Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Shaman 'blesses' San Bernardino Mass
On October 17, 2021, Bishop Alberto Rojas of San Bernardino, California, celebrated a Mass at Holy Angels Church in Riverside to open the Synod on Synodality. This means that for the next two years the Diocese will consult laypeople about the main problems of the Church to advance democracy and welcome those on her "periphery."To meet the goal of celebrating cultural diversity enforced by Pope Francis on all Bishops, Rojas organized a Mass featuring the different "cultures" in his Diocese. Thus the two-hour-long Mass started with "blessings" by a Shaman, above and below first row, continued with liturgical dances by African and Native Americans, second and third rows, and ended with an invasion of dancers in not-so-modest Aztec costumes, fourth to seventh rows.
Two years ago Francis used the pretext of installing a Church "with an Amazonian face" to destroy what is left of the pomp and sacrality of the Catholic Church. Last year he closed the churches and forbade Catholics to attend Mass and receive Sacraments under the pretext of the Covid-19 scam. This year he is enforcing the "synodal Church" to destroy the monarchical structure of the Church.
How long will it take for Catholics to be convinced that his only goal is actually to reduce Holy Mother Church to dust to achieve the agenda of Progressivism?
Photo from the
Diocese video & photos

Posted October 24, 2021