Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The dancing priest of St. Omer
These pictures are from the Christmas Eve Mass 2010 at the Church of St. Omer in Bavinchove, France. After his homily, Fr. Frederic Lefevre announced "a surprise" to the faithful present. As he finished his words, young people wearing WYD T-shirts filled the central aisle of the church up to the Communion rail and started dancing to the rhythm of soft "Catholic" rock. Fr. Lefevre entered the dance as well, spinning, giggling and waving as can be seen in these photos.
The large number of incidences of dancing priests and nuns, not to mention Bishops and even a Pope, seems to be a progressivist effort to delete the notion of sacrifice from the mentality of the faithful. When these dances occur at Mass, they oppose the notion that it is the repetition of the Sacrifice of Calvary. The Cross, Calvary and the whole Passion of Christ with its accompanying sense of compassion and sacrifice are being replaced by a new religiosity that stresses laughing and dancing. We are witnessing the methodical spread of a heretical practice disguised as if these dances were just joyful manifestations of youth.
The video still can be watched here.
Posted March 27, 2011

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