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Francis helps Communism in Brazilian elections
On August 2, 2018, Pope Francis received Celso Amorin, the chancellor (2003-2010) of ex-presidents Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff of Brazil at Santa Marta Inn for an almost one hour meeting. Lula da Silva has been incarcerated for four months now, part of a 12-year prison sentence for corruption. The crimes of Da Silva were duly substantiated without any possible doubt, and there are still many other ongoing charges of corruption.The ex-President was first condemned to nine years in prison. His lawyers appealed to a higher court, which not only rejected the appeal but extended the punishment to 12 years in jail.
Brazil will have presidential elections this coming October, and the Workers’ Party, whose founder is Da Silva, tried to enter his name on the ballot as a candidate. This proposal was first accepted by an electoral system court.
This provoking initiative has triggered an enormous controversy, setting the electoral system into a face-off with the judicial system in Brazil. Since Da Silva is in jail, and a convicted person cannot be a candidate, the acceptance of his candidature is tantamount to declaring that he committed no crimes and the judicial system erred.
It was in this context that Pope Francis chose to enter the picture, lending the full weight of the papal prestige to Da Silva’s candidature, thus trying to invalidate the sentence of the Brazilian judicial system and free Lula from prison to campaign for president.
This is the ulterior purpose of the meeting Francis granted Celso Amorin. At its conclusion, the latter gave media interviews, commenting on Francis’ words that favored Lula, which had a strong impact in Brazil. According to Amorin, Francis revealed his deep concern about Da Silva's situation and expressed his malaise over the “white gloves coup-d’état,” a strong accusation that justice was manipulated in both the condemnation of Lula and the impeachment of ex-president Dilma Rousseff – Lula’s successor – for corruption as well.
Pope Francis also sent a written message to Lula, below, as an indirect way to endorse his candidature. The brief text reads: “To Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva with my blessing and asking you to pray for me. Francisco.”
Fortunately, on September 1, 2018, the Superior Electoral Court rejected the candidature of Lula da Silva (6 to 1), declaring him ineligible and forbidding him to campaign from prison in favor of any other candidate.
Notwithstanding the fact that this papal intrusion did not have a judicial effect, it gave a great stimulus to the communist cause in Brazil, since the driving force of the Workers’ Party in that country are the Base Christian Communities, which are powerfully influenced by Liberation Theology. Supported by Francis and by the Brazilian Catholic Hierarchy, these cells continue to generate great social and political turmoil.
If we add this papal action in Brazil to Francis’ constant support for the communist dictator Maduro in Venezuela and his deliberate silence on the draconian oppression of Catholics by Ortega in Nicaragua, we can conclude that today the communist political action in Latin America counts on Francis as its principle agent.
Photos from the Internet

Posted September 2, 2018

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.