Fatima Issues
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Was the Third Secret Revealed? - I
Confirming the Deciphered Third Secret
Was the true Third Secret of Fatima finally revealed during the 100th anniversary year? There is strong evidence that can support that it was finally disclosed, although we cannot be 100% sure since numerous false reports regarding the Third Secret were issued.
The biggest breakthrough came in the Spanish book The Best Kept Secret of Fatima by José Maria Zavala. In it the famed Spanish graphologist – handwriting expert – Begoña Slocker de Arce affirmed that one of the documents claimed to be the Third Secret – which is the Secret that TIA site published and discussed in great detail in 2010 – had been drafted by the same hand as the first two documents known to be definitely written by Sister Lucy of Fatima.
Atila Sinke Guimarães proved in his 11-volume series of books on Vatican II Eli, Eli, LammaSabacthani? (My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?) that the goal of the progressivists was to destroy the Catholic Church as she had existed for more than 19 centuries and to replace her with a Church that is the slave of the world and the false religions.
The progressivists were smart enough to understand that the messages of Our Lady of Fatima could destroy their plans that have been on the drawing board since the middle of the 19th century. Their fear was exemplified very clearly when John XXIII did not reveal the Third Secret in 1960, and, after that, the Concilar Church did everything in its power to downplay it and finally set it aside. They were very aware that about 100 years of trying to destroy the Catholic Church could blow right up in their face. They couldn’t take a chance.
The Conciliar Church is the enemy of Fatima
Unfortunately, the majority of Catholics do not believe this premise. They do not want to admit that the Church is infiltrated by progressivists. Because of this, willingly or not, they became enablers who have helped to prevent the true Third Secret from being revealed and the true message of Fatima implemented. I do not exclude that the progressivists planted moles among traditional Catholics to discredit Fatima and instill such false ideas.
These duped Catholics do not believe also or even entertain the notion of the deciphered version of the Third Secret being true because, in it, Our Lady shows the three seers a Church of Hell and a Holy Father praising the Devil.
For analogous reasons these Catholics do not believe there were two or more Sister Lucys or that the Conciliar Church has deceived the world on the Fatima message for the past 60 years.
Confirming the deciphered version
In addition to the handwriting being definitely confirmed as being that of Sister Lucy, the 2017 deciphered version of the Third Secret corresponds to many known facts.
Facts supporting the deciphered version as well as lines from it are in italics followed by evidence that confirm them.
1. It is written on a single sheet of paper.
Card. Ottaviani stated in 1967 that he had read the Third Secret and that it was written on a single sheet of paper.
On February 3-4, 1946, Sister Lucy told Father Jongen, “I communicated the third part in a letter to Bishop of Leira.”
2. It has 25 lines in length.
In 1944, when Sister Lucy delivered the Third Secret to Bishop da Silva, his Auxiliary Bishop João Perdra Venâncio held the envelope containing the Secret up to a desk lamp and could tell that it was not very long, probably about 20-25 lines, he stated.
3. It has two primary parts: on the Pope and the dogma of faith.
On September 2, 1952, following the wishes of Pius XII, Fr. Schweigl interrogated Sister Lucy. When he returned to Rome he told a colleague: “I cannot reveal anything of what I learned from Sister Lucy concerning the Third Secret, but I can say it has two parts; one concerns the Pope. The other logically – although I must say nothing – would have to be the continuation of the words: ‘In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved.’”
The first half of the deciphered version is about the Pope while the remaining portion addresses the dogma of Faith on a single sheet of paper.
4. “Our Lady showed us a Church, but it was a church of hell.”
I offer some words that seem to confirm this assessment.
On June 29, 1972, Paul VI said: “from some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God” (Insegnamenti, 1972, 707).
In an apparition of January 21, 1610, Our Lady of Good Success told Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres that in the period of the 20th century, Hell would be unleashed and many souls would be lost" (Fr. Manuel Souza Pereira, The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana, vol. 2, p. 17).
Our Lady of La Salette told Melanie in the message published in 1879: “Rome will lose the Faith and will become the seat of the Antichrist.”
St. Nilus, 430: “The churches will be deprived of God-fearing and pious pastors … Most will lose their faith …. They will lack even the opportunity to see the truth.
5. “ … and an individual who I describe as the Holy Father leading a multitude that was praising the Devil …”
Sister Lucy told Fr. Augustin Fuentes in her 1957 interview not to look to Rome for the call to do penance, but rather each one must save not only his own soul, but also all the souls God has placed on his pathway.
When we hear about the recent Popes praising rock ‘n roll, are they not indirectly praising the Devil?
When we see them promoting World Youth Days, which are nothing but a rendition of the Woodstock hippie festival, are they not promoting free-love and promiscuity among the youth and, as such, praising the Devil?
When we see the conciliar Popes promoting Communism and its twin sister, Liberation Theology, are they not praising the Devil?
When we see the recent Popes showing all possible tolerance toward homosexuality, are they not praising the Devil?
When we see the conciliar Popes praising Luther and other heretics, are they not praising the Devil?
To answer these five question I say: I actually believe they are praising the Devil.
6. “… it looked like a gray fortress with broken angles and windows similar to eyes; it had a beak in the roof of the building."
This reference to the ugly architectural details, which express how bad the progressivist Church is, can be confirmed by the modern style of the progressivist churches, which since the ‘40s, but principally after Vatican II, are remarkably unsightly and deformed in their features.
Like every architectural style, this new modern church design reflects a whole set of ideas, which we call Progressivism. So, it is quite fitting that Our Lady showed the children an ugly church in order to make the children understand that, under the leadership of the popes, a heretical theology and philosophy would take over the Church.
7. "You saw the apostasy in the Church.”
These are the words of Our Lady to the three seers in the transcribed secret.
In fact, on March 17, 1990, Card. Silvio Oddi told Italian journalist Lucio Brunelli that in the Third Secret the Blessed Virgin was alerting us against the apostasy in the Church.
Card. Ciappi, John Paul II personal papal theologian, told Prof. Baumgartner in Salzburg that the great apostasy in the Church would begin at the top.
8. Because the dogma of the faith is not conserved in Rome, its authority will be removed and delivered to Fatima.
Confirming this line of the deciphered Secret, Sister Lucy wrote at the end of her Fourth Memoir, “In Portugal the dogma faith will always be preserved,” which provided the first clue regarding the contents to the Third Secret.
The transference of the authority of Rome to Fatima, as mentioned in the deciphered version of the Third Secret, is confirmed, I believe, by the prophetic vision of St. John Bosco. He had a dream where the Pope has to move a Flagship under attack to a new safe port, a port described as having two pillars. The Flagship would represent the Pope’s cathedra, or chair, which needs to be moved to a safe place that is not Rome.
But what is the role of the two columns? I think it could well refer to Fatima; In the photo at right you see two columns in the Fatima square with the Sacred Heart of Jesus atop one column and the main tower of the Fatima Basilica stands like another column.
9. In the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone of Peter’s tomb will be removed and transferred to Fatima.
Actually, the corner stone was removed by John Paul II and delivered to Fatima on March 9, 2004.
The one major story of the year that the true Third Secret had been uncovered and revealed was almost completely ignored by Catholics. We will discuss and describe four of the major reasons in upcoming articles.
The biggest breakthrough came in the Spanish book The Best Kept Secret of Fatima by José Maria Zavala. In it the famed Spanish graphologist – handwriting expert – Begoña Slocker de Arce affirmed that one of the documents claimed to be the Third Secret – which is the Secret that TIA site published and discussed in great detail in 2010 – had been drafted by the same hand as the first two documents known to be definitely written by Sister Lucy of Fatima.

