Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The Venezuelan jumping Bishop
A Bishop is a successor of the Apostles, a Prince of the Catholic Church, the Lord of his Diocese. He is the Shepherd responsible for the soul of each one of his sheep and will give an account to God of this mission when he appears before God for his personal judgment. He is also a Confessor of the Faith who should teach his flock the most pure doctrine in a crystal clear way so that his faithful can drink of the spring of the most pure orthodoxy.Above, we see Msgr. Oswaldo Enrique Araque Valero, Bishop of Guanare, Venezuela. He was elevated to this dignity by Pope Francis on July 1, 2023.
He has characterized his "apostolate" by dancing and jumping to the rhythm of local music as a preparation for the celebration of the Holy Mass.
Can we find any similarity between Bishop Araque and the dignity of the Catholic Prelates before Vatican II as described in the first paragraph? Besides the vestments, and these modern chasubles also lack the dignity of old, it is hard to find any likeness.
It is another example of the New Church of the concilar Popes...
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Silere no possum
Posted August 20, 2023
