Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Why didn't Francis speak on the vandalism in Chile?
On October 18, 2020, there were violent street manifestations in Santiago, Chile, to mark one year of similar protests in October 2019 against the conservative government of Sebastian Piñera. Among the communist-inspired "demands" of the agitators was to change the Chilean Constitution.The government and the Catholic Hierarchy supported this change of the Constitution; and so a Referendum was scheduled to take place on October 25, today.
One week before the vote, a great protest took place that ended in a series of grave profanations against two churches: the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, second to fifth rows below, and St. Francis of Borgia Church, from the sixth row down, both in downtown Santiago.
In addition to setting fire to the churches, their interiors were profaned, their statues thrown from their niches, beheaded and destroyed; their Way of the Cross sculptures smashed. Graffiti covered the walls proclaiming "Death to the Nazarene" and other Satanic slogans.
The Cardinal of Santiago issued a weak communiqué begging for the violence to stop because it was damaging property built with the people's money...
Pope Francis did not say one word. Why? Because he would have to condemn the sacrileges and profanations, and this would encourage votes against the communists in today's Referendum.
So, once again Francis favors Communism and Anarchy even at the cost of ignoring Satanic blasphemies and profanations against the Catholic Church, Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Holy Mother.
Is he actually a Vicar of Christ or of the Antichrist?
Photos from the Social Media

Posted October 25, 2020