
“Then, I saw that everything that pertained to Protestantism was gradually gaining the upper hand and the Catholic Religion fell into complete decadence. Most priests were lured by the glittering but false knowledge of young school teachers, and they all contributed to the work of destruction.” (June 1, 1821)
• On September 19, 1846, Our Lady of La Salette told Melanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud: “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
In that message Our Lady also said that in the year 1864 Lucifer, together with a great number of devils, will be unloosed from Hell; little by little they will abolish the faith, even in persons consecrated to God. They will blind them is such a way that, unless they are blessed with a special grace, these people will take on the spirit of these angels of Hell; a great number of religious institutions will lose the faith entirely and cause many souls to be damned.
• On September 25, 1888, following his morning Mass, Pope Leo XIII became traumatized to the point that he collapsed. After awakening, the Pope described a frightful conversation between Jesus Christ and the Devil that he heard coming from the Tabernacle. The Devil boasted that he could destroy the Church if he were granted 100 years to carry out his plan. To the Devil’s request, Our Lord reportedly replied, “You will be given the time and power.”
To counter the Devil, Pope Leo XIII composed the original version Prayer to St. Michael and ordered it to be recited after low masses which continued until 1934 when the prayer was shortened and key parts eliminated. Paul VI eliminated the revised prayer which is still said after traditional low masses.
In the original prayer, Pope Leo XIII predicted the great apostasy would be led from Rome: “In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with their iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.”
• On November 27, 1902, and May 10, 1904, Our Lord announced to Marie-Julie Jahenny the conspiracy to invent the “New Mass”: “I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake, according to their ideas and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words that are odious to My sight.”
• At the start of the 20th century, Pope St. Pius X pointed to Catholics who were already falling into the paths of Modernism, heresy and indifferentism. On October 4, 1903, he said,
“There is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days, and that there may already be in the world the ‘Son of Perdition’ of whom the Apostle speaks in 2 Thes 2:10.”
• On September 8, 1907, Pope St. Pius X published Pascendi Dominci Gregis, which forced the progressivists underground and slowed their progress.
• In 1917 Our Lady appeared at Fatima to help save our souls and prevent the looming crisis, but the popes have consistently paid no attention and refused to obey what has been chronicled in these series of articles.
The response from Rome
Considering all these warnings, what was the attitude of the recent Popes? They refused to obey the mandate of Heaven. Indeed,
• In 1930, Pius XI refused to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which could have prevented World War II.
• In his attempts to follow Our Lady's mandate, Pius XII, acting alone, consecrated he world to the Immaculate Heart without mentioning Russia and without including the bishops, thereby failing to meet the requirements. On July 7, 1952, he consecrated Russia but not in union with all the bishops of the world. After 1952 Pius XII never mentioned Fatima.
• John XXIII failed to release the contents of the Third Secret in 1960 against the wishes of Our Lady of Fatima. Before the Council, he made the famous Pact of Moscow, the Vatican-Moscow agreement that Vatican II would not condemn Communism in order to secure the presence of the Russian Schismatics at the Council. Now then, Communism was indirectly included in the warning of Our Lady when she spoke about the “errors of Russia.”
'Do not look to Rome'
• In 1957 Sister Lucy told Fr. Fuentes to tell the world not to look to Rome or the Holy Father for a call to do penance. Each one has to save his own soul and those that God placed on his pathway.
• Paul VI misled the world in 1967 by celebrating Fatima’s 50th anniversary with a bogus Lucy at his side. He never released the Third Secret and only made one feeble attempt to consecrate the world (without specific mention of Russia) at the closing session of Vatican II. In search of a false ecumenical peace, he chose the United Nations over the Mother of God.
• In 1982 John Paul II visited Fatima with a bogus Lucy. His sermon focused on Our Lady’s attempt to warn us. However, even his repeated attempts to make a consecration stand as proof that he knew he had not fulfilled Our Lady's requirements.
• John Paul II visited Fatima for a second time in 2000 with a bogus Lucy to beatify Francisco and Jacinta. In his sermon he warned that the Church was being undermined. Later that year he released a fake Third Secret. In effect he repudiated the message of Fatima by repeatedly teaching a form of universal salvation, that all men can be saved in their various religions because they all contain a partial truth.
• Card. Joseph Ratzinger, then head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (and later Benedict XVI) - released as the true secret “the Bishop dressed in white” document, which is a false third secret. He never attempted to consecrate Russia. He denied that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. Further, to a reporter during his flight from Portugal to Rome, he affirmed the messages of Fatima were a product of children's imagination.
• Francis insulted the Fatima message before a half million people at the canonization of the two shepherds Jacinta and Francisco at Fatima in 2017 by reducing it to nothing more than a reminder from Mary "that God's light dwell within us and protects us." He also rudely offended Jacinta when he said that a Mary "who restrains the arm of a vengeful God" is a Mary "of our making." Now then, Jacinta had affirmed precisely that.
The Argentine pope rarely mentions praying the Rosary, never mentions the devotion of the Five First Saturdays, and clearly does not believe in the prophetic message of Fatima about a coming chastisement.
After this brief exposition, I can only ask: Have the words in the deciphered version of the Third Secret about the Popes and the Church become clearer?
Was the true Third Secret of Fatima revealed during the 100th anniversary year?
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been living what was predicted in the Third Secret for over 50 years, since Vatican II, which officially established the apostasy in the Catholic Church.
But phrases like “Church of hell”, “multitudes praising the devil,” a “Holy Father with a gaze of evil” are shocking, disturbing, not believable and very difficult for many to digest.
This poor appetite for what is disagreeable is understandable. However, when we look at facts that the Conciliar Church has denied, then it might not be so surprising.
The discovery over 10 years ago that there was more than one Sister Lucy and that Catholics had been deceived gave great credibility to a Church infiltrated by Progressivism capable of every deceit. People began to wonder how much had been left out of the story of Fatima since 1958.
Abomination of desolation: a statue of Buddha placed over the Tabernacle of St. Peter Church in Assisi with the agreement of John Paul II
- “When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: He that reads let him understand.” (Mt 24:15)
- “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive even the elect. Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.” (Mt 24:24-25)
- “But yet the Son of man, when he comes, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?” (Lk 18:8)
In recent centuries, there have been other warnings:

