Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Card. Dolan dances with the Rockettes
A serious divergence between the Most Eminent Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, and His Holiness the Sovereign Pontiff Pope Francis I is taking place. While the latter is an aficcionado of tango, the former disagrees with his Superior and contends that American Broadway musical dances are much better.In this holy competition to know who will triumph in a display of zeal for the glory of God, Francis promoted a public tango session in St. Peter's Square; meanwhile, in early November of 2016, Dolan repeated his "blessing" of the "Rockette Nativity" scene that he had previously made in 2015 at Radio City Music Hall in NYC.
No doubt both Prelates are only concerned about the best way to promote chastity, guard the eyes from immoral scenes, promote the use of modest clothing and give priests a good example on how to cultivate a holy public life.
With these elevated goals in mind, His Emminence deemed it proper and good, for the edification of his flock and the salvation of their souls, to go on stage and dance with the Rockettes, kicking out his leg to show the faithful all the sacrifices he has to endure in order to follow Our Lord Jesus Christ on His Way of the Cross.
Photos from Daily News

Posted August 6, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.