Fatima Issues
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Trip to Fatima? It’s All about Francis
The Vatican released the logo and poster for the Bishop of Rome’s trip to Fatima to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s first apparition to the three seers of Fatima. The message from Rome is very clear. It will be Francis’ message, not Our Lady’s.
It couldn’t be any other way since the representatives of the Church have rejected Our Lady so fully from 1930 to the present. They denied the sins against Our Lord, Hell and the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (here and here). Church officials – starting from the top – seldom, if ever, refer to the great miracle of the sun and when they do it is very vague; they have lied about the consecration of Russia and fooled the world for decades with a bogus Sister Lucy.
The heart shown in the logo, which is intended to represent a Rosary, contains 60 beads – not 59 as the normal Catholic Rosaries – in the colors red and orange with a cross that reminds us rather of the Red Cross emblem than the crucifixion of Christ. This, according to the author, portrays Francis’ message of mercy and peace.
Our Lady did not use a symbol, but her own Heart to convey the true messages of Fatima – as promised in 1917 – at Ponte Vedra in 1925 and at Tuy near the Spanish-Portuguese border in 1929.
It was at Ponte Vedra in Spain on Thursday, December 10, 1925, that the Blessed Virgin accompanied by the Child Jesus on a small luminous cloud, appeared to Lucy in her cell. Our Lady rested her hand on her shoulder, while showing her a Heart encircled by thorns in her other hand.
The Child Jesus spoke first: “Have pity on the Heart of the Most Holy Mother. It is covered with the thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment and there is no one to remove them with an act of reparation.”
Then, Mary said: “My daughter, look at my Heart surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude.
“You, at least, try to console me, and announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months, go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary with the intention of making reparation to my Immaculate Heart.”
This devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, which includes the five first Saturdays, has been hidden for decades from the faithful by the representatives of the Church. On June 13, 1929, Lucy received another important apparition of Mary as she was making a Holy Hour at Tuy in Spain.
Suddenly, the whole chapel was illumined by a supernatural light and, above the altar, appeared a Cross of light reaching to the ceiling. In a brighter light on the upper part of the Cross could be seen the face of a Man and His body as far as the waist; upon His breast was a Dove of light; nailed to the Cross was the body of another Man. A little below the waist, she could see a chalice and large Host suspended in the air, onto which drops of blood were falling from the Face of Jesus Crucified and from the wounds in His side.
These drops ran down onto the Host and fell into the chalice. Beneath the right arm of the Cross was Our Lady and in her left hand was her Immaculate Heart without swords or roses, but with a crown of thorns and flames. Under the left arm of the Cross, large letters, as if of crystal clear water which ran down upon the Altar, formed these words, “Grace and Mercy.”
Lucy heard Mary say that the moment had come when God asked the Holy Father, in union with the Bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. There are so many souls whom the Justice of God condemns for sins committed against her that she has come to ask reparation. She told Lucy: “Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.”
This message was faithfully transmitted to Pope Pius XI, who did not heed Our Lady’s words. The world witnessed the consequent lightning-speed expansion of Communism. The consecration as specified by Our Lady has not been made by the consequent Popes, although eight different variations of it were made.
On October 31 and December 8, 1942, Pius XII, without the Bishops, consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart. On July 7, 1952, he consecrated Russia but not in union with all the bishops of the world. On November 21, 1964, Paul VI consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart without mention of Russia.
On June 7, 1981, John Paul II "entrusted the human family" to "the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin;" on May 13, 1982, he consecrated the world to Our Lady of Fatima without the Bishops and without mentioning Russia; and March 25, 1984, John Paul II consecrated "all individuals and peoples" to the Immaculate Heart with the Bishops, but without mentioning of Russia. On October 8, 2000, he made an “act of entrustment to Mary.” On October 13, 2013, Francis made "an act of entrustment to Mary's protection to revive the faith and charity in people so that they relieve the suffering and the marginalized of society." No mention of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; no mention to Russia
Notwithstanding the incomplete nature of all these acts that did not completely fulfill Our Lady's request, it was reported on June 26, 2000, in the Message of Fatima released by the Vatican, that the fake Sister Lucy had personally confirmed that the consecration of Russia by John Paul II on March 25, 1984, had been completed according to Our Lady wishes, even though the word Russia was never mentioned.
It was one of the many lies contained in the report. We know that the Sister Lucy who validated the report was an imposter and that John Paul II was quoted on that day as consecrating: "the whole world, especially the peoples for which, by reason of their situation, you have particular love and solicitude." These same words were repeated the next day in the L'Osservatore Romano, confirming that the consecration of Russia never took place.
Pope Francis coming to Fatima seems complete hypocrisy!
He probably will not talk about the horrors of sin and the importance of saving one’s soul; he likely will not encourage the devotions to her Immaculate Heart and the daily 15-decade Rosary. If Francis’ follows the normal progressivist plan, he will use Our Lady’s words and twist them in order to present a new meaning that will confuse the faithful in order to meet the needs of those trying to destroy the Catholic Faith.

