Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Mapuche Indians vandalize church in Argentina
On November 6, 2020, 12 persons from the Mapuche Indian tribe, who belong to the Lafken Winkul Mapu group, vandalized Our Lady of Luján church in the village of El Bolson, in State of Rio Negro, Argentina.They overturned the church benches, above, desecrated three Crucifixes, first and second rows below, left graffiti on the Statue of Our Lady of Lujan at the Main Altar and on the Tabernacle, third row, and assaulted Fr. Ricardo Cittadini, the pastor of that church, who was kidnapped and released hours after with minor injuries.
In the sixth row, some members of the group expound their position to Fr. Cittadini, in the seventh row they leave the church shouting and gesturing in triumph.
The alleged reason for this profanation was that the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu group invaded and took possession of a land that belongs to the local Archdiocese. The Bishop filled a lawsuit in the local court to regain possession. After he won, the Mapuche Indians vandalized the nearest church in retaliation.
It is a good lesson for Pope Francis and the Bishops who are presenting the Indians and Tribalism as the ideal that we Westerners should strive to reach in society. Actually, as show in this episode, when someone contests their thievery and land grabbing, he is punished in barbarian criminal ways.
In the eighth row, a meeting of the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu group under a poster picturing the communist guerilla Che Guevara, see red arrow. Last row, the encampment of the group on the Diocesan property.

Posted November 8, 2020