Our Lady finds herself in cold modern churches... or in monstrosities like St. Monica's in Madrid, below
“I saw a strange Church being built against every rule … as well as the new church of Rome. The Church is in great danger. They are demanding something from the pope. The Protestant doctrine and that of the schismatic Greeks are to spread everywhere. The Church is being cleverly undermined. I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas, which are dangerous to the Church.
"They are building a great strange and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of every description. Such should be the new Church.” (1820)
“Then, I saw that everything that pertained to Protestantism was gradually gaining the upper hand and the Catholic Religion fell into complete decadence. Most priests were lured by the glittering but false knowledge of young school teachers, and they all contributed to the work of destruction.” (June 1, 1821)
• On September 19, 1846, Our Lady of La Salette told Melanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud: “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
In that message Our Lady also said that in the year 1864 Lucifer, together with a great number of devils, will be unloosed from Hell; little by little they will abolish the faith, even in persons consecrated to God. They will blind them is such a way that, unless they are blessed with a special grace, these people will take on the spirit of these angels of Hell; a great number of religious institutions will lose the faith entirely and cause many souls to be damned.
• On September 25, 1888, following his morning Mass, Pope Leo XIII became traumatized to the point that he collapsed. After awakening, the Pope described a frightful conversation between Jesus Christ and the Devil that he heard coming from the Tabernacle. The Devil boasted that he could destroy the Church if he were granted 100 years to carry out his plan. To the Devil’s request, Our Lord reportedly replied, “You will be given the time and power.”
To counter the Devil, Pope Leo XIII composed the original version Prayer to St. Michael and ordered it to be recited after low masses which continued until 1934 when the prayer was shortened and key parts eliminated. Paul VI eliminated the revised prayer which is still said after traditional low masses.