For more on the Collection of Guimarães, click here
The progressivists were smart enough to understand that the messages of Our Lady of Fatima could destroy their plans that have been on the drawing board since the middle of the 19th century. Their fear was exemplified very clearly when John XXIII did not reveal the Third Secret in 1960, and, after that, the Concilar Church did everything in its power to downplay it and finally set it aside. They were very aware that about 100 years of trying to destroy the Catholic Church could blow right up in their face. They couldn’t take a chance.
The Conciliar Church is the enemy of Fatima
Unfortunately, the majority of Catholics do not believe this premise. They do not want to admit that the Church is infiltrated by progressivists. Because of this, willingly or not, they became enablers who have helped to prevent the true Third Secret from being revealed and the true message of Fatima implemented. I do not exclude that the progressivists planted moles among traditional Catholics to discredit Fatima and instill such false ideas.
These duped Catholics do not believe also or even entertain the notion of the deciphered version of the Third Secret being true because, in it, Our Lady shows the three seers a Church of Hell and a Holy Father praising the Devil.
For analogous reasons these Catholics do not believe there were two or more Sister Lucys or that the Conciliar Church has deceived the world on the Fatima message for the past 60 years.
Confirming the deciphered version
In addition to the handwriting being definitely confirmed as being that of Sister Lucy, the 2017 deciphered version of the Third Secret corresponds to many known facts.

