Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis pays homage to Fidel Castro
Pope Francis met Fidel Castro on September 20, 2015, during his visit to Havana. As you can see in the photo above, the Pope showed a warm admiration for the decrepit tyrant of Cuba. One could say Francis seems to be venerating the communist despot as he bows to Castro and strongly presses his bloody hands.Expressions of papal admiration can also be seen in the two first rows below, in which Bergoglio seems deeply touched and even emotional to be with Fidel.
The other photos on this page document the climate of mutual cordiality between the representative of Catholics and the criminal responsible for more than 50 years of brutally murdering Catholics opposed to Communism.
According to the video distributed by the Cuban government, "Pope Francis thanked Fidel and Cuba for their contribution for the peace in a world filled with hatred and aggression." If this statement is objective, it reveals the hypocrisy of Jorge Bergoglio, because it is public knowledge that Fidel and Cuba exported armed revolution and guerilla warfare throughout Latin America and Africa as much as they could during almost the whole time Fidel Castro was in charge.
Francis offered Castro his latest Encyclical Laudato si', and the criminal offered the Pope a book - Fidel and Religion - written by Frei Beto, a Brazilian ex-guerilla monk, today a leader of Liberation Theology.
A final detail, in 2012 Benedict XVI also met Fidel Castro on his visit to Cuba, but the tyrant went to meet him at the Papal Nunciature in Havana; on this occasion Francis went to the place Castro chose and at his convenience. Another symbol of the papal subservience to Communism.
A video of the encounter in Spanish distributed by the communist newspaper Granma can be viewed here
Photos from AP & Cuban communist agency Granma, first seen in Amor de La Verdad

Posted September 27, 2015