Devils pull souls into the mouth of Hell
• On November 27, 1902, and May 10, 1904, Our Lord announced to Marie-Julie Jahenny the conspiracy to invent the “New Mass”: “I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake, according to their ideas and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words that are odious to My sight.”
• At the start of the 20th century, Pope St. Pius X pointed to Catholics who were already falling into the paths of Modernism, heresy and indifferentism. On October 4, 1903, he said,
“There is good reason to fear lest this great perversity may be as it were a foretaste, and perhaps the beginning of those evils which are reserved for the last days, and that there may already be in the world the ‘Son of Perdition’ of whom the Apostle speaks in 2 Thes 2:10.”
• On September 8, 1907, Pope St. Pius X published Pascendi Dominci Gregis, which forced the progressivists underground and slowed their progress.
• In 1917 Our Lady appeared at Fatima to help save our souls and prevent the looming crisis, but the popes have consistently paid no attention and refused to obey what has been chronicled in these series of articles.
The response from Rome
Considering all these warnings, what was the attitude of the recent Popes? They refused to obey the mandate of Heaven. Indeed,
• In 1930, Pius XI refused to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which could have prevented World War II.

JPII making a prayer of entrustment and an incomplete consecration in Fatima in 1982
• John XXIII failed to release the contents of the Third Secret in 1960 against the wishes of Our Lady of Fatima. Before the Council, he made the famous Pact of Moscow, the Vatican-Moscow agreement that Vatican II would not condemn Communism in order to secure the presence of the Russian Schismatics at the Council. Now then, Communism was indirectly included in the warning of Our Lady when she spoke about the “errors of Russia.”
'Do not look to Rome'
• In 1957 Sister Lucy told Fr. Fuentes to tell the world not to look to Rome or the Holy Father for a call to do penance. Each one has to save his own soul and those that God placed on his pathway.
• Paul VI misled the world in 1967 by celebrating Fatima’s 50th anniversary with a bogus Lucy at his side. He never released the Third Secret and only made one feeble attempt to consecrate the world (without specific mention of Russia) at the closing session of Vatican II. In search of a false ecumenical peace, he chose the United Nations over the Mother of God.

A clearly bogus Sister Lucy meets with Paul VI at Fatima in 1967
• John Paul II visited Fatima for a second time in 2000 with a bogus Lucy to beatify Francisco and Jacinta. In his sermon he warned that the Church was being undermined. Later that year he released a fake Third Secret. In effect he repudiated the message of Fatima by repeatedly teaching a form of universal salvation, that all men can be saved in their various religions because they all contain a partial truth.
• Card. Joseph Ratzinger, then head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (and later Benedict XVI) - released as the true secret “the Bishop dressed in white” document, which is a false third secret. He never attempted to consecrate Russia. He denied that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. Further, to a reporter during his flight from Portugal to Rome, he affirmed the messages of Fatima were a product of children's imagination.
• Francis insulted the Fatima message before a half million people at the canonization of the two shepherds Jacinta and Francisco at Fatima in 2017 by reducing it to nothing more than a reminder from Mary "that God's light dwell within us and protects us." He also rudely offended Jacinta when he said that a Mary "who restrains the arm of a vengeful God" is a Mary "of our making." Now then, Jacinta had affirmed precisely that.
The Argentine pope rarely mentions praying the Rosary, never mentions the devotion of the Five First Saturdays, and clearly does not believe in the prophetic message of Fatima about a coming chastisement.
After this brief exposition, I can only ask: Have the words in the deciphered version of the Third Secret about the Popes and the Church become clearer?
Was the true Third Secret of Fatima revealed during the 100th anniversary year?
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been living what was predicted in the Third Secret for over 50 years, since Vatican II, which officially established the apostasy in the Catholic Church.

A decisive battle being waged today

Posted June 18, 2018