The deciphered Third Secret - one page with 25 lines
1. It is written on a single sheet of paper.
Card. Ottaviani stated in 1967 that he had read the Third Secret and that it was written on a single sheet of paper.
On February 3-4, 1946, Sister Lucy told Father Jongen, “I communicated the third part in a letter to Bishop of Leira.”
2. It has 25 lines in length.
In 1944, when Sister Lucy delivered the Third Secret to Bishop da Silva, his Auxiliary Bishop João Perdra Venâncio held the envelope containing the Secret up to a desk lamp and could tell that it was not very long, probably about 20-25 lines, he stated.
3. It has two primary parts: on the Pope and the dogma of faith.
On September 2, 1952, following the wishes of Pius XII, Fr. Schweigl interrogated Sister Lucy. When he returned to Rome he told a colleague: “I cannot reveal anything of what I learned from Sister Lucy concerning the Third Secret, but I can say it has two parts; one concerns the Pope. The other logically – although I must say nothing – would have to be the continuation of the words: ‘In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved.’”
The first half of the deciphered version is about the Pope while the remaining portion addresses the dogma of Faith on a single sheet of paper.
4. “Our Lady showed us a Church, but it was a church of hell.”
I offer some words that seem to confirm this assessment.

Hellish, ugly churches became common after Vatican II
In an apparition of January 21, 1610, Our Lady of Good Success told Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres that in the period of the 20th century, Hell would be unleashed and many souls would be lost" (Fr. Manuel Souza Pereira, The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana, vol. 2, p. 17).
Our Lady of La Salette told Melanie in the message published in 1879: “Rome will lose the Faith and will become the seat of the Antichrist.”
St. Nilus, 430: “The churches will be deprived of God-fearing and pious pastors … Most will lose their faith …. They will lack even the opportunity to see the truth.
5. “ … and an individual who I describe as the Holy Father leading a multitude that was praising the Devil …”
Sister Lucy told Fr. Augustin Fuentes in her 1957 interview not to look to Rome for the call to do penance, but rather each one must save not only his own soul, but also all the souls God has placed on his pathway.
When we hear about the recent Popes praising rock ‘n roll, are they not indirectly praising the Devil?
When we see them promoting World Youth Days, which are nothing but a rendition of the Woodstock hippie festival, are they not promoting free-love and promiscuity among the youth and, as such, praising the Devil?

Pope Francis receives the communist symbols during his visit to Bolivia in July 2015
When we see the recent Popes showing all possible tolerance toward homosexuality, are they not praising the Devil?
When we see the conciliar Popes praising Luther and other heretics, are they not praising the Devil?
To answer these five question I say: I actually believe they are praising the Devil.
6. “… it looked like a gray fortress with broken angles and windows similar to eyes; it had a beak in the roof of the building."
This reference to the ugly architectural details, which express how bad the progressivist Church is, can be confirmed by the modern style of the progressivist churches, which since the ‘40s, but principally after Vatican II, are remarkably unsightly and deformed in their features.
Like every architectural style, this new modern church design reflects a whole set of ideas, which we call Progressivism. So, it is quite fitting that Our Lady showed the children an ugly church in order to make the children understand that, under the leadership of the popes, a heretical theology and philosophy would take over the Church.
7. "You saw the apostasy in the Church.”
These are the words of Our Lady to the three seers in the transcribed secret.
In fact, on March 17, 1990, Card. Silvio Oddi told Italian journalist Lucio Brunelli that in the Third Secret the Blessed Virgin was alerting us against the apostasy in the Church.
Card. Ciappi, John Paul II personal papal theologian, told Prof. Baumgartner in Salzburg that the great apostasy in the Church would begin at the top.
8. Because the dogma of the faith is not conserved in Rome, its authority will be removed and delivered to Fatima.
Confirming this line of the deciphered Secret, Sister Lucy wrote at the end of her Fourth Memoir, “In Portugal the dogma faith will always be preserved,” which provided the first clue regarding the contents to the Third Secret.

‘Two pillars’ in the Fatima square
But what is the role of the two columns? I think it could well refer to Fatima; In the photo at right you see two columns in the Fatima square with the Sacred Heart of Jesus atop one column and the main tower of the Fatima Basilica stands like another column.
9. In the kingdom of John Paul II the cornerstone of Peter’s tomb will be removed and transferred to Fatima.
Actually, the corner stone was removed by John Paul II and delivered to Fatima on March 9, 2004.
The one major story of the year that the true Third Secret had been uncovered and revealed was almost completely ignored by Catholics. We will discuss and describe four of the major reasons in upcoming articles.

Posted May 2, 2018