The official logo: 'Pope Francis with Mary: Pilgrim in hope and peace'
The heart shown in the logo, which is intended to represent a Rosary, contains 60 beads – not 59 as the normal Catholic Rosaries – in the colors red and orange with a cross that reminds us rather of the Red Cross emblem than the crucifixion of Christ. This, according to the author, portrays Francis’ message of mercy and peace.
Our Lady did not use a symbol, but her own Heart to convey the true messages of Fatima – as promised in 1917 – at Ponte Vedra in 1925 and at Tuy near the Spanish-Portuguese border in 1929.
It was at Ponte Vedra in Spain on Thursday, December 10, 1925, that the Blessed Virgin accompanied by the Child Jesus on a small luminous cloud, appeared to Lucy in her cell. Our Lady rested her hand on her shoulder, while showing her a Heart encircled by thorns in her other hand.

At Ponte Vedra Our Lady asked for reparation for the sins against her Immaculate Heart
Then, Mary said: “My daughter, look at my Heart surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude.
“You, at least, try to console me, and announce in my name that I promise to assist at the hour of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months, go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary with the intention of making reparation to my Immaculate Heart.”
This devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, which includes the five first Saturdays, has been hidden for decades from the faithful by the representatives of the Church. On June 13, 1929, Lucy received another important apparition of Mary as she was making a Holy Hour at Tuy in Spain.
Suddenly, the whole chapel was illumined by a supernatural light and, above the altar, appeared a Cross of light reaching to the ceiling. In a brighter light on the upper part of the Cross could be seen the face of a Man and His body as far as the waist; upon His breast was a Dove of light; nailed to the Cross was the body of another Man. A little below the waist, she could see a chalice and large Host suspended in the air, onto which drops of blood were falling from the Face of Jesus Crucified and from the wounds in His side.

At Tuy in 1929, Our Lady asked for the 5 First Saturdays
Lucy heard Mary say that the moment had come when God asked the Holy Father, in union with the Bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. There are so many souls whom the Justice of God condemns for sins committed against her that she has come to ask reparation. She told Lucy: “Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.”
This message was faithfully transmitted to Pope Pius XI, who did not heed Our Lady’s words. The world witnessed the consequent lightning-speed expansion of Communism. The consecration as specified by Our Lady has not been made by the consequent Popes, although eight different variations of it were made.
On October 31 and December 8, 1942, Pius XII, without the Bishops, consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart. On July 7, 1952, he consecrated Russia but not in union with all the bishops of the world. On November 21, 1964, Paul VI consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart without mention of Russia.
On June 7, 1981, John Paul II "entrusted the human family" to "the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin;" on May 13, 1982, he consecrated the world to Our Lady of Fatima without the Bishops and without mentioning Russia; and March 25, 1984, John Paul II consecrated "all individuals and peoples" to the Immaculate Heart with the Bishops, but without mentioning of Russia. On October 8, 2000, he made an “act of entrustment to Mary.” On October 13, 2013, Francis made "an act of entrustment to Mary's protection to revive the faith and charity in people so that they relieve the suffering and the marginalized of society." No mention of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; no mention to Russia
Notwithstanding the incomplete nature of all these acts that did not completely fulfill Our Lady's request, it was reported on June 26, 2000, in the Message of Fatima released by the Vatican, that the fake Sister Lucy had personally confirmed that the consecration of Russia by John Paul II on March 25, 1984, had been completed according to Our Lady wishes, even though the word Russia was never mentioned.
It was one of the many lies contained in the report. We know that the Sister Lucy who validated the report was an imposter and that John Paul II was quoted on that day as consecrating: "the whole world, especially the peoples for which, by reason of their situation, you have particular love and solicitude." These same words were repeated the next day in the L'Osservatore Romano, confirming that the consecration of Russia never took place.
Pope Francis coming to Fatima seems complete hypocrisy!
He probably will not talk about the horrors of sin and the importance of saving one’s soul; he likely will not encourage the devotions to her Immaculate Heart and the daily 15-decade Rosary. If Francis’ follows the normal progressivist plan, he will use Our Lady’s words and twist them in order to present a new meaning that will confuse the faithful in order to meet the needs of those trying to destroy the Catholic Faith.

Posted March 17, 2017