Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope watches highly immoral circus performance
On January 8, 2020, Pope Francis allowed a highly immoral performance by the Aqua Circus in his General Audience at Paul VI Hall.Actually it is the same Cuban Circus that he watched past January in order to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Communist Revolution. So, this year comrade Bergoglio is celebrating its 61st anniversary.
Besides having a strong communist hue, this performance was highly immoral with scenes that simulated oral sex, above.
Other inadmissible displays of open female legs, below four first rows, bold sensual contortions of the body and profligate dances were performed in the presence of a complacent Francis, who gave the impression that he was just enjoying an innocent distraction.
Further, the change of names from Cuban Circus to Aqua Circus fits the ecological agenda of both Progressivism and Communism, which aims to create the "right to water" (aqua = water) for people who lack access to it, as a way to continue to promote class struggle.
In the last two rows we see Francis posing with the circus artists in order to endorse everything they did and tell Catholics around the world that all these scandalous performances should be not just tolerated, but imitated.
Photos from
Rome Reports, AFP & Internet

Posted January, 26, 2020